Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

November 27, 2014

Dear God,

Happy Thanksgiving (with a voice that alternates between that of a sultry screen star in the 40's and a goose in pain) ~ if you're concerned about catching my sore throat, sinus congestion, chest congestion, cough and on and on, I don't blame you. You can sit on your cushy pillows in Heaven and we can still share a time of togetherness.

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry ... so John Steinbeck said. As of last night we were going to get up, have breakfast, ready the pups for the dog sitter to come in, and head for North Texas about 1. Everything was arranged and the car was set to go. The OTC sinus medicine I had been taking was keeping the virus I have at bay but this morning I felt like someone had given me a shot of the real, honest to goodness flu. As I stumbled into the house, Michael said, "What happened to you?"  I guess I did look rather ragged with my wrinkled jammies, puffy eyes, and hair standing on end. THEN, I opened my mouth, and he really laughed.  My "where's the coffee" came out in crackled pieces. He knew what I meant and while I portioned out 5 bowls of kibble, he made my cup. Those Keurig coffee makers sure are a wonderful invention. Before long, I was sitting on the little stool in the kitchen watching my furry kids inhale their breakfast.

Michael was looking a bit green in the gills and when I looked up from my stool, he was leaning against the doorway. "You sickly?" His response ... "Ya think?" 

Please Lord, strip this grippe from my body leaving it feeling whole once again. And, while you're at it, fix Michael too!
One week of this is enough!!

I remember years and years ago, I kept getting sick ~ my doctor was puzzled because although the strep, kidney infections, flu, etc were real, I shouldn't have been getting one thing right after another. Looking back, it was at a very stressful time in my life and I think that stress has a lot to do with how our bodies operate. I think that dealing with Fibromyalgia, pain, and the stresses of the past few months has taken it's toll. I recognize it and must do something to alter the progression of illnesses eating away at my body. Sooo, starting right now, I am going to buy more veggies and fruits (not only buy them but eat them), meditate and pray, and release every stress that I can. I wonder if I could lock myself in the cottage and have Michael shove a tray through the door?! I think it's time to do a 40 days of prayer again beginning with a fast. Ok ... on the right track ... moving right along...

Please Lord, help me to focus only on You
and the direction you want me to go.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays from the time I was a tiny girl. It was a day when I got to eat all the olives I wanted and I LOVED OLIVES!! My cousins, Sandy and Marcie, would join me filling the relish dishes with those plump green beauties ~ only problem was, my mom caught on before too long and would scold us saying, "You will spoil your dinner." I would make sure I went to the store with my mom to shop for Thanksgiving items just so she wouldn't forget to get extra bottles of olives. Come wash day, she'd find all those pits in my pockets and I'd hear, "Dorothy Bell...." (I smiled then, and I'm still eating olives and smiling ... pits in my pockets!)

Father in Heaven, I thank you for the cherished memories
I have of the Thanksgiving holidays.

I was thinking today about how far our society has deviated from the traditional ways of yesterday. We have gone from the traditional time of cooking, baking, and sharing food and love with family and friends to a hurry up, let's eat, and either head for the pre-Black Friday sales or to watch the football games. What happened to savoring the meal, talking over the blessings and challenges of the year, and just being together? Oh what I would give to have my family back around my dining room table laughing and bragging about of specialness of each dish.

Please Lord, remind us of what is important in life ... those gifts we're racing to get at rock bottom prices... 
Will we remember them 40 years from now? As our families have become so fractured,
I pray that we would come together as You intended.

I am such a sentimental traditional lady and value time spent with family and friends. Today, I missed the adventure of heading north so I had to punt...  I sent Michael to the store to get some Carving Board Turkey slices, made some homemade cranberry sauce, baked a potato, heated up some corn, pulled some rolls from the freezer and baked those, and grabbed a box of Stove Top Stuffing. The table was set with Thanksgiving in mind and by the time I finished preparing the plates, I stood back and said, "Well, it sure looks pretty!" Michael said, "I don't know how you make ordinary look so beautiful and taste so good." It's just adding a little of this and a little of that... he he (Truth be told, neither one of us could taste much but, at least, we tried get in the spirit!)

