Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sunday is for kickin' back & praisin the Lord!

Wimowee & I have traveled together for over
30 years ... my favorite game as a young girl
was cowboys & indians!

July 29, 2014

Dear Readers,

It's a beautiful cool evening in North Central Texas. I've had a busy day starting at 6 bells. Wowee, it's been hot for the past few days.  My poor plants were looking a bit on the droopy side this morning so I hauled hoses around and gave them all some good swigs of water. A lady from the Farmer's Market has brought me 10 new Cannas and my neighbor brought me a peach tree to plant. Have to keep a close eye on the newbies so they make it through our August heat.

Fibromyalgia has kicked my butt the last couple weeks. I hate that. I could feel it rearing it's ugly head a couple weeks ago when I was at the Farmer's Market and, as much as I prayed that it would go away, it didn't. I thought about skipping church last Sunday, BUT I am so paranoid about if I miss once it would be easy to miss twice then three times. Sooo, I got up and headed down the road!

started to get excited as we pulled into the parking lot wondering what songs we'd sing and what Pastor Dudley would share with us. I wasn't disappointed!! "Let's all Go Down to the River" took me to a place of worship and "I'm Still Holding On" gave me hope for my aching bones and joints. I just love the stories of gospel music and the men at the Open Range who sing with all their hearts.

Two Sundays ago, Joe Manuel got teary-eyed when he talked about losing his dog, Louis Armstrong. His song of His Strength is Perfect reminded me of the times when I was collapsing and God's strength took over when mine was g-o-n-e, gone. Will sang Who Am I; and, again, I truly felt his love of the Lord and his desire to serve him.

As usual, Gerald Dudley, approached his message with words of scripture (John 6:35-40) and wisdom. I found myself writing as fast as I could to record what I wanted to remember. Truly this was the meat I had been craving all week long.

The 5,000+ SAW Jesus perform a miracle yet they asked for another so they could believe. Can you imagine? They'd just seen a guy feed a multitude with just a few fish and some bread. Encore! Encore! I guess they weren't paying attention. We're no different are we? We always want more, MORE!  If you're like me, you've prayed, "Show yourself to me." That being said, how many times do we have to see before we believe? I've been thinking about that a lot lately. If you've read my blogs the past four years, you know what I'm talking about. This woman is grateful!!!

Thanking God for new friends!
I look forward to this lady's hugs & smiles
every Sunday!

The Open Range Church is taking me back to the grass roots of my faith. 2014 has been my year to renew and REFRESH and I am in the exact spot for me to do that. God has moved me in a way I didn't see coming and I am basking in the light of his faithfulness. I just needed to be open to hearing His voice. Each time I walk through the doors of "church," I know for certain that I am in the right place. Hallelujah!!

Are you in need of an Adult Boot Camp to get you started on your walk? How about trying some alone time with the Lord? I guarantee, if you read His word, He will show up. No time you tell me? Make's important.

I would encourage you to accept the daily manna from heaven that God offers. I would encourage you to live a life of love and laughter. My walk started out in shallow water and throughout the years I've walked deeper and deeper trusting Him to guide me. I have this peace that comes ONLY from the one who sustains me.

Always remember how much you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU! 

Miss Dottie

Dear Jesus, the one who walked on water, fed multitudes of folks who were hungry, turned water to wine, and who hung on a cross that believers would have eternal life, I thank you for your presence as I blog. I pray that you would touch the lives of my Readers in a way that they would know it's You!! I had a message from a Reader who is struggling, like me, with Fibromyalgia. Help us all to not only survive but thrive. Father be with those in the hospital who are struggling to overcome illnesses and maladies of every sort. You are Jehovah-Rophe, the one who heals and I call upon your name. I ask that you dispense your most loving angels to care for those needing love, companionship, and a friend. The day will come when all knees will bow ... the day will come when we are called to heaven ... what a glorious time that will be. Until then, I pray that your ambassadors will fulfill their purposes to which they've been called.

Amen, it is so...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I Don't Like Change

July 22, 2014

Dear God,

A wonderful good morning to you, Lord. After a miserable night, I was so glad to greet the morning. This Fibro is really awful this week (the pain has dissipated some but the overwhelming tiredness lingers) and I am leaning on your promises and strength to stay positive and do what I can to make this day count.

