Be quiet oh my soul
For thou art with me
Though the moon turn blood red
You fill me with peace
~Miss Dottie
Dear Readers,
I wrote this short little poem in September when we had the second blood moon. I think about it a lot and have been meditating on the words I had written.
Last January, our sweet Sadie crossed Rainbow Bridge. She was in her late senior years, quite sick physically, and had become very aggressive towards people and our other pups. She had been under house quarantine for ten days and we had time to prepare ourselves (if anyone ever really does prepare themselves) for her passing. We grieved yet were so filled with many years of memory-making moments with her. She will live on forever as our Scottie who loved everything pink!!
When Zeke died a week ago, we had no advance warning. He was a healthy two year old Maltese who, we thought, would be with our family another 12-15 years. We adored him and were so careful to keep him safe knowing that he was a digger who enjoyed a trip next door and on down a couple houses to visit his friends, the Chihuahuas. As he had matured, he would sit down when I called his name and wait for me to come pick him up. I'd tickle his belly and tell him what a good boy he was to not run from mama.
I have learned that it is easier to control one dog than three when they are excited and feeding off each other. People are like that too. Give me five minutes with an angry person and, most times, I can calm them down. If there is a mob inciting to riot, bad things happen no matter what is said or done.
When Zeke died a week ago, we had no advance warning. He was a healthy two year old Maltese who, we thought, would be with our family another 12-15 years. We adored him and were so careful to keep him safe knowing that he was a digger who enjoyed a trip next door and on down a couple houses to visit his friends, the Chihuahuas. As he had matured, he would sit down when I called his name and wait for me to come pick him up. I'd tickle his belly and tell him what a good boy he was to not run from mama.
I have learned that it is easier to control one dog than three when they are excited and feeding off each other. People are like that too. Give me five minutes with an angry person and, most times, I can calm them down. If there is a mob inciting to riot, bad things happen no matter what is said or done.
No one is ever prepared for an accident that involves death. The tragedy itself not only destroys a life but the aftermath can leave shrapnel in the hearts of everyone left behind. In a matter of moments, the world through my window became dark and cloudy and I became lost in a flurry of grief.
So many people have shared their stories with me of their own pets being hit by vehicles, freak accidents, and accidental poisonings. I could understand their pain and they understood mine. The "scene" manages to linger in minds and hearts ... forever. I did have one message that chewed me out for not having my dogs on a leash. I certainly would have if I could have caught them. Accidents happen not on purpose but they are tragic just the same.
Never criticize a man until you've walked a mile in his moccasins.
~American Indian Proverb
This past week has been one of looking at a different world through my new window. For several days, I woke up and counted noses ~ one, two, three, four ... where's five?? I would put down five dishes of food, and kept thinking Zeke was going to round the corner of the kitchen ready to pounce on his kibble. When I took my furry kids outside, I thought about him chasing after his brothers and looking for the pesky squirrels up in the trees. Everything was just .... off. This morning, Michael did the same thing ~ there were five bowls of kibble on the kitchen counter. He said he'd been thinking about Zeke a lot.
My focus this past week has needed to be on Kennedy and Toby ~ to aid in any way I could in their healing process. Michael and I took shifts making sure that they were monitored for bloody stools/pee, eye focus, ability to bark, bloating, throwing up, high temperatures, refusal to eat/drink, and wounds that wouldn't heal ~ we had Dr Young on speed dial. It truly is a miracle that they are alive and we celebrate that by fixing the fence and giving them all the attention they want and need.
Today, Toby jumped up on the sofa and down again without wincing in pain. He also led the pack out the back door on a dead run after breakfast. Michael and I stood in the doorway laughing, "That's our dogren!" They still react to loud noises and are needy but they are alive and progressively moving towards a complete recovery.
Today, Toby jumped up on the sofa and down again without wincing in pain. He also led the pack out the back door on a dead run after breakfast. Michael and I stood in the doorway laughing, "That's our dogren!" They still react to loud noises and are needy but they are alive and progressively moving towards a complete recovery.
The world through my window is a little skewed right now and I have the Windex out to make sure the glass is clean and clear. I don't want my view to be distorted with anger and blame. I will not give Satan that toe hold in my life. The healthiest thing for us to do is to learn what could have been done to prevent this tragedy, fix that, and go on down the road.
The world through my window is becoming clearer as the days go by. I am learning so much from my furry kids ~ they, too, are adjusting to a new pack order.
Believe it or not, little 5 1/2 pound Harmony has taken over as leader of the pack. Kennedy is second in the pecking order, followed by Toby and Ruffy. Maybe that order will change but, for now, it's been interesting (and fun) to watch them grieve and rally to establish a new hierarchy.
No matter how many plans you make or
how much in control you are, life is always winging it.
~Carroll Bryant
Well, Carroll, I believe that I was given a precious gift ~ a gift of a little guy who appeared without me asking. Once he arrived, I knew that he would be a very important part of my journey. No holds barred, we shared the adventure of life. And, that is how it should be.
Miss Dottie
Dear God, The afternoon sun is giving way to the darkness of the night. I praise you and thank you for bringing Zeke into my life. I wouldn't trade my time with him for anything. I'm not going to second guess You about what happened because You are sovereign. I thank you for the reminder that we are to cherish the time we are given with friends, family, neighbors, and, yes, our pets. I pray specifically for baby Liam today as he recovers from his heart surgery. It truly is amazing at how far he has come in such a short time. What an inspiration he is to everyone around him far and wide. I pray also for Robin ~ for her healing and peace. Father God, cancer is a horrible illness and I pray for the researchers ~ that they would find a cure for this disease. Amen! I pray for those who aren't looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas because they will be alone at a time when families gather. Open our hearts and homes! Jesus, you are my king, my comforter ~ it is on You that I am keeping my eyes in this time of readjustment. Lord, bless my Readers ... bless their socks off (well, maybe not their socks off because it's cold outside!) and give them a new identity in You! Amen, it is so!!
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed,
for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
~Isaiah 41:10
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