Thank you Jesus for food that nourishes our bodies ~ thank you for Your Word which nourishes our minds ~
thank you for who I am in You. 

Now, after all that, I am pooped, exhausted, my nose is dripping on to my computer, and I am hacking up enough green gunk to make the Grinch smile! Time for my Thanksgiving nap!!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: I hope that your Thanksgiving was blessed with good food, family, friends, and, especially good health!! If not, I pray for us all to have a sense of humor about the hiccoughs that come when we least expect. The countdown to Christmas begins!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

New Beginnings...

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.
~Bernard Williams

November 24, 2014

Dear God,

It's me and you time. I just took a Praline Pumpkin Dessert out of the oven and the house smells heavenly. I made one yesterday for the Thanksgiving Feast at church and liked it so much that I made another for us to nibble on. It's supposed to chill 4 hours after it cooks on a rack so I'll be having a late evening snack. Yum!!

I had so many things to talk over with You today. The last few days have been busy ones. I scarcely know where to begin.

You know how much I have mourned the loss of our Maltese, Zeke. Each of us have our own ways of dealing with loss ~ mine is to grieve then fill the hole with beautiful memories and a celebration of life in the present. I  knew that Zeke could not be cloned ~ he was a one of a kind rascal that came to us on loan for a specified amount of time. If I only a day with Zeke, it would have been a treasure!

I knew that I would adopt another dog at some point. You and I talked about it and weighed the pros and cons. I knew I couldn't afford to purchase from an expensive breeder so I thought about EBay and Craigslist (EBay much more pricey). My friend, Kat, had gotten her dog, Maxie, on Craigslist so I talked to her about her experience. I must admit Craigslist had about every kind of pet there is at rock bottom prices. The only bad thing was the wading through the scammers and being very smart in dealing. I had a couple encounters that were pretty darn creepy. In fact, one more weird text with this "person" and I was going to report them. I just had to trust in You, Lord.

Bring me a nice quiet sister!

Anyway, Michael and I knew that it wouldn't be easy adding another dog to the family. We had the other dogren to consider and they had to be our first consideration. Our expectations were set pretty high and list of must haves long and detailed.

We're looking for a cool brother!
~Kennedy & Toby

I want a sister I can boss around!
~Harmony Jane

We decided that we would just go see some full blooded Maltese dogs in the price range we could afford. I had a couple conversations that I considered very "normal" and we headed for Fort Worth Saturday morning for Round One of our search. The house was in an "up and coming" area where some homes were pretty broken down and others nicely redone. We pulled up to a little cottage and I texted ... "We're here." 

A young Hispanic lady answered the door and we entered a nicely decorated living area which they were obviously using as their computer room. Everything was clean and there were no dog odors. She had 3 little Maltese puppies in her arms and we were invited to play with the dogs and spend as much time with them as we liked.  They had kept detailed records of their dogs and were anxious to answer any questions we had.  We had taken Toby with us and, I must say, he was quite a gentleman. The puppies were cute and we could tell they were full-blooded Maltese. They were clean, healthy, and lively ... no runny eyes or obvious red flags. Yet, Toby didn't interact with the pups preferring to sit on the sofa between us. A couple times he growled at the puppies not wanting them close to him. Neither Michael nor I were thinking it was a go either. We stayed an appropriate amount of time and were ready to leave with the usual, "Let us think about them and we'll get back to you."

From there, it was like You took the wheel. The lady came back to the living area with a little white dog in her arms ... "I know you said you wanted a full-blooded Maltese, but I have this little puppy that is a Maltese and Shih Tzu mix that sounds perfect for your family. It was like he had a halo over his head. I looked at the puppy then at Michael, "He's the one." She put him on the floor and Toby went over and put his right paw on the puppy's head. From there, they started sniffing butts and playing. We dubbed him Finnegan Ezekiel aka Finn which means the little white warrior with the strength of God and headed home. Yep, just like that...