"So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."
~ 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (ESV)

I don't know why but as I was sitting here, I thought, "I don't like change." Now, this is coming from a lady who has moved umpteen times across the country, been through divorce, illness, surgeries, kids leaving home, changing careers, and on and on. It's true, I don't like change; however, I do embrace it when it presents itself. I'm not afraid of it, that's the good part.

My neighbor was laughing at me ... Last year I bought a comforter at Kohl's. I love that comforter. It's bright, washes easily, and makes me smile. A few months ago, we were at Kohl's and I saw a comforter just like it in the clearance bin. I snarfed that puppy up and giggled all the way to the cash register ~ I couldn't believe my purchase (at a garage sale price plus I had a coupon). Beverly looked at me and said, "You already have that comforter." I replied, "I know, but I love it and with the dogs tromping on it, it will wear out and I would need to find one I liked as well." She shook her head. I don't like change when it comes to something I really like.

Change is a big part of life and how we deal with change can make us or break us. The unseen is always blurry and even if we are looking forward, it's still an unknown. I'm so glad that I have You by my side knowing that if You are leading me in a certain direction, You have a purpose for me.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." ~Joshua 1:9

I came here to North Central Texas knowing it was a good move and that You had ordained it. I was so busy the first year I was here getting settled that I didn't recognize the sadness that was creeping over me. My subconscious was grieving the move away from the area I had lived for so many years and leaving my son and family who were just minutes away. I've continued to stay busy but that overwhelming sadness finally reared it's ugly head, grabbed my attention, and took me to my knees.

Gratefulness: The decision to take part in the Farmer's Market here in town and to join a church that I absolutely love has been the catalyst that has moved me from sadness to gladness. I have purpose and a way of celebrating life with other believers. I am seeing with more of a clearness why You brought me here.

"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
~1 Thessalonians 5:18

Lord, I know there are some of my Readers who are facing changes ... some are making decisions, others have already taken the leap. I pray that You would give them peace in knowing that from the time we are born, You are preparing places for us. As my faith has deepened, I can see how my journey has taken me down the wide and winding roads. I've met new people and have bloomed and grown each step of the way. I ask that You bless and unveil yourself to those in the pits of life ~ uplift and renew their purpose. I know you have your hands outstretched and all they have to do is grab hold. I have a Facebook friend who is going through dialysis ~ what a treacherous road it's been for her. I lift her up and ask that you comfort her, giving her strength to move forward. Amen, dear Jesus, it is so...

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  The door from the outside to the bathroom in the cottage is all window panes. The curtain I had up got mauled by 5 little rascals wanting outside in a hurry. A few days ago, I bit the bullet and ordered 6 different panels of sheers so I could replace it. The package came this morning and I excitedly opened the bag from Penney's. One by one, I hung the sheers. One was too see-through, one was too short, one too off-color, one was too ugly to even try, one looked like swiss cheese, and one fit perfectly as well as offering privacy day and night. Still ... I mourned the loss of my old sheer that I liked so much. Silly? I guess so.

Actually, I think I am pretty normal. We all feel safe in our ruts we call life and home is a place of familiarity and countless memories. The important thing to remember is that all things of this earth are temporary. Seasons come and go and what we considered horrible and a tragedy will be replaced with something else. What we do with our lives to better the world and fulfill our purpose that God put us on earth for ... now, that's living large. Nothing else really matters, does it.

Robert Shuller once said, "You will suddenly realize that the reason you never changed before was because you didn't want to."  Boy, that's the truth!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Farmer's Market Blessings

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Dear God,

Thank you for the bountiful blessings of being able to participate in the local Farmer's Market. Michael needed to be at work at 7 this morning and dropped me off about 6:15. My friends with the watermelons and cantaloupes were already there saving my spot. We enjoyed a quick hello and I set about making my table as appetizing as possible. By 6:45 I was ready for business! My friend, Beverly, arrived about 7 and I helped her get set up. It's so nice to be able to work together to bring our individual tastes and talents to the market. So began my day...

The word has gotten out that I am the doggie treat lady. One of my customers couldn't make it to the market so she sent her friend to get Pumpkin Rolls. Unfortunately, I didn't have pumpkin in my pantry this week and had made Peanut Butter Bones instead. By 10 those were all gone. I enjoy the people who stop by with their pups and sharing stories of our rescues, puppies, and life with our furry kids. I have a little girl who is a new regular ... she has a Maltese/Papillon mix (Pippa) ... she loves to tell me about what Pippa has been up to.

