Saturday, December 31, 2011

December 31, 2012

What Are You Doing New Years...
Written in 1947

Ready for breakfast?
Good Morning, Readers!  The coffee is perking and I have fresh donuts for dunking.  The powdered sugar sweetens the coffee and makes it sooo inviting!  The table is set ... come on in!!

Supposed to be a nice warm day today.  I will be out weeding in my gardens for sure and breathing in that wonderful fresh air!!

Can you believe that 2011 has come and soon will be gone?  I can't.  I don't know if it's just me but time seems to zoom by at such a rapid rate these days.  I talked to my daughter, Jane, yesterday and we are hoping that 2012 will be one of those amazing years for our families.  2011 has been fraught with some trying times.  I've had emails from some of my Readers, agreeing with me on that note!

The past couple days we've attended funerals which reminded us how very fragile life is.  Mattie Bell's celebration of life was just that ... a fine tribute to Jackie, Jenny, and Paula's mother.  The service was held in a quaint little chapel ... the music was soulful, the messages heartwarming, and the exchange of love between family and friends poignant.  Mattie lived a long and full life and, although she will be missed, she is in a much better place.  We were fortunate to be able to have coffee with Michael's cousin, Bill, and his wife, Jackie after the service.  They are a wonderful couple and I hope that we are able to join them for many more such visits!

Bryan's funeral was different ... much more somber ... a young man of 35 cut down in the prime of his life by a tragic accident.  Bryan was a trick roper and always wore boots and a hat.  How fitting that he should have a cowboy funeral ... he was buried in a beautiful carved pine box, his saddle blanket and hat gracing the top.  Behind the coffin was a beautiful spray  of flowers surrounding the skull and horns of Bryan's beloved steer, Gus, who had passed away recently.  The skull and horns were a Christmas gift to Bryan from his father ... Bryan was so excited ... "I am taking Gus home with me!"

Job said, "Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return:  the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord"~~Job 1:21.  Then, these words were added, "In all this, Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly" (v22).  I thought about that message before the service and again afterwards.  I wondered how Bryan's family would ever recover from this horrible loss.  Then, I knew ... the grace of God would hold them in the palm of his hands and the Holy Spirit would minister to them singly and as as a whole.  This was so evident at Bryan's celebration of life.  Bryan's family had loved him from the moment of his birth, spent time with him, and cherished him as a boy and as a man.  Tears, sadness, guilt, pain, sorrow?  Yes.  Hope in forgiveness, life everlasting ... God's ultimate plan?  Yes!!

My Girls, February 2011
This year has been filled with some tough times starting with the flood at the little casa, Michael's unemployment, chronic illness challenges, deaths...  Yet, there have also been some really good memories that I will ponder in my heart forever.  My trip to Florida to spend time with Jane, Tim, Madison, and Katrina last February/March; my trip to Minnesota in July/August to spend time with my brother and family, friends, and other relatives; multiple trips to the ball field to watch Zachary and Nicholas play baseball; visits with friends and family over the year; and, my trip back to Florida in November/December.  My blog has reached the far corners of the earth and I have received many emails letting me know how I am touching their lives.  In all humbleness, I say, "Thank you!"

I am not a big one to make new year's resolutions per se because my life's goals are always moving forward.  Most of the time, resolutions are very short lived so why do it??  I was listening to a fellow who had a gym in Denton, TX talk about the new year's resolution of losing weight (when I worked for Jenny Craig, January was our biggest month for new members joining the program) and why people fail.  We are a microwave society and want our resolutions to happen overnight ... when we realize that they take work, patience, perseverance, and time, we give up resorting to our old ways.  Human nature...

I do love to make plans and look forward to the journey -- some things get moved on forward to the next year; however, I do work on them.  I thoroughly enjoy the process, one step at a time.  I'm a stubborn lady.  Once I set my mind on something, I forge ahead.  I look at the backyard at the little casa and shake my head.  We were hoping to have a landscaper do the major portion of the landscaping but when Michael lost his job, that plan went out the window.  I have been working diligently out there one square foot at a time.  What an undertaking!!  I was hoping for some grass and all of a sudden, the whole backyard was covered in nice thick green weeds!  I hope I didn't just pray for a green backyard!!  He he...  At least the mud isn't coming into the house any more so that's a good thing!!