Sometimes, I just know when things are right ... like when I went to the Open Range Church. When I listen to my first gut feel, I have rarely ever made a mistake in judgement. It's when I've had to second guess myself that I've been sorry. I want to say thank you for that Sixth Sense you've given me!!

Finn has been with us nearly three days now and we've never looked back. He loved the ride in the car (good traveler) and is very smart. At 2.2 pounds, he's a little guy needing feedings every four hours. His bladder is tiny so the most he can go without peeing is about 3-4 hours (although last night he slept for 5 1/2 hours without waking up). Because it's cold outside, we put down a wee wee pad and he got the idea right away. If we say, "Go pee pee," he squats and goes. No accidents so far!!

Everyone has been asking how the other dogs like him. Well, like I said, he and Toby are buds ... Kennedy ignores him ... the little girls would rather he not be here. The pack order has once again been jiggled and, as the new kid on the block, Finn is at the bottom. At this point, he is very submissive. It is fun to watch them vie for their positions.

Being retired and not having a set schedule, has made the transition an easy one. We can give the other dogs the attention they need (Finn still sleeps a lot!) and still care for him as a puppy. It's been six years since we've had a seven week old pup and, believe me, it is different having to think about when to start shots, when to neuter, food, toys, crate, baby gate, etc. It took a couple days to get a schedule set up and puppy proof the house ~ now we're just working the plan. Feed, wait 20 min, put on pad/outside ... play (go outside if nice), put on pad/outside ... nap, put on pad/outside ... wait 4 hours then repeat. Bedtime is at 10pm and our day starts at 6am.

Finn has been good for me. I am able to see the world through his eyes and celebrate each new step he takes. I can tell that he is going to be a lively one ... he loves to follow me back and forth from the cottage to the house and the world is his playground. He doesn't bark much and when he does, it's almost like he surprises himself. He cuddles next to me to sleep and wakes me with puppy kisses when he has to potty. I am sure there will be days ahead when I will wonder what I got myself in to but, for now, life with Finn, Toby, Kennedy, Harmony, and Ruffy is good!

Miss Dottie

Father in Heaven, this Thanksgiving week, I thank you for the blessings you have bestowed on me. The peacefulness inside of me rings loud ~ I hope that makes sense. My list of gratitude grows by the minute! I pray for those gathering this Thanksgiving to celebrate the blessings of family and friends. I pray also for those who are alone and have no one to share your love with. Open our hearts and homes to the less fortunate. Amen! There are so many that are fighting that dreaded cancer and a host of other illnesses and diseases that tear us down physically, mentally, and spiritually. I pray for those seeking jobs ~ open doors, Father, where there are opportunities. I pray for dissension to be stilled in our country. I know that You are in control and that ultimately, whatever happens in our lives can and will be used to your glory and purpose. Amen, it is so!!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The world through my window

Be quiet oh my soul
For thou art with me
Though the moon turn blood red
You fill me with peace
~Miss Dottie

Dear Readers,

I wrote this short little poem in September when we had the second blood moon. I think about it a lot and have been meditating on the words I had written.

Last January, our sweet Sadie crossed Rainbow Bridge. She was in her late senior years, quite sick physically, and had become very aggressive towards people and our other pups. She had been under house quarantine for ten days and we had time to prepare ourselves (if anyone ever really does prepare themselves) for her passing. We grieved yet were so filled with many years of memory-making moments with her. She will live on forever as our Scottie who loved everything pink!!

When Zeke died a week ago, we had no advance warning. He was a healthy two year old Maltese who, we thought, would be with our family another 12-15 years. We adored him and were so careful to keep him safe knowing that he was a digger who enjoyed a trip next door and on down a couple houses to visit his friends, the Chihuahuas. As he had matured, he would sit down when I called his name and wait for me to come pick him up. I'd tickle his belly and tell him what a good boy he was to not run from mama.