Pippa is in the middle

I made a couple of new jams this week ... Jalapeno Peach and Strawberry Peach with a Twist of Lemon. Both went over big. Think I will make another batch of the Strawberry Peach this week. Because I made so many different jams and had quite a stock built up, prepping for the market was more manageable this week.

What a joy it is to be learning more about agriculture in Hill County and meeting the salt of the earth folks who bring us fresh meats, vegetables, fruits, baked goods, and canned items. My mom and dad did a lot of canning so it brings back pleasant memories of my life growing up. It's heart-warming to be able to walk through the grounds before the market opens and pray for each vendor setting up.

One lady stopped by that was particularly interesting this week. She lives in the country near Whitney and raises show Dachshunds. She said she'd lost two show dogs to rattlesnakes this year and was bound and determined to get that big snake. Just talking with her gave me the heebie jeebies. For the folks who choose to live in the country, snakes are just part of life. As for me, I've totally changed my mind about living in the country. No wonder they all wear tall cowboy boots! Me? I'm a flip flops kind of gal!

Father God, maker of heaven and earth, I pray for my fellow farmer marketeers.  I pray for fruitful growing seasons and flavorful fruits, veggies, and meats. The Farmer's Markets across the nation are growing in number and offer an alternative to the processed foods in the grocery stores. I pray that our people would choose to visit the markets and purchase from those who live off the land. The hands of the rancher and farmer bring forth a new kind of blessing as do the bakers and canners. Be with my Readers showering them with food that nourishes their bodies. Where there is sickness, heal ... where there is depression, uplift ... where there is discord, bring togetherness. Amen dear Jesus, amen.

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: I come from a long line of farmers in Norway and England who brought their agricultural knowledge to America as pioneers. I wonder if there is that special gene that draws us to dig in the dirt and refine our craft of working with the fruits of our labors. I've mentioned John F. Kennedy's book, A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS, before; however, it is a great read if you're interested in how each ethnic group brought something unique and special to our infant country.

My Norwegian family also brought their love of the Lord and through that line, my faith was established. So many times I wonder where my Grandmother Maggie's Norwegian Bible is .. oh, just to be able to touch it would be so amazing.  There are so many times that I wish I was an artist ~ I would paint her as I remember her ... sitting in her rocker, reading her Bible, praying, and every now and then looking out her window to see if there were birds on the birdfeeder. As a child, I would quietly sit close just watching. Last trip to Florida, my youngest granddaughter was watching me read my own Bible. She said, "Grandma, that book is important to you, right?" My response, "Yes, my sweet Katrina, it is and I hope it will be important to you as well."

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!


Living Creatively

Friday, July 17, 2014

Dear God,

What a productive day it's been. I made some tentative plans then those plans got changed up a bit. That's life, isn't it? I am quite organized and efficient when I need to have something done by a certain time; however, if I don't then, if the mood strikes, I make changes to suit my fancy.

About 3:30 this afternoon, I decided to paint the cottage bathroom, deep clean, and pare out half the "stuff" that was making me claustrophobic. I grabbed my gallon of Benjamin Moore White Dove Semi-Gloss Paint and went to town. Luckily, the paint dried pretty quickly and I was able to rehang wall art and select a few things I loved to warm up the room. Oooh Wa La ... bathroom done.

Tomorrow, I am going to tackle the rest of the cottage. I have so much "stuff" in there, I can't breathe. I NEED TO BREATHE!! I NEED TO BREATHE!!! It's a good thing I have the underground storage room to put extra stuff.

Now that I've made my point, let's go on...

One of the things I enjoy in life is interior design. I've been fortunate to have had the opportunity to live in many different homes and with each move try out new paint techniques, wallpaper, and create places where family and friends could put their feet up, relax, and feel loved. I used to go from design shop to design shop just to study the rooms and color combinations. My vice was design magazines which enabled me to learn to create my own sense of style. The Ralph Lauren country look has been a favorite for years. Now I find myself adding some quirky touches of color and taking on more of a whimsical playfulness.

