Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Let's take a poll...

Do It Anyway ~ Martina McBride

Many churches of all persuasions are hiring research agencies to poll neighborhoods, asking what kind of church they prefer. Then, the local churches design themselves to fit the desires of the people. True faith in God that demands selflessness is being replaced by trendy religion that serves the selfish. ~Billy Graham

November 4, 2014

Dear Readers,

Today is election day. I haven't voted yet but I have two options: get my neighbor to take me or wait for Michael to get home from work. Either way, I will get there. Voting is my way of having a say. As an Independent it's been quite an ordeal to look at each candidate and make my choice. I am excited and prayerful that good will come at the end of the day!! Don't feel like voting? DO IT ANYWAY!!

I read the above quote by Billy Graham and WHOA! it stopped me dead in my tracks. I've been thinking about it ever since and, I must admit, I felt this deep sense of sadness. Why have churches had to resort to gimmicks and public opinion polls to bring in the fold? Is the truth based on the Word of God not enough? Just because the majority of the people want something doesn't necessarily make it right.

Over my 60+ years, I've visited and been a member of many different churches ~ all of which worship Jesus as the Son of God. Bigger seems to be better these days and, like so many others, I have been drawn to the huge productions, bands, and hype. (By the way, I LOVE the musical productions given at Easter and Christmas!) Our pastors take lessons from voice coaches and learn ways of "selling" Jesus and their particular church to the masses ~ sermons are even posted on line so pastors don't need to write their own. People are saved and the title Christian handed out like getting some sort of emotional diploma of an assurred salvation. Next comes the wooing of the rich for, after all, it takes money to run a big church. Gotta make those folks happy!! Church rosters can become a who's who and churches aren't God's, they are called,  Pastor ______'s church. I'm probably starting to ruffle feathers by now and that's okay.

Miss Dottie speaks from the heart
on some touchy subjects!
I've had many different trains of thought running through my brain this morning and am trying to sort them out ~ forgive me if I ramble. Sometimes I just have to pray and allow the Lord to move my fingers. It seems to work out better that way.

Okay, something heavy has been weighing on my heart so I am taking a poll of my own logic and emotions. I needed to settle my own conscience. Have we begun to rationalize our Christian beliefs? This week, Brittany Maynard chose to end her life rather than face dying a death by a cancer that was progressing rapidly. I've had family and friends die painful deaths so the soft side of me understands not wanting to endure that kind of death. The logic side of me agrees with my soft side so that should be a no brainer on which side I favor, right? We euthanize our pets when they get to the point of being in pain and efforts to extend their lives are exhausted and I'm a pet lover. More ammunition. I've read all the comments from friends and they all make perfect sense. All this being said, I had to ask myself ... "What does the Bible have to say on this?"

A Christian viewpoint takes into account God as the author and finisher of life ~ and the rightful dependence of human beings upon Him. As Christians we are called to be salt and light within our spheres of influence. All this being said, I turned to my Bible to see what God had to say:

First of all, God has appointed a time for all of us to die. "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment."~Hebrews 9:27 "Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time?"~Ecclesiastes 7:17

Secondly death is when the spirit leaves the body which is an act of God. "There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death..."~Ecclesiastes 8:8

Thirdly, euthanasia is the taking of a life before God's time. Physicians are nowhere in Scripture given authority by God to take someone's life. Apart from the government in the case of capital punishment, all other human being are given the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 10:13) and "Thou shalt do no murder" (Matthew 19:18

For me, this was the big one: ASSISTING A SUICIDE IS PUTTING ONESELF IN THE PLACE OF GOD. Taking a spirit from the body is God's job!!!

I want to end my blog today with this poem for a couple of reasons ~ today is election day and we need to be mindful of who we vote for and what platforms they stand on. Another reason is that I want to make my own platform known. "There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death."~Proverbs 14:12

In America, the terminalists came for the unborn child,
but I didn't speak up because I was no longer an unborn child;

Then they came for the newborn spina bifida child,
but I didn't speak up because I was "normal."

Then they came for the Down's child,
but I didn't speak up because I was too intelligent'

Then they came for the handicapped, but I didn't speak up
because I was uncomfortable with someone appearing less than perfect;

Then they came for infirm seniors,
but I did not speak up because I was healthy and middle-aged;

Then they came for the healthy, "non-productive" retired,
but I did not speak up, but I did begin to wonder;

Then they came for me, but by that time there was no one left to speak up.
~Dachau, 1938
~America 1990's
by Len Beckman

My Readers, my Readers, this is 2014 ~ where is our moral compass today ~ what would you add to the list? I am praying for you as you struggle with your own beliefs and issues. As Pastor Dudley says, "I am telling you what God says; if you have a problem with that, take it up with Him." I believe that with all my heart. Once I accepted Christ as Savior, I became his ~ in life and death. I am His, by birth and by blood ~ I do not live, and I do not die, on my own terms.  

Miss Dottie

Dear God,

Forgive us as a sinful, selfish nation ... people consumed by comfort, materialism, and not wanting to suffer pain in any area of our lives. As our minds begin to erode into what seems to be right, help us to come to You in prayer and soak in your wisdom. Sin always starts with that first step of pleasure and logically thinking, "this is okay." In reality, we should be thinking that we should be obedient to the cross and leave the outcome to you. We have the ten commandments ~what part of thou shalt not kill do we not understand? It's easy to jump on the bandwagon of save the baby whales and every abandoned animal that's been abused. And, by the way, make our lives free of any hindrance to our comfort while we're at it. You say You don't like that Father? I don't either. Clear our minds to the evilness that seems so okay and help us return to what is really important. Our country needs a little shaking up. (Actually, a whole lotta shaking up!) Amen, dear Jesus, it is so!!

PS  A person's dying may not be easy, but what of value in life is? Caring for our loved ones as they die is simply part living beyond self. It is rarely fun, and is often downright hard but it is as important and valuable as any experience in life. My father and mother died quite suddenly leaving such an empty hole in my life. To have had the honor of loving Michael's Mother, Virginia, through her last years gave me such joy. We moved here to be close to her and were able to share her days up until that very last breath ~ yes, I was there.

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