I have learned that it is easier to control one dog than three when they are excited and feeding off each other. People are like that too. Give me five minutes with an angry person and, most times, I can calm them down. If there is a mob inciting to riot, bad things happen no matter what is said or done.

No one is ever prepared for an accident that involves death. The tragedy itself not only destroys a life but the aftermath can leave shrapnel in the hearts of everyone left behind.  In a matter of moments, the world through my window became dark and cloudy and I became lost in a flurry of grief. 

So many people have shared their stories with me of their own pets being hit by vehicles, freak accidents, and accidental poisonings. I could understand their pain and they understood mine. The "scene" manages to linger in minds and hearts ... forever. I did have one message that chewed me out for not having my dogs on a leash. I certainly would have if I could have caught them. Accidents happen not on purpose but they are tragic just the same. 

Never criticize a man until you've walked a mile in his moccasins.
~American Indian Proverb

This past week has been one of looking at a different world through my new window. For several days, I woke up and counted noses ~ one, two, three, four ... where's five?? I would put down five dishes of food, and kept thinking Zeke was going to round the corner of the kitchen ready to pounce on his kibble. When I took my furry kids outside, I thought about him chasing after his brothers and looking for the pesky squirrels up in the trees. Everything was just .... off. This morning, Michael did the same thing ~ there were five bowls of kibble on the kitchen counter. He said he'd been thinking about Zeke a lot. 

My focus this past week has needed to be on Kennedy and Toby ~ to aid in any way I could in their healing process. Michael and I took shifts making sure that they were monitored for bloody stools/pee, eye focus, ability to bark, bloating, throwing up, high temperatures, refusal to eat/drink, and wounds that wouldn't heal ~ we had Dr Young on speed dial. It truly is a miracle that they are alive and we celebrate that by fixing the fence and giving them all the attention they want and need.

Today, Toby jumped up on the sofa and down again without wincing in pain. He also led the pack out the back door on a dead run after breakfast. Michael and I stood in the doorway laughing, "That's our dogren!" They still react to loud noises and are needy but they are alive and progressively moving towards a complete recovery.

The world through my window is a little skewed right now and I have the Windex out to make sure the glass is clean and clear. I don't want my view to be distorted with anger and blame. I will not give Satan that toe hold in my life. The healthiest thing for us to do is to learn what could have been done to prevent this tragedy, fix that, and go on down the road.

The world through my window is becoming clearer as the days go by. I am learning so much from my furry kids ~ they, too, are adjusting to a new pack order.

Believe it or not, little 5 1/2 pound Harmony has taken over as leader of the pack. Kennedy is second in the pecking order, followed by Toby and Ruffy. Maybe that order will change but, for now, it's been interesting (and fun) to watch them grieve and rally to establish a new hierarchy.

No matter how many plans you make or
how much in control you are, life is always winging it.
~Carroll Bryant

Well, Carroll, I believe that I was given a precious gift ~ a gift of a little guy who appeared without me asking. Once he arrived, I knew that he would be a very important part of my journey. No holds barred, we shared the adventure of life.  And, that is how it should be.

Miss Dottie

Dear God, The afternoon sun is giving way to the darkness of the night. I praise you and thank you for bringing Zeke into my life. I wouldn't trade my time with him for anything. I'm not going to second guess You about what happened because You are sovereign. I thank you for the reminder that we are to cherish the time we are given with friends, family, neighbors, and, yes, our pets. I pray specifically for baby Liam today as he recovers from his heart surgery. It truly is amazing at how far he has come in such a short time. What an inspiration he is to everyone around him far and wide. I pray also for Robin ~ for her healing and peace. Father God, cancer is a horrible illness and I pray for the researchers ~ that they would find a cure for this disease. Amen! I pray for those who aren't looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas because they will be alone at a time when families gather. Open our hearts and homes! Jesus, you are my king, my comforter ~ it is on You that I am keeping my eyes in this time of readjustment. Lord, bless my Readers ... bless their socks off (well, maybe not their socks off because it's cold outside!) and give them a new identity in You! Amen, it is so!!