Did you know that purple is one of the new colors for Fall? It's an easy color to work with and goes well with reds, aquas, greens, yellows, oranges... God, you made me a creative person with a bent towards the unusual. I am also a nut about colors and "things" that make a home special. Michael shakes his head when I go to him with my ideas but once my vision is implemented, he likes what I do. He's always surprised at what I am able to accomplish with just a few dollars.

I've heard the mansions in heaven are so beautiful and streets are paved of gold. I'll bet there are gardens and flowers galore. My family must be having such fun ... Aunt Eleanor with her roses, Grandma Maggie with her lovely bedding plants, Grandma Belle with her vegetable/flower gardens... I can just picture it ... they'll be running through those fields of flowers when I arrive. I just know it!! (See John & Revelations)

Lord Jesus, you have gifted so many artists and creative people with visions of beauty. May the words, brushes, hands, and visions you have to beautify our earth come forth as our people look to you for divine guidance. I complimented the fellow who plays the harmonica last Sunday and he said, "Thank you, I just want others to see God through my music." Bless him, Father, and others who are performers, singers, musicians. I lift up those who are struggling to make ends meet, those who are ill, those who are teetering on the edge in making life changing decisions. Restore your word, your goodness, your mercy through our children. Raise up men and women after your heart who want to walk in your ways. Amen, dear Jesus, it is so...

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: It's always such fun to be able to take everything out of a room, set accessories on tables outside, then bring things back in for a whole new look. My rose paintings moved to the main room in the cottage and some main room accessories moved to the bathroom. I am fortunate to have a shed and an underground shelter for storage so that I can change out some things from season to season. The cottage was built as a place where I could exercise my creative bent and be the place where I would read, study, and write. I am amazed at how many have come just to sit and chat awhile, lingering to savor the magic of my world.

I have had much and I have had nothing. Neither states define me for I am a child of the most high. My service to the living God and my ever deepening fatih is what does define me and offers a foundation on which I build. The storms may blow and rain may fall ... the evil one may have his say for a season; however, my faith remains strong and I know that in the end, God is the victor!!

Always know you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Majestic Farms Adventure

July 17, 2014

Dear God,

Good Moring Lord! It's an overcast day in North Central Texas. I am sitting here peering out the french doors hoping to see those rain drops ... so far, none... It's a good day to shut the throttle down to idle and savor the moments before me. I was listening to the song (posted above) and am giddy with excitement of what this day will bring. I am also reminded that I still have one basket of peaches sitting on the kitchen counter waiting. Today's the day!!

A couple days ago, my friend, Beverly, Michael, and I drove out to Majestic Farms to pick peaches. What an adventure! The owner, Ray, took us out to the peach trees in a crazy kind of vehicle that resembled those I've seen people riding on when they go on a safari. It was invigorating to be outside with our buckets picking the most beautiful peaches ~ hmmm, what a heavenly aroma. Ray would pick a peach from different trees allowing us to taste. Some he recommended for their natural sweetness for munching on and others for jams. We could pick from any of the trees, the only stipulation being that we could fill our pails to the very top of the handle. We got about 15 pounds of peaches for $10. What a bargain!!

Miss Beverly

I liked this tree the best.

Beautiful place to enjoy a ripe peach!

The dogs keep the deer out of the peach trees.

Majestic Farms: Ray and Ann Mersham started the farm after they bought the original 23 acres in 2003. Their motto is "Man Planted...God Grown!!!" I asked Ray why they began such a huge endeavor after they retired and their answer, "Why do we do it? We have the joy and peace in serving Jesus, others (meaning us), and each other (he and Ann)." Can you believe they have 18 varieties of peaches alone PLUS plums, berries, pumpkins, and on and on... I just love it that their business started with their love of You!!

Ever since I heard the sermon on the widow and the oil in 2 Kings 4, I have been following that principle of using what I have.  I must say that once I took that first step out of my slump into depression and grabbed God's hand, it's been quite an interesting journey. I am grateful for the opportunity to blog and share my journeys with my Readers because maybe they can see the hope that comes from walking in complete blindness with trust in You as my white cane. Today? Those peaches just seem to keep multiplying, the sugar I have in the cabinet turns out to be just enough, the expensive cinnamon just happened to be a gift last Christmas, the powdered sugar I thought I was out of was tucked away in the back corner or a cabinet. I continue to be amazed at how all these coincidences keep multiplying. Last Sunday, I paid my tithe (gulp) with joy and the money I would have kept has been replaced by finding bargains on sale. I am in awe! One thing is for sure, you can't out give You!! Come on keep those storehouses flowing!!