What are your plans for New Year's Eve?  I don't have any.  Bummers!  Just one year, I'd like to go out for a wonderful dinner at a fine restaurant, dress up in an elegant evening gown, and dance in the New Year.  Years ago, I did that and it sure was fun. For sure, I am going to put that on my bucket list for next December 31st!!  Want to join me??  I can taste that steak with bearnaise sauce and hear the band playing now!  The good news about having experienced something wonderful, you never forget it!  Tonight, I'll settle for chicken fried chicken, cream gravy, mashed potatoes and green beans.  It's a tradition in the south to have black eyed peas on New Years Day so I may need to rustle up some of those.  Looks like I will be spending some time in my new kitchen!!

Yesterday was my friend Beverly's birthday.  I asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday and she said that she wanted to go to Braums for a burger, onion rings, and a malt.  Done ... we made our way over there and had some great hamburgers and good conversation.  Beverly has been such a blessing this past year when I have spent more time here than at our home in North Texas.

The old gymnasium in Hillsboro is being torn down.  Michael has been on the hunt this morning for a hard hat so he can walk through the rubble in search of treasures.  He found a pair of (really old) tennis shoes stuck between the studs of a wall and a few other things before he was run off.  Treasure hunts are always great fun!!  It is so sad that the city couldn't have resurrected this wonderful building for something.  I am so into preservation of our history in America.

As 2011 comes to a close, I want to say thank you for all the encouragement and blessings that you, my Readers, have given me.  Please know that you are all loved and prayed for each and every day.  As I move into 2012, it is my hope and prayer that we will continue to chat.  Life is so very precious, let's not waste one moment of it!

Happy New Year!!
Until we meet again ... be safe!

PS:  Last year we greeted 2011 with a snow storm.  I wonder what 2012 will bring!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Life is so fragile...

Time stands still for no man
No matter how much one does wish
To keep our lives most holy
And nights unendless bliss.

Death comes to us all.....

(Part of a poem written by Miss Dottie in 1973 after the death of Mom and Dad Anderson and Dad Pederson who passed away about six months apart)

Good Afternoon, Readers!  Come on in for a cup of coffee and a chat.  It's kind of chilly outside but oh so warm within the walls of the little casa.

Christmas Eve Day, Michael and I visited the Christmas Store and also an antique store in downtown Hillsboro.  We were rummaging through the treasures before us when Michael got a phone call letting us know that his Aunt Mattie had passed away the night before.  We looked at each other and our joyous laughter quieted to a more somber tone of, "Oh, dear..."

Aunt Mattie had been in poor health for quite some time; however, death still comes when you least expect it and it carries that sting of finality.  Michael shared some stories of his aunt with me and we made our way to the nursing home to tell Mom S about Mattie's passing.  One more family member of her generation ... gone.  I am sure she has spent many hours reminiscing of days gone by.  We will travel to North Texas tomorrow to attend Mattie's funeral and celebrate her life with other family members.

When people have lived full lives, we know the end is "around the corner."  It's the ones who pass from birth into their younger years that we shake our heads at and wonder,  "Why, Lord?"

Yesterday, Michael was looking at his high school reunion board on the internet and saw an entry that brought him to his knees -- Bryan S killed in family hunting accident.  We immediately called Bryan's mother, Debbie, to find out if this posting was true.  Debbie was Mom S's housekeeper and dear friend for years. Through Mom, Debbie became friends with Michael and I.  Debbie stopped by the house a week ago telling us about her upcoming surgery and how excited she was to be having her whole family in for the Christmas holidays.  Little did she or we know how different life would be in just a few days time.

Why Bryan?  Bryan was just 35 and in the prime of his life.  He was married and had two children.  Life was good.  He was an accomplished trick roper and performed for various crowds across Texas with his trained steer “Gus."   He touched many lives throughout the entire world proudly serving his country in the United States Navy.  The circumstances surrounding Bryan's death have filled my heart with sorrow.  Bryan has gone on to a better place to be with his Heavenly Father BUT those left behind are in shock, sorrowful, and broken.

We never know from moment to moment what is coming around the corner - good or not so good.  Like Bryan on a fun family hunting expedition -- who would have thought that joyous occasion would be marked with tragedy.  Death doesn't wait for opportune times.  It strikes with a sting like no other.  Bryan's funeral is Friday but even then I know healing will take a long time.

God brings us into this world with a plan for our lives.  Too bad, He doesn't deliver us with papers telling us what that plan is and how long we will be here.  It is so difficult for us to understand the big picture and how the puzzle pieces fit together.  That's where trust and faith come in.  Trust in knowing that God knows what He is doing and Faith in knowing that "all things work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).

Myrna Lee, Top Row on Right
Miss Dottie, Bottom Row 2nd from Right
I will never forget May 24, 1957.  My mother came into my room that morning, her eyes red and swollen.  She looked at me and said, "Myrna died last night."  Myrna was my seventeen year old cousin.  Again, a tragic tragic accident...  I was not allowed to attend the funeral but I wanted to go.  Myrna had been my Summer babysitter and she was someone I was in awe of ... how she pinned up her hair with bobby pins, painted her nails, smacked her lips when she put on lipstick, charmed her boyfriends...  She was just erased -- gone -- not talked about in my presence.  I think adults don't give kids enough credit, shielding them from life when maybe it's better to not shield so much.   How about talking through the tragedy?  Just my opinion for whatever it's worth.  Kids need to say goodbye too!

Life is so fragile ... too fragile for us to just take up space in this world.  At birth, we're given this moment of time ... maybe that's why I sometimes burn the midnight oil or get up at the crack of dawn.  I don't want to miss anything.  I want to dance like nobody's watching ... sing ... love ... feel every emotion possible ... learn ... grow ... give and receive ... experience all there is to experience this side of Heaven!!  Don't you want to, too??  If you knew you were going to die tomorrow what would you do??  I don't know about you but I would make every single second count.  I would be hugging and loving up a storm!!

Grandma's give great hugs & lotza love!

Greg (36) gave his
life for our freedom!
 Is it possible to praise God, even in the midst of trials ("...I am trusting you!  I will hide beneath the shadow of your wings until this storm is past."~~Psalms 57:1) and tears ("...You have collected all my tears and preserved them in your bottle!~~Psalm 56:8)?  Absolutely ... there is no healer like our Almighty God (Jehovah Rophe).  Not only does he heal but he restores!!  Tragedy has given birth to many great causes (my cousin, Jim, who lost his son, Greg, in Afghanistan, comforts and counsels other families who have or are going through similar losses).  Laws have been enacted -- foundations established -- lives saved through organ donors -- the list goes on and on.  Sadly enough, it takes tragedies for us to get off our (ahem!) butts and do what needs to be done!

Come on, join me today in making your life count for something.  Do you know anyone who is going through tears and trials?  Pick up the phone or make a visit.  Don't know what to say?  A simple, "I care" will suffice.

As much as we'd like, no matter who we are or what we do, time passes by.  What you do is up to you but once your days, hours, minutes, seconds have gone by you will never get them back.  Use your time wisely!

As for you, my precious Readers,

always know you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

O Holy Night

O Holy Night...

Merry Belated Christmas, Readers!  Did you think that I forgot about you?  Not on your life!

Christmas Eve, Michael and I attended First United Methodist Church.. The present church sanctuary dates back to 1853 ... I walked up the steep steps to the church, opened the doors and was hypnotized by the beauty before me.  The oak pews, the stained glass windows, the placement of the balcony ... I couldn't help myself.  I took out my trusty camera and took a photo of the Christmas tree gracing the corner.  There were maybe 150 people at the service -- quite an intimate setting to celebrate Christ's birth.  No fancy choirs, pastors ... just plan folks who generation after generation have found their way to this church to worship.  There was a couple who sang O Holy Night and I caught myself thinking that it, indeed, was a very Holy Night!  I prayed for you, my Readers and for my friends and family.  The Lord felt very close and I drank in every moment of my time there.  I also realized just how much I miss being an active part of a church family.  No excuses ... I was convicted!

It was very cold and wet here Christmas Eve.  We drove down a few streets to look at the lights.  I felt so sad ... so many beautiful old homes deteriorating from lack of care.  I wished I was rich ... I would buy the town and salvage these historical gems!  I wished that we could have put lights on the little casa.  She deserved to be lit up after her transformation over the past year!  We need to have an electrical box put in the front of the house ... is on my list for Lupe to do in 2012!!

Tommy, Angie, Zachary & "Saint" Nicholas
We invited some friends in for Christmas Day dinner.  I was busy with the turkey, dressing, setting the table; and, oh my gosh, my son and his family appeared at the door.  Surprise!!  Yes, it was ... their presence made this the best Christmas ever!!  Good thing I always make plenty of food ... all I had to do was extend the table to get all eight of us around it.  You know how shocked I was because I forgot to take photos.  Bummers!  I have much to treasure in my heart!

In my last blog I mentioned that I was having unbelievers for dinner and that I had prayed that they would see Christ Christmas Day.  Well, you wouldn't believe what happened.  As we sat down to eat, I had this strange feeling come over me and God prompted me to ask Zachary (age 8) to say the table prayer.  Out of the mouths of babes ... Zachary not only blessed the food but he wished Jesus a happy birthday and thanked God for sending his son to die on the cross for us....  As my son said later, he gave an hour's sermon in a two minute prayer.  Do you think we have a future preacher in the family??  Zachary's love of Jesus shines from every bone in his body and speaks in a way that warms the coldest of hearts.  All I know is that the seed was planted and love reigned Christmas Day!

Virginia Ann, Age 85
Later Christmas Day, we all went to the nursing home to visit Mom S.  She needed help this year unwrapping her gifts.  Most of all, she was so excited to have a family to celebrate Christmas with.  Zachary and Nicholas wrapped their arms around her, hugging her and telling her they loved her.  She melted...ah, once again, a life was touched by the blessing of family!

Sadie and Toby say "Bye!"
I was sad to see Christmas Day end.  It started out with a surprise ... answered prayers ... and ended with love exchanged ... FAMILY - For Better or Worse.  Yes, we are family ... God doesn't make mistakes.  I see the Lord working in each of our lives, pruning us and making us better people.

The older I get, the more I realize how important grace is in families.  Often times, I think we find it easier to extend grace and kindness to strangers than we do our own families.  We are bound together as a unit to uplift and support one another no matter what.  There is always HOPE which is never more evident than the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Always remember that you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!


Friday, December 23, 2011

Rudolph the red nosed reindeer...

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!

Good Morning, Readers!  It's a brr cold morning here in Central Texas!!  I got up early to let the dogren out, feed them, then hopped back into bed to get warm.

The little casa is a pier and beam house and the wood floors don't have much under them so, guess what?  The cold air comes up through the floors.  Instant air conditioning!  Good thing that the heater works to keep us toasty warm.  I was wondering how the couple next to us is doing ... they have two babies and no central heat.

I found a crazy site on the Internet (myWebFace) where you can do cartoons etc.  I played with it awhile.  I am not an artist but it was kinda fun to mess with.  The picture on the left is supposed to be me ... he he!  Merry Christmas from Miss Dottie the red nosed reindeer!!

Well, folks, we know the winner of the XFactor.  Melanie Amoro!  All three finalists are great in their own genres and I wouldn't have been surprised if the votes were pretty close between the three, Josh, Chris, and Melanie.  I hope and pray that they all go on to have successful careers!  Was a fun show to watch each week...

Well, folks, I am now into the last book of the Bible, Revelation, written by John while he was exiled on the island of Patmos.  Through a dramatic (I don't think there is an adjective big enough to describe the scenes in this book) series of pictures, signs, and symbols, John depicts the judgement upon the earth, the final conquest of satanic forces, and the beginning of a new heaven and new earth.  Exciting stuff!  The pages in my Bible are a mess ... I have underlined and highlighted passages and written in the margins.  "...I have opened a door for you that no one can shut."~~Revelation 3:8  Yes, we have that assurance ... once we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, no one can close that door!  Hallelujah!!

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve Day ... can you believe it?  Christmas is just around the corner.  As I wrote this sentence, I had a vision of my brother and I all dressed up looking out the window for mom and dad to come home from work.  The event we looked forward to from January 1 of each year was at hand and the parties were about to begin!

In my vision, I was not yet a teenager.  It was the period of time when we traveled to Morris, Minnesota to spend Christmas Eve at my Aunt Sis's home.  There would be chili for the kids and oyster stew for the adults.  Nothing fancy served in a fancy way but there was joy and merriment.  As much as my father's family was on the reserved side, my mother's family was quite boisterous.  Norwegian vs English??  At any rate, we had a great time stuffing ourselves and opening our gifts.  As a photographer, I wish I had photos of those Christmas's.  Yet, I have the memories and they are quite vivid.

I do want to share something with you today.  You know, when I first started my blog in October of 2009, my memories of my childhood were almost nil.  Once I got rid of all the crap and became transparent to the world, my good memories have started to come in waves.  Oh, I still have huge blanks but I think that the Lord will reveal those times as I am able to handle them.  In the meantime, I am enjoying this season of love, hope, and joy remembering the Christmas's in my past that were particularly wonderful.

As we all gather with friends and family this Christmas ... or, even if you are spending Christmas alone, I pray that you will take some time to sit quietly and look about you.  Praise God for what you have.  Reach out to others who are less fortunate.  With the birth of our Savior, God gave us that internal hope that spurs us on when life seems so very dark.  If all you have is Jesus, is that not enough?

We were hoping that Mom S would be able to come to the little casa for Christmas this year.  A few days ago, I watched the aide carefully as she lifted mom into her wheelchair.  The aide was a big burly young girl and she struggled with mom's dead weight nearly missing the wheelchair as she turned her around.  It made me very sad to think that Mom would need to stay in the nursing home for Christmas.  Mom has been slipping ever so slightly each month and I dread the day she will slip from our midst and join those who have gone before her.  Each day with her is a gift!  Please remember those in the hospital, nursing homes, or who are shut ins this Christmas Season.

Speaking of invitations and visits.  I am off to invite a neighbor to Christmas dinner.  I don't know her but I do know she is going to be alone for Christmas.  She is an unbeliever and it is my hope that she will see Christ on Christmas Day!!  Now wouldn't that be something!

Well, Readers, I've had a couple cups of hot coffee and so enjoyed chatting with you this chilly Winter morning.  As you are out and about today, take gentle care not only of yourselves but the people around you.

And, don't ever forget, you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Says Miss Dottie and Kat ...
Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas in a Big Way!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas at the little casa 2011!

Feliz Navidad!

December 22, 2011

Feliz Navidad!  I am settled in at the little casa for Christmas.  It will be the first Christmas here since the renovations took place.  Last year we had a flood just before Christmas and ended up having to do a redo on top of the redo of the kitchen, dining room, living room and hallway.  We are blessed to have the inside finished and have enjoyed many days of rest and relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Our home in North Texas has been on the market since October ... With showings going on, I didn't decorate the house for Christmas this year BUT did fill the little casa with all things Christmas.  The only thing I am missing is the fireplace but maybe that will get put in this next year.

Some months ago, I did a blog on living large in a tiny house.  I laugh because I wondered how we were going to fit in our favorite Christmas decorations in such a small space.  Somehow ... it just worked!!

Merry Christmas from the little casa!

Family and friends are always welcome at the little casa.  Some come in the front door yet others walk around to the back door and grab a cup of coffee before nestling down in the parlor (I got that term from Bestemor and love it!).  My kitchen turned out beyond my wildest dreams.  I have been baking up a storm and stockpiling cookies and candy for gifts.  The wood floor creaks beneath my feet as I walk from the refrigerator to the sink to the stove!  I look down and see the imperfections of many years of love as those baking and cooking before me have made their mark ... Dad Seidler making his German specialties ... Mom Seidler making her bread pudding and divinity...  Now, it's Michael and I stamping our mark with our own delicacies.

If you take a few steps up (yep, the floor slants a little!!) you enter our dining area.  If we squeeze in elbow to elbow our table will seat eight.  The room is surrounded by prints, needlework and paintings of special memories.  We especially enjoy candlelit dinners preferring the table to eating in front of the TV.  I'm kind of a fufu person loving the feel of gently worn cloth napkins and silver.  I often wonder if the times of dinner together has gone away with the busyness of our lives ... not at the little casa!!  We will host Christmas dinner this year for two of our neighbors ... Fun!!

Our parlor is small but just perfect for intimate conversations.   Michael and I love to read so it was important to have a place for our books.  My favorite movie of all time is It's A Wonderful Life ... a springboard for my collection of Waterford bells proudly displayed beside the books.  I so enjoy looking about me and seeing pieces that have become like old friends over the years.  I made room for a large Christmas tree this year surprising Michael (he kept telling me it wouldn't fit!!).  If there's something he's learned about me since we've been married it's that if I set my mind to do something, it gets done!!

The only thing left of the old bathroom was the tub which was resurfaced (yes that does work ... perfectly!!).  I drew a blank when trying to design the bathroom so picked out the sink and vanity and told the contractor to "have at it."  Lupe did an amazing job of coming up with a very functional yet "pretty" space!!  I am able to light candles and have a great soak in a very deep tub!!

Our guestroom doubles as an office but has maintained it's charm and comfort.  Every now and then, I go in there if I am having trouble sleeping.  I can hear the fountain outside and the comforting noises of the night lulls me to sleep!  Hamilton Elf found a spot in there this Christmas and has been instrumental in overseeing the Christmas decorating.

It's sort of odd but the master bedroom is the largest room in the casa.  There was room for a tree and, yes, I leave the lights on at night so that I can wake up and look at the beauty of the glass ornaments sparkling against the darkness of the room.  The room is cozy and I get that warm fuzzy feeling when I crawl under the layers of covers on the sleigh bed.

Songs of Christmas echo through the rooms of the little casa enveloping us all in the backdrop of what is to come in a few days time.  The smell of evergreen candles brings me back to a time when Christmas trees were cut and carried into the house to be adorned with special ornaments made by little hands.  There are a few packages wrapped under the trees ... more than enough to make us grateful and less than years before to make us humble.  We wish we could gather our families here for an old fashioned Christmas but will be content knowing that we will all be celebrating separately yet together as FAMILY - FOR BETTER OR WORSE.

For those of you who share the experience of living in an old house, you will understand when I say that the little casa is imperfectly perfect.  With all its little quirks, dents and dings, it is a charming getaway from the craziness of the world outside.  Our Christmas here will be joyful ... Christmas Eve dinner with Mom at the nursing home ... Christmas Eve candlelit church services ... and, Christmas Day festivities with Mom at the nursing home and our neighbors coming for dinner.  It will be a packed couple days!

I hope and pray that you will take time to rejoice with me as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.  For in the words of Roy L. Smith ... "He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree."  Think about that as you make those last minute Christmas preparations.  Without "Him" there would be no Christmas!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!
Merry Christmas!!

It's Christmas Time in Texas

It's Christmas Time In Texas!

Yes, it's Christmas time in Texas!  Thought I would get your blood pumping with a little George Strait this morning!  Nothin' like a little Texas twang to either warm your heart or set you on edge!  Either way, tap your toes, Santa's on his merry way!!

Since I was in Florida for three weeks, this Christmas has been sort of, well ... different.  When I was in Florida, I experienced a tropical Christmas.  The light show at the Wiregrass Mall was amazing ... they even had snow blowing around from some machines.  The kids were going nuts trying to catch the flakes swirling about them.  The one thing that I noticed the most was that there aren't many churches ... guess I am used to living in the Bible Belt!!  I Christmas shopped for my Florida family while I was there and felt sad knowing that I wouldn't be present when the gifts were opened.  I am like so many who have loved ones far away.  Christmas is about the Christ Child and family ... I always have Christ with me but, sadly, I only see my Florida family a couple times a year.  I am grateful for phones, email, and Facebook to keep in touch.

I do have to laugh, though.  My granddaughter, Kat, called me a couple nights ago screaming in the phone, "Grandma, I love the dress and the purse ... I'm going to wear it for my Christmas party at school."  Evidently, she didn't have anything special to wear to her party and mom, Jane, figured she would love opening a gift early.  It made my heart sing to hear her so excited.  She is a giver and was telling me that she was going to fill her new purse with candy ... one for each person in her class.  Kat loves sparkle and glam ... besides being a fit athlete, she is quite the fashion plate.  I tucked that conversation away in my memory bank and smile every time I think about my relationship with Miss Katrina!

It's downright cold here today.  I was sleeping so soundly when the dogren got me up to let them outside.  Figured I might as well stay up so I put on a pot of Christmas Coffee and made some banana muffins.  The aroma must have floated across the street 'cause friend, Beverly, came over to share my brew and goodies.  I just love it when people feel comfortable enough to wander over on a whim.  I put on the Christmas album sung by Il Divo and we enjoyed good breakfast and made plans for dinner Christmas Day (as well as plans to walk each day).

I am on track for finishing reading the Bible through this year.  In fact, I will finish early and prepare to begin anew January 1.  People ask me why I do this every year and I don't have a set answer.  For some reason, I just want to.  I want to know the man I call my Savior, my King.  When I was in Florida, Katrina, asked me about the Bible and I told her it was a very special book to me ... one that I cherished.  She did some Christmas shopping at school and gave me a beautiful little candle holder with an angel ... she said, "Grandma, you told me that the Bible was important to you so I figured you would like this angel."  So many people have and are writing religious themed books but the Bible is the living word of God and it speaks to me, answers my questions, keeps me on track ... I am a work in progress and I learn something new each and every day then meditate on that.  If you haven't tried a Daily Walk Bible, I highly recommend giving it a go in 2012.  All I can tell you is that by the grace of the living God, I am whole.  I harbor no resentments and keep my slates clean.

Today, my reading took me to Jude, a book of one chapter!  I end my blog today sending you a Merry Christmas blessing (Jude 1:1-2) ... "To: Christians everywhere--beloved of God and chosen by Him.  May you be given more and more of God's kindness, peace, and love."

Always Your Friend ... Miss Dottie


Saturday Thoughts...

December 17, 2011

Good morning and Merry Christmas countdown, Readers!  I have a fire going in the fireplace this morning to take the edge off the chill.  Just poured myself a hot cup of coffee.  Want to join me?  I know some of you don't like coffee so I do have a wonderful mix of hot chocolate ready as well.

First of all, I need to tell you something.  The last night I was in Florida, Jane took me to the AT&T store and introduced me to a wonderful young lady.  Jane explained I needed a new phone.  The clerk took one look at my phone and shook her head ... "Ready for the Smithsonian, huh??"  The first question out of her mouth was, "What do you want to use your phone for."  I immediately knew I liked this woman.  I needed a phone to call and receive calls and to get messages that was very user friendly.  (Period)  She took me to a wall of phones and gave me a short tutorial on the IPhone.  I was able to use the phone immediately and knew that it would serve my purposes.  When I got home, my eight year old granddaughter showed me how to use additional features and then Tim got me set up to use several apps.  I was so proud of myself.  I still am getting used to all the features but am totally comfortable with what I initially wanted to use it for.  I think the problem with new technology is that often times the person explaining it knows it too well and isn't able to sell to the level of the buyer. old phone is now retired and I am set for another ten years!!

Yesterday was my son's birthday ... thirty-seven!  Gulp!!  You know you're getting older when your children are into their 40's and late 30's.  My son is the baby of the family and has brought such joy to all of us.  He was a spunky little guy yet quiet, deep, and thoughtful ... come to think of it, he still is quiet, deep and thoughtful!  A mother's pride and joy!  He went through some years of trial as a young adult bringing me to my knees many a day and night.  God truly does answer prayer and has not only taken him from the depths of darkness but opened his eyes to the newness of life.  I am so proud of not only who he is in his heart but also who he is becoming one day at a time.  God has been using him for great things and I know that will continue on into the future!

I don't know what's been the matter with me...  I have been in an up and down purple funk for a few days which is not like me at all.  Maybe because it's that I am in a place where I don't know exactly what is going on.  I have been used to being in the work force, having health insurance that I understand, and making a decent salary that has allowed me to live simply yet comfortably.  Turning sixty-five has been confusing to me and I have been trying to steady myself.  It would be so nice if Medicare would have group meetings so that I could ask questions and feel comfortable with the system.  I've always been such an independent person and this is eating my lunch.  Anyone relate?

I just checked my Facebook page and found several postings regarding those who have loved ones in Heaven for Christmas.  Christmas can be a tough go for those with raw emotions regarding those who have passed on.  I have such wonderful memories of my mother and father at Christmas as well as my grandmothers and other family members who have gone before me.  I giggle when I think about watching Bonanza Christmas Eve at my Aunt Laura's and Uncle Cloyde's home (they had a black and white TV that was covered by a screen that was supposed to make the program appear as though it was in color).  We oohed and aahed over a pretty goofy looking screen.  I am so very grateful for my memories because they have carried me through some tough Christmas's.  I think it's important to remember; yet, what's even more important is our task at hand to make memory making moments with those who are still here with us.  That was then, now is now.  I guess that sounds rather blunt but we can live so much in the past that we can't see the beauty of today.  We have those we love with us but for a moment in time and must make the most of that time whether it be a few minutes or many many years.

Michael and I attended grandson Nicholas's Christmas (yes, Christmas) Program at school yesterday.  Those little kindergartners are so darn cute.  We laughed and smiled and soaked in every moment of the festivities at the program and afterwards at the parties not only in Nicholas's class but also in Zachary's class.  I couldn't help but feel the joy joy joy joy in the air!  Boy!  They really belted out "We wish you a Merry Christmas!!"  Seemed like yesterday that we were watching Zachary (now in second grade) perform in those same reindeer hats!

I hope that all of you are enjoying the festivities of the Christmas Season.  Each day holds new adventures as time ticks on...  Let's chat again soon!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Rain on a Thursday!


December 15, 2011

Brr! I am back in Texas.  Been in a bit of a purple funk and really missing my Florida family.  It has taken me a couple days to adjust to being home.  I've found myself sleeping more ... gotta get back in the groove.  It's Christmas!!

It is really cold and rainy here today.  I was hoping to go outside and write my blog ... not a good idea.  The wind is driving the rain up on the back porch, the thunder sounds ominous, and I'd need a pair of those gloves without the fingers to type.

My choice??  Stay inside by the fire and regroup making a list of what I need to do before Christmas gets here in a couple weeks.

I just read Billy Graham's newest book, NEARING HOME.  The Reverend Billy Graham is a man I have admired and listened to for years.  My friend, Susie, mentioned his book in a Facebook entry and I decided I would give it a read.  Good stuff.  I've never wanted to just "take up space."  It's always been important to me to give my family the legacy of my character and my faith.  Yes, I have made a whole lot of mistakes in my life; however, my heart has always been pure and my faith deep.  I want others to remember that I was a survivor in life and claimed victory over the voices than ran rampant in the bowels of my brain affecting my choices.  I'm sure some would call me a Jesus fanatic.  That's ok.  Without Him, I'd hate to think where I would be now.

Something really hit home with me in NEARING HOME ... the words "then" and "now" ... words Ruth (Billy's wife) spoke often.  Ever have a past you'd like to forget?  Ever had people not forgive you no matter what you did to make amends?  That was then ... now is now ... who are you now ... what are you doing now?  You and I can't go back and do a rerun of our lives.  We did what we did based on who we were and were experiencing in that season of time.  What we can do is make our lives count for something now.  We can forgive and move on no matter what others do or say to or about us.  When someone keeps bringing up your past, tell them that was then and now is a new day ... a new you.  With your confession and atonement, Jesus wiped your slate clean.  Be who God meant for you to be ... today!!  Hold your head high.  My counselor, Ruth, told me years ago ... "Dottie, the only people who like doormats are those with dirty feet."  Remember that!!

Last night I watched The XFactor on television.  The performances were all very good and I'm not sure who I would vote off the show.  One song that truly touched my heart was Hallelujah sung by Josh Krajcik.  Amazing!  Each contestant has such a touching story and I like that ... I clapped for all of them hoping they will be able to use the show as a springboard to changed lives.  I may not be into all of the music genre's but I am in to feeling their spirits!  It is my hope and prayer that the fame and new found financial freedoms will not warp their hearts as often times it does.  Yep...I watch a show and pray for those on it!  No matter how old I get, it is my own prayer that I will always be able to pray in a clear mind. 

I am so glad each Christmas Eve!  Yes, I am.  I am grateful for the babe in the manger and all the hoopla that goes along with the celebration of my savior's birth.  I can't wait to sing the traditional Christmas Carols and mingle with fellow believers.  I love the green boughs with the red berries and pureness of Winter snow.  And, the smells of Christmas.  How can anyone forget the smells of Christmas??  The magic of this wondrous night resounds throughout the world never to be muffled.

Ah yes ... Christmas ... a time excitedly anticipated by young and old.  A culmination of all the efforts gone into making sure that every thing is merry and bright.  I say this also remembering Christmas's when I was alone in Texas while my children traveled to Minnesota for Christmas with their father.  Last year, I'd had neck surgery, Michael worked Christmas Eve and, once again, Christmas was ... well, different.  I am so deeply grateful that I had my faith to carry me through ... I wandered through the house touching the many decorations that brought back memories and smiles.  I remembered the real reason for the season and strangely enough, my focus brought me peace.  Christmas isn't always about family gatherings and presents ... sometimes, it's about introspection and a savoring of the gift of a Savior.

This morning, I watched the movie, It's A Wonderful Life.  I am a sucker for tradition and have watched the movie each year for, oh gosh, thirty plus years.  Every time I watch it, I see and hear something new.  We really never know how much we affect other people's lives, do we?  Remember that as you drive down the road, walk through the malls, or, in general, interact with those around you.  How about a kind word, a smile?

It is so very quiet in the house this morning.  Michael, Toby and Sadie are napping and the only sound is the clacking of my fingers on the keyboard.  It's times like this that visions of life float about me traveling as a mist through my mind and heart.  It's a time I feel close to God and to the world about me.  This morning, my mind travels to thoughts of all things Christmas!!  I eagerly look forward to spending time with my Texas family ... tomorrow is my youngest grandson's Christmas program at school and also my youngest child's thirty-seventh birthday!  What a fabulous way to start the weekend!  The next couple weeks will be quite busy!!

Until we chat again, I wish you love and joy this Christmas Season!  Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!