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed,
for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
~Isaiah 41:10

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Life with Zeke

November 16, 2014

Dear God,

Our new baby Zeke
May 2013
I went to your house today to praise you and pray. My body was present; but, I must confess, that I was struggling to hold back tears. I felt rather ashamed when Robin came to the front of the church and the elders laid hands upon her to heal her of the wicked cancer eating away at her body. My sorrows seemed so small in comparison. After Pastor Gerald's sermon, I knew that I needed to forgive the man who hit my three little furry boys and that I needed to move on in my grief process. Easy? No. Possible? Yes. My grief has been so deep that just writing about Zeke would throw me into spasms of tears. Tonight, I am ready to lay my baby to rest. The groaning of grief that came from the bowels of my body are now coming softly from my heart.

Please take my hand and join me as I take a walk down memory lane:

Little Zeke came to us through Recycled Pomeranians last May. We really hadn't planned on adopting him but his foster mom, Laura, was going to Waco to deliver a dog who and we were to babysit. Looking back, the first thing the little rascal did was squeeze through the tiny opening in the gate and head for the horse pasture a block from our house. The horses were after him and he was zooming through the pasture as fast as his little legs would go. We FINALLY cornered him and from then on, he won our hearts each and every day. When Laura returned, we told her we were adopting Zeke! That was that...

Zeke was a warrior ... his little body was riddled with a hepatitis virus in June 2013. We were sure he was a gonner but, nope, he rallied and began spreading his wings of love as our traveling companion. We took him to the opening of an art show, to the park, antique shopping, museums, carriage rides ~ he loved going to Lowe's, Home Depot, specialty shops, and Kohl's. He went everywhere the law would allow (and sometimes even places where dogs weren't allowed!). He would hide under the clothes in my basket at Belk not making a sound should a clerk walk by. Wherever he went, people oohed and aahed over his quiet demeanor and his milk chocolate eyes. Zeke was magical!!

Zeke - A patron of the arts!

Zeke ~ A Master Gardener!

Zeke ~ An Antique Specialist!

Zeke ~ An athlete!
Can jump tall tables to get his treats!

Zeke -Expert Shopper!

Zeke ~ Museum visitor!

Zeke - A stylish pup!

Brothers ~ Scamps before haircuts & baths!
Our little Zeke loved romping with his brothers Kennedy and Toby ... especially Toby. They would roll, growl, play bite, and taunt each other to the point of exhaustion. Toby was for wrestling with and Kennedy, well, Kennedy was the instigator of the digging out under the fence. Whenever, Kennedy managed to escape, Zeke was in close pursuit. We never left them outside unattended, so as soon as we saw them head for the fence, we were in a race to see if we could prevent the escape. We filled holes, put in stones to block their favorite places, and were continually monitoring where they were getting out. If you've ever had a dog less than 6 pounds who was a digger, you know what I'm talking about.

Mornings were Zeke's time to shine. I opened my eyes in the morning to his exuberant little antics. He was ALWAYS hungry and knew when the bowls of kibble were to be put down. He had his place beside Kennedy and danced on his back legs as I set down his bowl. He pecked at his food like a chicken pounding with each bite. He was the first to finish eating and would climb up on the dishwasher door to hover over his siblings should they drop a kibble. I would set the timer to let their food digest before heading out to the backyard or taking them for a walk. Zeke was either looking up for squirrels or had his head down sniffing. He hated cold weather, rain, snow, and mud ... no rolling in muck and mire for that prissy little guy! He seemed to know when it was sweater weather and would help me put on his clothes... I would laugh and he would prance through his day.