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the bountiful harvest at Majestic Farms that has provided such a wonderful base for my variety of peach jams. I thank you for the Readers who visit my site each time I post. Be with them today as they face their own trials knowing that You are with them ~ I know You don't step in uninvited so I especially pray for that falling to the knees and praying that You would intervene. Your ways are not our ways and we don't have the whole picture of what our lives will be like from start to finish. One thing is for sure ... You do have a plan for us, a plan so complex that it would boggle our minds if we knew all that was in store for us on our journey. I can say that for me, You have used every bump, stumble, and fall for good. How could I ever wrap my arms around my fellow traveler if I did not know their sorrows and joys? Keep my Readers safe, Lord, bestowing your mercy and tender loving care on each of them. Amen, it is so!!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: As I prayed this morning, the words, "the day is coming when every knee shall bow" kept coming before me. I don't know what that means to you, but to me, it is a warning to be alert. About a year ago, I saw a caravan that definitely was military but not the US Army. The sight of the vehicles (all white) gave me the willies and I remember posting what I saw on Facebook. The research I did and the responses pointed to the United Nations. Today, I read more about the United Nations involvement in our country. Perilous times we are living in. Please join me in prayer for our country, the closing of the borders to illegal aliens, and for the safety of our citizens!

On a lighter note, I also pray that you will enjoy your day appreciating every moment, savoring every smile and round of laughter, and, reaching out to someone less fortunate. Hey! It's started raining and I don't need to haul hoses around. That leaves me extra time to enjoy creating new recipes for jams ~ using peaches, of course!

Always remember YOU are loved ... YA YOU BETCHA!
(Had to get in a little Minnesota Norwegian slang this morning!)

Monday, July 14, 2014

Open Range Sunday

In the Garden ~ Alan Jackson

Monday, July 14, 2014

Dear God,

It is early and my walk through the gardens was so refreshing. There's something about that time of just me and You that fills my heart. I was thinking about yesterday and how wonderful it is to be back observing the Sabbath as a day to worship; a time to commune with other believers; and rest. I was praising You for all that you are and all that You bring to my life. I am so very grateful.

When my furry kids woke me up yesterday, I bounded out of bed so excited I could hardly stand it. I was singing and dancing knowing that I would soon be filled with the joy that comes from being in your house. Yesterday's sermon was on marriage and, just when "I" think "I" know everything, you surprise me with a message filled with things I've never thought about. Yay!

The Open Range Band was really on top of their game yesterday. Their first song was In the Garden and You know how much I love that song ... by the time they got to Because He Lives, Amazing Grace, One Day at A Time, and Please Forgive me, I was reaching for my tissues. I just love that time in the service when prayer requests are read and Associate Pastor Rick updates us on everything going on. Miss Kitty gathered the kids about her for a special little kids sermon about light and then their former pastor Terry Gayle gave a beautiful sermon on marriage. Before the service started, there was an elderly lady sitting next to me who pointed to this sweet little girl before us. She said, "That's Landree, she's the church's baby!" I loved that!! Landree IS special ... the Open Range Cowboy Church IS special!!  

Man was made from dust but, woman? She was special and made from man's rib. How about that... God tells us not to be unequally yoked but there's more to it than that. For those of you who have followed my blogs know the pain that divorce has caused not only in my own life but in the lives of my children. I have been married 5 times to Christian men who attended church. The part that was missing was the "commitment." Think about that... If I am a Godly woman committed to my husband it should work. Not necessarily. If a man is not committed to his wife as a gift from You, there's a glitch that's going to cause heartache. We were created as different human beings to compliment one another ... to cherish one another ... to help one another ... to cleave and bless one another. I am writing from the heart of a woman ~ I do know men who are in marriages where they are committed and their partners are not.

Now, here's the part that I was thinking of this morning. Do the same rules apply for all people. No, sadly, they don't. The unbeliever is not going to follow Your teachings ... Your ways. In order for marriage to work, we must be "like minded." We must be in sync with the hearts of our mates. We must be a blessing, not a curse ... a partner.

