Monday, July 21, 2014

Farmer's Market Blessings

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Dear God,

Thank you for the bountiful blessings of being able to participate in the local Farmer's Market. Michael needed to be at work at 7 this morning and dropped me off about 6:15. My friends with the watermelons and cantaloupes were already there saving my spot. We enjoyed a quick hello and I set about making my table as appetizing as possible. By 6:45 I was ready for business! My friend, Beverly, arrived about 7 and I helped her get set up. It's so nice to be able to work together to bring our individual tastes and talents to the market. So began my day...

The word has gotten out that I am the doggie treat lady. One of my customers couldn't make it to the market so she sent her friend to get Pumpkin Rolls. Unfortunately, I didn't have pumpkin in my pantry this week and had made Peanut Butter Bones instead. By 10 those were all gone. I enjoy the people who stop by with their pups and sharing stories of our rescues, puppies, and life with our furry kids. I have a little girl who is a new regular ... she has a Maltese/Papillon mix (Pippa) ... she loves to tell me about what Pippa has been up to.

Pippa is in the middle

I made a couple of new jams this week ... Jalapeno Peach and Strawberry Peach with a Twist of Lemon. Both went over big. Think I will make another batch of the Strawberry Peach this week. Because I made so many different jams and had quite a stock built up, prepping for the market was more manageable this week.

What a joy it is to be learning more about agriculture in Hill County and meeting the salt of the earth folks who bring us fresh meats, vegetables, fruits, baked goods, and canned items. My mom and dad did a lot of canning so it brings back pleasant memories of my life growing up. It's heart-warming to be able to walk through the grounds before the market opens and pray for each vendor setting up.

One lady stopped by that was particularly interesting this week. She lives in the country near Whitney and raises show Dachshunds. She said she'd lost two show dogs to rattlesnakes this year and was bound and determined to get that big snake. Just talking with her gave me the heebie jeebies. For the folks who choose to live in the country, snakes are just part of life. As for me, I've totally changed my mind about living in the country. No wonder they all wear tall cowboy boots! Me? I'm a flip flops kind of gal!

Father God, maker of heaven and earth, I pray for my fellow farmer marketeers.  I pray for fruitful growing seasons and flavorful fruits, veggies, and meats. The Farmer's Markets across the nation are growing in number and offer an alternative to the processed foods in the grocery stores. I pray that our people would choose to visit the markets and purchase from those who live off the land. The hands of the rancher and farmer bring forth a new kind of blessing as do the bakers and canners. Be with my Readers showering them with food that nourishes their bodies. Where there is sickness, heal ... where there is depression, uplift ... where there is discord, bring togetherness. Amen dear Jesus, amen.

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: I come from a long line of farmers in Norway and England who brought their agricultural knowledge to America as pioneers. I wonder if there is that special gene that draws us to dig in the dirt and refine our craft of working with the fruits of our labors. I've mentioned John F. Kennedy's book, A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS, before; however, it is a great read if you're interested in how each ethnic group brought something unique and special to our infant country.

My Norwegian family also brought their love of the Lord and through that line, my faith was established. So many times I wonder where my Grandmother Maggie's Norwegian Bible is .. oh, just to be able to touch it would be so amazing.  There are so many times that I wish I was an artist ~ I would paint her as I remember her ... sitting in her rocker, reading her Bible, praying, and every now and then looking out her window to see if there were birds on the birdfeeder. As a child, I would quietly sit close just watching. Last trip to Florida, my youngest granddaughter was watching me read my own Bible. She said, "Grandma, that book is important to you, right?" My response, "Yes, my sweet Katrina, it is and I hope it will be important to you as well."

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!


1 comment:

  1. I would love to be able to transport myself over to Hillsboro, so I could feast upon your delicious treats. I know my corgis would love to munch on your handmade doggie treats. The pictures you post are fantastic. Your blog creates a virtual path for me to enjoy your adventures.

    Love YOU!!