I'm not going to talk about Zeke's passing except to say that I was so blessed to be his pawrent for the time he was with me. I think we had this mutual admiration society thing going and every day was a beautiful adventure. On days when I was lonely, sad, or not feeling up to par, there was Zeke ready to dry a tear or do something totally out of the ordinary to get my attention.

Zeke's last day was a great one ... he did all the things that made him happy. I am grateful he didn't suffer and that I was with him as he crossed Rainbow Bridge. He will forever hold this special place in my heart and be that one in a lifetime magical Maltese dynamo that joined me on my journey through life.

Today, You convicted me, Lord and I heard you. As you wrote in Ecclesiastes 3, there is a time to be born and a time to die ... a time to weep and a time to dance.

I mourn the loss of my beloved companion and lay the sorrow of his passing at your feet. I stand with my eyes turned upward as Zeke would do and praise your name. I choose to remember the good and to celebrate the moments of knowing that for 18 months I had the best job ever ... being Zeke's mom!! Amen!!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  I know that there are those who have experienced the tragic death of a dog and vow never to allow themselves to be hurt like that again. I do not believe, even for a moment, that I will never get another. There are too many animals out there in need of homes for me to take what I have always regarded as the self-indulgent road of saying the heartbreak of the loss of the dog was too much to ever want to go through again.  In January we said goodbye to our very ill Scottish Terrier, Sadie, and, now in November to our baby Zeke. ALL THE WONDERFUL TIMES I had with them were worth the pain of grief at the end.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Dark Day in Time

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
~Psalm 34:18

November 12, 2014

Dear Readers,

This day started out so beautifully. The Fabulous Five and I were busy. I had been getting tubs out of the storm shelter and taking them into the house to decorate for the upcoming holidays. I felt like the Pied Piper ~ the dogren would follow me back and forth thinking we were playing a game. I had treats in my pocket and they were all wondering when mom was going to deliver the goods. I figured it was one way to keep them close.

The troops eat dinner about 4:30p but it got to be closer to 5 and they were starving. Zeke was the first done and was standing on the dishwasher door hovering over his brothers and sisters. They finished eating and I gave them their usual 20 minutes to digest their food then took them outside. They were so excited and scrambling over each other to get out. I was laughing at them and bringing up the rear. Little did I know my life was about to get tragically kicked out from under me.

As quick as a wink, Kennedy and Zeke ran to the fence by Betty's garage and burrowed out. I made a beeline for the gate thinking I could corner them in her backyard. They ran to the edge of her driveway and were looking at me. I opened the side gate and called them. Zip ... Toby was out too and the 3 of them took off, me right after them. From there, things are kind of a blurr ... I remember yelling, "Noooo." A guy in a black pickup was speeding and hit all three dogs. I remember running after him and watching him speed away.

I could only see two dogs, Zeke was close to me and I dropped to the ground and picked him up. He looked at me, whimpered, and his spirit left his small body. Still holding him, I ran to Toby who was laying in the street yelping. I picked him up. A man who was behind the pickup truck stopped and was so angry ~ "That son of a bitch never stopped. What can I do?" I was babbling incoherently. Within minutes, Beverly was calling the vet and took Toby and Zeke from me. I ran home and put the two little girls in the house. I was calling for Kennedy and went into a PTSD attack of wailing like a small child. I couldn't my mind and heart, I had been violated.

The man and his wife who stopped and my neighbor, Don, said they would look for Kennedy while we took Toby (and Zeke) to the vet. Dr Young, Dr Arnold, and their staff were waiting for us. They had an IV bag ready and were shaving his leg as they whisked him to the back room for xrays and examination. All I could hear was my injured furry kid yelping in pain. Toby's xrays showed no broken bones but he was in deep shock and the vets thought he might have internal bleeding/injuries. I stood there so helpless ~ all I could do was sob. I kept seeing Zeke's little face and was wondering what happened to Kennedy. Dr Young said Toby was one lucky boy and that they would monitor him in the doggie intensive care unit throughout the night. I was torn ~ I wanted to stay but knew I needed to find Kennedy. My mind was fighting to stay focused and I was losing the battle.

Beverly drove me home and I seesawed from sobbing to numbness. I was thinking about how happy I had been today ~ even more joyful than normal. Then, Satan began to have his way with me ... "Aha, you didn't protect the rescues put in your care..." "You, You, YOU!!!" "You didn't deserve these wonderful animals." I put my hands over my ears and reached for my (dead) phone. I plugged it in and waited. I texted my kids then completely broke down unable to speak. Where was Kennedy? It was dark and I wondered if he was injured and hiding. It was so cold outside... I prayed, "Jesus, please bring Kennedy home" and opened the gate.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
~Matthew 5:4

About an hour later, I was trying to talk to my son and I heard a small yap. I hung up and walked to the kitchen door. There he was. There was Kennedy!! He was bloody and limping but there he was!!! I took him inside and cleaned him up. He wasn't going to let me touch his legs but I couldn't see any real gaping wounds. He was going to be fine. I was thanking Jesus like mad for answered prayer.

Michael got home about 11 from work oblivious to what had transpired in these last few hours. He took one look at me and said, "Where's Zeke and Toby? In the house?" (story)  "Ohhhh noooo."  He slumped into the chair. Somehow, the tragedy went from panic and blurr to reality and we were left with our grief of losing our precious magical Maltese baby boy and not knowing what was going to happen to our feisty Yorkie-Poo.

The coldness of an early Winter has catapulted me into a place where I don't want to be. I reached for my computer as I climbed into bed just to simply write down what I was feeling ... no pictures, no fluff, just the rawness of recording what can and did happen in a split second. I remembered when my Pomeranians were stolen (along with my car) years ago and the grief I felt then ... I remembered different times in my life when I felt so totally helpless ... when my baby son was hospitalized, divorce, my oldest daughter deciding to live with her father, going through trauma counseling, my mother's passing, and on and on. Logically, I knew that I would survive because I am a survivor ~ I also knew that I would rely on my faith in Jesus to carry me when I cannot function on my own. 

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
~Psalm 18:2

Zeke arrives in Seidler Dogdom
Photo taken 5/13/2013
The depth of grief is only as horrific as the amount of love bestowed. I loved little Zeke and every day was an adventure. He helped me laugh at times when I didn't feel like laughing. He was my traveling companion who loved all strangers who stopped to oooh and aah over him.

Tonight as I put away my computer, I am fully aware that there will be no little furry fella snuggled up against me during this cold night. I don't know if my little Yorki-Poo will ever come home again. Yes, I whisper, "Why, God, why..."

Miss Dottie

Dear God in Heaven, I sure hope that you are enjoying a romp in the clouds with my little Maltese Zeke ... you know, the one with the tipped halo, the milk chocolate eyes, and the fluffy white wings... I'll bet Sadie was there to welcome him over Rainbow Bridge and the first one to show him the ropes. I know some folks think it's silly to get so attached to pets but as an empty nester, they have filled my life with such joy when I've felt lonely and have given me purpose when I wondered what I was going to do with the rest of my life. It was You who prompted me to adopt 4 rescues! I pray for Toby who is in ICU tonight ~ for his complete recovery emotionally and physically. Amen! I pray for Kennedy that he will recover from the trauma of being hit. Amen! I pray, Father, for all of us going through the grief process knowing that You are with us. I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I do know that in time I will be able to take supernatural comfort in remembering the little magical fella that came into my life in May of 2013. RIP, Zeke!

Father, one more time, I've learned that we are to embrace the love we have for those in our lives and not think there's always going to be a tomorrow. Sometimes there are no tomorrows, no more chances to mend fences, to say, "I love you," or just enjoy the beauty of the day. I pray for my family, friends, and Readers across the globe as they face their own trials and grief. Life isn't fair ... it isn't always beautiful ~ it is what it is ... life.

Amen, in Jesus name, Amen, it is so!!

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest."
~Matthew 11:28

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Oh what a beautiful morning!

November 10, 2014

Dear God,

Thank you for the gift of a beautiful day. It's supposed to hit the 80's today then temperatures will start falling. Kind of weird because I have the air conditioner going in the cottage and know that it won't be long and I'll be having a fire in the fireplace all day as well as a little heater going in the bathroom. Here comes Winter!!

I walked through the gardens this morning to assess what plants will weather the cold and which ones will need to be taken indoors. Actually, I am thinking that I might put them in the shed and put a blanket over them. The Pansies are tough little rascals and will do fine. I got some mums at Bonnie's Greenhouse (can't beat 50 cents a plant!) to replace the ones that died last Winter. Will need to get some good mulch to keep them warm so they will over-winter and pop up in the Spring. The big old tree sure has a lot of dead branches ~ praying that they will fall into the yard and NOT on any plants. Thank you Lord!!

Thought I was being careful to keep an eye on my furry kids but wouldn't you know it, Kennedy dug out when my back was turned. I didn't even know he was gone ~ Michael took the trash out and saw him meandering around in the neighbor's yard. Aughhh...gotta love my wandering Pom-Chi. At least Zeke hadn't followed him out. Everyone is safe in the cottage so blow wind blow!!

Sing it Will!
Father God, I missed going to your house on Sunday and worshiping with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I just know that Will and the Open Range Band had everyone tapping their toes and raising their hands in praise. My week just doesn't seem right without heading for the country and feasting on your word via Pastor Rick and Pastor Gerald. I've been playing the Open Range CD and singing along but somehow it's not quite the same. I need my bones and muscles to stop their tantrums and my energy level to raise up so I can pull on my boots and coat next Sunday and soak in the sunshine that the Open Range Cowboy Church offers!! Amen, it is so!!

Pastor Rick steps in for Miss Kitty

Hamilton Elf loves Winter!
Today, is special because it is today ... simple as that. I am making plans for decorating the house for Christmas and writing the third children's book about Hamilton Elf. Don't be surprised if he shows up at the Open Range Church and takes a seat. A couple years ago, he went to Florida but he's never been to Your House.

Lord, I don't know why but Hamilton Elf makes me smile and others smile too. Last year he didn't receive the attention he should have and this year needs to be different!

I was reading in the Bible today ~ Acts 24-26 ~ and, there was a verse that popped out at me. In Acts 24:14-16, Paul was talking about what he believed in: salvation, serving God, the Jewish law, books of prophesy, and the resurrection of both the righteous and ungodly. In verse 16, he stated: "Because of this I try with all my strength to always maintain a clear conscience before God and others." I had this underlined, highlighted, and marked with X's and check marks. Obviously this verse is one I want to remember and live by.

Some years ago now, I went through the 12-Step Program of Alanon then began teaching the steps. As I made amends to those I had hurt and cleaned house in my own self and life, I began to keep my slates clean each and every day. I sleep well at night and there is so much more room in my heart to love and be loved. God, You have been so good to me. You've been with me every step of the way on my life's journey. I've seen You at work in ways that seemed impossible. You give me such comfort!

We are never alone!
Lord, I want to pray for your people today. I want to lift them up with prayers of love knowing that as I do, You are ready to receive them. Hear their cries, comforting them in ways that only You can. Protect my friends and family in the north as they experience their first winter storm. As we all start to get ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas, help us to remember how important it is to be thankful AND the real reason for the season! Amen, it is so...

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: Not too long ago I read a quote by Marcel Proust that went something like this ... let us be grateful to the people who make us happy for they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. Before I came in from walking my gardens, I looked up into the sky and felt such a joy for the people who brighten my days. Life is good!