I am thanking You, Father, for you are my Savior, my Redeemer, my King. I am thanking you for taking my wretched life and using every bit of my flops, fumbles, and messes for your good. As a woman of God, my purpose is to put my arms around other Christians to encourage, teach, and bless. I want to ask you to do something for me today. I'd like you to touch each brother and sister who reads my blogs with something that they would know came only from You and You alone. Maybe they are in a desert like I was ... maybe they are struggling with their marriage or a relationship that hurts their heart ... maybe they are ill, finances stretched to the point of breaking, or facing the end of life. My heart is filled with the love that only You can give and I want my Readers to know they are loved and prayed for ... ALWAYS! Amen and amen, it is so...

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: I have entered a new season in my life and it is different than any other I have experienced before. As a teenager, I had a vision of what I thought my life would be like. If you knew me growing up, you would have said that I would be married to one man for my entire life. I would have been blessed with children and grandchildren passing down the message of how the Lord has worked in the generations before me. With all the good intentions in the world, I set out on my journey, married a man I loved very deeply and had 3 beautiful children. Then, my life exploded and I needed to try to sort through all those fractured pieces with a horrible tape running in the locked corners of my mind. My tape told me I was unworthy but God kept telling me I was worthy. The sad part is that for more years than I would care to count, I believed that tape rather than God. All the people in the world and God almighty can tell us how precious we are but if we don't believe that, we will continue to live lives of misery. We can medicate ourselves with things, bad relationships, drugs, alcohol, animals, food, and various interests but that hole in our heart will continue to deepen. I am choosing to fill my heart with the Word of God; friends that can accept me warts, bumps and all, encouraging and uplifting me; light; and, truth.

As you go about your day today, I hope you think about how God can uplift and use you for his glory. No, we don't need to go to church to be a Christian; however, to be in the company of other believers fills us and keeps us accountable to someone other than the thoughts in our own minds.

This will be another busy week: making 3 new jams for the Farmer's Market and, of course, more doggie treats, WOW Bible Study on Wednesday, household tasks that need tending to, and, spending time with the Fabulous 5!!

PS For those of you who have followed my adoption of a bonded pair of rescued Pomeranians, I will report that after one year of working with them, I took Harmony (the braver of the 2) with me to the Farmer's Market last Saturday. She shook and wanted to hide at first, snuggling down in my arms. The good news is that after awhile she began to come out of her shell woofing, wagging her tail, and warming up to those who wanted to pet her. She wore her new tutu dress (thank you Kat and Maxie) and pranced around like a show dog!! Yesterday as I was ready to head out the door for church she wanted to go along. I was in awe. PROGRESS!!!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Start where you stand...

Do not wait; the time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along." ~ Napoleon Hill, Writer

Friday, July 11, 2014

Dear God,

Good Morning ... well, I guess it's almost afternoon, a perfect TGIF kind of day. Goodness sakes, I am trying to start my engines, and they are sputtering. I have miles to go, people to see, and things to do and my get-up isn't cooperating. The Farmer's Market is tomorrow which means I need to focus on labeling and maybe, just maybe, making one more batch of Miss Dottie's Christmas in July Jam. Yum!! Oh, and I must make another batch of doggie treats. My "be backs" will be lining up for those pup goodies!!

Mama told me there'd be days like this. She truly did .... she had rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative disk disease, and a host of other maladies at a time when there weren't as many options for coping with chronic illnesses. I got many of her "bone" genes; and, although I don't have RA, I do have arthritis, degenerative disk disease, Fibromyalgia, and a host of other creepy things that defy explanation. I went through the grief process with each set-back in health issues BUT thank you, Jesus, I didn't stay stuck in the hole.

My daughter sent me this quote written by Napoleon Hill this morning and it didn't take me but a minute to realize that I wanted to pass it on. For those of us living with chronic illnesses, the time will never be "just right." We'll never feel perfectly energized and run marathons. HOWEVER, we must rise up and work with whatever means necessary and move forward one day at a time. It's surprising how often You bless our efforts once we take that first step. Last Sunday in church, the pastor said, "God waits for us to come to him." I've remembered that knowing that I must make time to attend church and the WOW group, read my Bible, enrich my mind with positiveness, surround myself with encouraging people, and grow each day of my life.

