Friday, July 11, 2014

Start where you stand...

Do not wait; the time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along." ~ Napoleon Hill, