Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Rain on a Thursday!


December 15, 2011

Brr! I am back in Texas.  Been in a bit of a purple funk and really missing my Florida family.  It has taken me a couple days to adjust to being home.  I've found myself sleeping more ... gotta get back in the groove.  It's Christmas!!

It is really cold and rainy here today.  I was hoping to go outside and write my blog ... not a good idea.  The wind is driving the rain up on the back porch, the thunder sounds ominous, and I'd need a pair of those gloves without the fingers to type.

My choice??  Stay inside by the fire and regroup making a list of what I need to do before Christmas gets here in a couple weeks.

I just read Billy Graham's newest book, NEARING HOME.  The Reverend Billy Graham is a man I have admired and listened to for years.  My friend, Susie, mentioned his book in a Facebook entry and I decided I would give it a read.  Good stuff.  I've never wanted to just "take up space."  It's always been important to me to give my family the legacy of my character and my faith.  Yes, I have made a whole lot of mistakes in my life; however, my heart has always been pure and my faith deep.  I want others to remember that I was a survivor in life and claimed victory over the voices than ran rampant in the bowels of my brain affecting my choices.  I'm sure some would call me a Jesus fanatic.  That's ok.  Without Him, I'd hate to think where I would be now.

Something really hit home with me in NEARING HOME ... the words "then" and "now" ... words Ruth (Billy's wife) spoke often.  Ever have a past you'd like to forget?  Ever had people not forgive you no matter what you did to make amends?  That was then ... now is now ... who are you now ... what are you doing now?  You and I can't go back and do a rerun of our lives.  We did what we did based on who we were and were experiencing in that season of time.  What we can do is make our lives count for something now.  We can forgive and move on no matter what others do or say to or about us.  When someone keeps bringing up your past, tell them that was then and now is a new day ... a new you.  With your confession and atonement, Jesus wiped your slate clean.  Be who God meant for you to be ... today!!  Hold your head high.  My counselor, Ruth, told me years ago ... "Dottie, the only people who like doormats are those with dirty feet."  Remember that!!

Last night I watched The XFactor on television.  The performances were all very good and I'm not sure who I would vote off the show.  One song that truly touched my heart was Hallelujah sung by Josh Krajcik.  Amazing!  Each contestant has such a touching story and I like that ... I clapped for all of them hoping they will be able to use the show as a springboard to changed lives.  I may not be into all of the music genre's but I am in to feeling their spirits!  It is my hope and prayer that the fame and new found financial freedoms will not warp their hearts as often times it does.  Yep...I watch a show and pray for those on it!  No matter how old I get, it is my own prayer that I will always be able to pray in a clear mind. 

I am so glad each Christmas Eve!  Yes, I am.  I am grateful for the babe in the manger and all the hoopla that goes along with the celebration of my savior's birth.  I can't wait to sing the traditional Christmas Carols and mingle with fellow believers.  I love the green boughs with the red berries and pureness of Winter snow.  And, the smells of Christmas.  How can anyone forget the smells of Christmas??  The magic of this wondrous night resounds throughout the world never to be muffled.

Ah yes ... Christmas ... a time excitedly anticipated by young and old.  A culmination of all the efforts gone into making sure that every thing is merry and bright.  I say this also remembering Christmas's when I was alone in Texas while my children traveled to Minnesota for Christmas with their father.  Last year, I'd had neck surgery, Michael worked Christmas Eve and, once again, Christmas was ... well, different.  I am so deeply grateful that I had my faith to carry me through ... I wandered through the house touching the many decorations that brought back memories and smiles.  I remembered the real reason for the season and strangely enough, my focus brought me peace.  Christmas isn't always about family gatherings and presents ... sometimes, it's about introspection and a savoring of the gift of a Savior.

This morning, I watched the movie, It's A Wonderful Life.  I am a sucker for tradition and have watched the movie each year for, oh gosh, thirty plus years.  Every time I watch it, I see and hear something new.  We really never know how much we affect other people's lives, do we?  Remember that as you drive down the road, walk through the malls, or, in general, interact with those around you.  How about a kind word, a smile?

It is so very quiet in the house this morning.  Michael, Toby and Sadie are napping and the only sound is the clacking of my fingers on the keyboard.  It's times like this that visions of life float about me traveling as a mist through my mind and heart.  It's a time I feel close to God and to the world about me.  This morning, my mind travels to thoughts of all things Christmas!!  I eagerly look forward to spending time with my Texas family ... tomorrow is my youngest grandson's Christmas program at school and also my youngest child's thirty-seventh birthday!  What a fabulous way to start the weekend!  The next couple weeks will be quite busy!!

Until we chat again, I wish you love and joy this Christmas Season!  Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

1 comment:

  1. person's garbage is treasured by another.....quiet typing at the keyboard, a quiet house, peaceful Christmas with God, is unknown to me, yet somehow seems romantic and personal. I know there will be a day when I miss my children, yet they take up so much space (in every way) right now. This is why the best Christmas gift you have EVER given me is a weekend with my husband. Do you realize priceless gifts of time are the best gifts ever??!! Here I sit...on my official 11th anniversary--Tim is at cheer with Madison; I have the memories of last weekend to chew on... Thank you :) I hope you know that you are missed on many levels - XXOO