Lord, you have been teaching me to step out in faith and trust you with the outcome. My trip to Florida was the spring-board to doing that high-dive into the world's pool of people, events, and choices. I had to gear up, bear down, and gird myself with the kind of faith that comes from living life and experiencing the good, the bad, and the ugly. I couldn't remain in the desert, I just couldn't. Maybe it was the beauty of the Gulf, the exhuberance of the pastor at LifePoint Church, the loving kindness of my family ... or maybe, it was just that I heard your voice and responded. Whatever it was, I am eternally grateful for the host of people, places, and things that reminded me that You never moved, it was me.

I encourage people to journal because it's amazing how often we forget just how blessed we've been in times of trial and seasons in the desert of life.  My blogging began in October 2010 as a way of sharing my life and legacy with family and friends. For those Readers who have followed my journey, you know how much I have healed by walking in truth and light forgoing the shame of yesterdays.

Father God in heaven, your name is holy and your ways are not the ways of man. (Isaiah 55:8) You bring forth fruit in the seasons of our lives and work with us to bring our time, talents, and resourses into line with your plans. Your will WILL be accomplished by those willing to step out in faith, do the next right thing, and trust you with the consequences. Bless my Readers filling them with peace and love. There are some who are going through some tragedies and trials and are wondering if You really exist. Help us to be your ambassadors extending that hand of encouragement, prayer, and a willingness to help whenever we can.  Open your storehouses for those willing to work and bless efforts when that pay doesn't seem like it's enough. Our needs are different from our wants ... I am learning that the hard way. Jesus, as we start the engines of our being, take the wheel and direct our paths to get us where we need to go. Yes, Jesus, it is so ... Amen and amen!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: The clock is ticking LOUDLY in the cottage reminding me that time marches on never to be relived. Each moment I am alive, I want to be a blessing not a curse. Most days just aren't long enough for me to accomplish everything I want to do. I thought when I took a sabatical from TV, it would give me more time ~ it has in some ways but in others I still lack the minutes needed to live abundantly giving to my fellow travelers. My Lord reminds me that He has given me all the time needed to accomplish what He needs me to do. Don't you ever want to just do more though?

Yesterday, my friend Kat and her little Yorkie, Maxie, came to visit. We were going to bake and prepare for the Farmer's Market BUT it seemed more important to just sit and for me to really listen and know her.  Her friendship has been such a gift and I didn't want to miss her message for me ... your purpose in bringing us together. I was not disappointed!

As you, my wonderful Readers take on your day, I hope that you, too, will take some time to breathe in the fresh air that comes from walking out into the sunshine. Always know you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Spirit is Alive & Kicking ~ Open Range Cowboy Church

July 6, 2014

Dear Readers,

I never thought I would see the day when a pastor changed his mind about his sermon and just spoke from his heart allowing the Holy Spirit to move. Well, that happened today. The Spirit is alive and kicking!!

The drive to church was pleasant ~ actually pretty uneventful other than the fact that we were so excited about being announced as new members of The Open Range Cowboy Church. I had posted on Facebook that I felt this was going to be an amazing day and, so far, it has certainly turned out to be just that.

When we got to church, we made our usual rounds of hellos and tried to find seats close to the front. I don't know how many times we were told that so and so ALWAYS sits in a particular place and to not sit "there." Since I am petite and have a hard time seeing over those cowboys with hats on, I get frustrated when I am unable to see what's going on. I am there to worship and don't like to miss a thing.  Front and center is perfect for me!!

Anyway, we plopped ourselves down in some chairs in time to start toe tapping with the band. As usual, the music was great and the announcements, and prayer requests made ~ all a part of the normal agenda. Elder Rick told a story about a preacher, a judge, and a convict ... a touching story of God's grace. It's at that moment that the tide turned and worship took on a whole new meaning. The band played and sang some patriotic songs including Dixie. It wasn't long before there was a whole lot of sniffling going on and the room became on fire with the Holy Spirit. It had many a year since I'd experienced that amount of energy in one room.

Okay, where am I going with this? When it came time for Dr. Dudley to speak, he put the Bible reading for today's sermon up on the screen and said, "Never mind." Today's sermon became passe and a message of truth, light, and conviction took it's place. We got a taste of one of those old fashioned come to Jesus meetings. It got mighty quiet in that church and there was an anointing and a message so rich that my body got cold and hot at the same time. The family in front of me stood, all joining hands, tears flowing. Last week, Dr. Dudley said, "This church is not about cowboys, it's about Jesus Christ!" Holy cow! After today's service, I believe him. I, so badly, wanted to dig out my camera to photograph the moment but I couldn't. To do that would have been sacrilegious and an interruption of what the Spirit was doing inside of me.

Over the years, I have read books by famous theologians and have wondered if the pastors in America have read them too. Favorites have been those written by Jim Cymbala. I have wondered if sermons have become so rehearsed that they have stifled the power of the Holy Spirit in their delivery. What seems right to man may not be what is right to God at all. (Proverbs 16:25) So many are afraid to offend. They must be politically correct or their members will leave their church and go to another church that is more comfortable and entertaining.

I like people who are honest and who are willing to take a stand. Even if I don't agree with them, at least I know where their heart and head is. There are too many people who are wonderful orators ... the wolves in sheep's clothing who are masterful at manipulation. Once they get what they want, the real person emerges. What?? Why? Because we are a microwave society we don't take time to think for ourselves and we want quick fixes.

In the 1980's, I went through a Word & Witness class at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Plano, TX. It was a 2 year commitment. I also went through a year long training class to be a Stephen's Minister. Another huge commitment. There was time to savor what I was learning. There was no rush to the finish line. I am a soaker ... whether it's taking a bath or a class, I like to have time to really think about what I am taking in. I have often been described as a thinker and I would agree. Don't rush me or I become stubborn like a mule planting my feet in the ground, refusing to move. Since I am like that, I wondered why I would make snap decisions in one particular area of my life but that's another story for another time...

The Open Range Cowboy Church in Whitney is a huge church and I am soaking in all the blessings it is affording me. I am learning a Bible verse each week (this week Ps 23:1), attending a women's Bible study, and am back in the saddle reading the Word of God. I want to serve giving of my time, talent, and resources. I am on track with my finances and life ... 10% to God, 10% savings, 10% giving away. If I give you the sum of what I earn, you would wonder if I'd lost my mind but I'd rather live God's way. Maybe the $10 I gave the church from the Farmer's Market money I brought in isn't much BUT I know what God did with a couple fish and 5 loaves of bread and He can perform miracles.. (see story in the Bible, John 6)

Readers, I don't know where God is taking me. I do know that it is some not so small miracle that I was planted there at this church in this season of life. I am a city girl who misses the neon lights and yep even the traffic. I am also obedient and I know when God is speaking to me and lighting my path. (Psalm 119:105) I think God has been prepping me one year at a time since the 1980's. I have come to love Dixie Land where, in so many ways, I was (re)born. I am drawn to the country way of life where a man's word is his bond ... my hand moves over the soft muzzle of a beautiful horse and I am filled with the strength of the animal beneath my hand.

I don't know where this road is taking me. What I do know is that I am (finally) on the right road and in the right place. I have this peace in knowing that in my transparency and my willingness to be truthful and upfront, I am God's ambassador. I've always prayed that God would put me on the front lines as a warrior and He has. There is comfort in knowing that he equips me with full armor. I don't need to know the outcome, I just need to trust...

Miss Dottie

Dear God, I want to thank you for this day and the opportunity to witness the unveiling of the power of the Holy Spirit and a man of God who was willing to stand up and speak your message of repentance, grace, and hope. I pray that my Readers would be filled in knowing who you are and how they can move forward. When we know you, we want to be like you. Change (no matter how difficult) is something we want rather than what we dread. Help us all to be teachable ~ You are the great I AM ... you are the beginning and the end. We've taken you out of our daily lives for fear of offending. We bend our beliefs to walk in today's world ... today's morals ... today's sense of right and wrong. Yes, Father, we've become milk toast in the hands of the manipulator. Today, I sat next to a doctor, a lawyer, a preacher, a mother/grandmother, a criminal just out of jail, an alcoholic, a city slicker, a cowboy, and a drug addict. We prayed together and raised holy hands in worship. By the grace of God, I am who I am and I claim victory! May the ripple of the stone skipping across the water tossed today reach the far ends of the earth. Jesus you are alive and your Spirit is alive and kicking. Amen!
