Thursday, July 17, 2014

Majestic Farms Adventure

July 17, 2014

Dear God,

Good Moring Lord! It's an overcast day in North Central Texas. I am sitting here peering out the french doors hoping to see those rain drops ... so far, none... It's a good day to shut the throttle down to idle and savor the moments before me. I was listening to the song (posted above) and am giddy with excitement of what this day will bring. I am also reminded that I still have one basket of peaches sitting on the kitchen counter waiting. Today's the day!!

A couple days ago, my friend, Beverly, Michael, and I drove out to Majestic Farms to pick peaches. What an adventure! The owner, Ray, took us out to the peach trees in a crazy kind of vehicle that resembled those I've seen people riding on when they go on a safari. It was invigorating to be outside with our buckets picking the most beautiful peaches ~ hmmm, what a heavenly aroma. Ray would pick a peach from different trees allowing us to taste. Some he recommended for their natural sweetness for munching on and others for jams. We could pick from any of the trees, the only stipulation being that we could fill our pails to the very top of the handle. We got about 15 pounds of peaches for $10. What a bargain!!

Miss Beverly

I liked this tree the best.

Beautiful place to enjoy a ripe peach!

The dogs keep the deer out of the peach trees.

Majestic Farms: Ray and Ann Mersham started the farm after they bought the original 23 acres in 2003. Their motto is "Man Planted...God Grown!!!" I asked Ray why they began such a huge endeavor after they retired and their answer, "Why do we do it? We have the joy and peace in serving Jesus, others (meaning us), and each other (he and Ann)." Can you believe they have 18 varieties of peaches alone PLUS plums, berries, pumpkins, and on and on... I just love it that their business started with their love of You!!

Ever since I heard the sermon on the widow and the oil in 2 Kings 4, I have been following that principle of using what I have.  I must say that once I took that first step out of my slump into depression and grabbed God's hand, it's been quite an interesting journey. I am grateful for the opportunity to blog and share my journeys with my Readers because maybe they can see the hope that comes from walking in complete blindness with trust in You as my white cane. Today? Those peaches just seem to keep multiplying, the sugar I have in the cabinet turns out to be just enough, the expensive cinnamon just happened to be a gift last Christmas, the powdered sugar I thought I was out of was tucked away in the back corner or a cabinet. I continue to be amazed at how all these coincidences keep multiplying. Last Sunday, I paid my tithe (gulp) with joy and the money I would have kept has been replaced by finding bargains on sale. I am in awe! One thing is for sure, you can't out give You!! Come on keep those storehouses flowing!!

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the bountiful harvest at Majestic Farms that has provided such a wonderful base for my variety of peach jams. I thank you for the Readers who visit my site each time I post. Be with them today as they face their own trials knowing that You are with them ~ I know You don't step in uninvited so I especially pray for that falling to the knees and praying that You would intervene. Your ways are not our ways and we don't have the whole picture of what our lives will be like from start to finish. One thing is for sure ... You do have a plan for us, a plan so complex that it would boggle our minds if we knew all that was in store for us on our journey. I can say that for me, You have used every bump, stumble, and fall for good. How could I ever wrap my arms around my fellow traveler if I did not know their sorrows and joys? Keep my Readers safe, Lord, bestowing your mercy and tender loving care on each of them. Amen, it is so!!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: As I prayed this morning, the words, "the day is coming when every knee shall bow" kept coming before me. I don't know what that means to you, but to me, it is a warning to be alert. About a year ago, I saw a caravan that definitely was military but not the US Army. The sight of the vehicles (all white) gave me the willies and I remember posting what I saw on Facebook. The research I did and the responses pointed to the United Nations. Today, I read more about the United Nations involvement in our country. Perilous times we are living in. Please join me in prayer for our country, the closing of the borders to illegal aliens, and for the safety of our citizens!

On a lighter note, I also pray that you will enjoy your day appreciating every moment, savoring every smile and round of laughter, and, reaching out to someone less fortunate. Hey! It's started raining and I don't need to haul hoses around. That leaves me extra time to enjoy creating new recipes for jams ~ using peaches, of course!

Always remember YOU are loved ... YA YOU BETCHA!
(Had to get in a little Minnesota Norwegian slang this morning!)

1 comment:

  1. Gosh - you look happy and beautiful in the pictures. It gives me peace knowing that you are surrounding yourself with productive, loving, positive, God-loving people. Blessings are being showered upon you and it's fantastic to witness.

    Love YOU~
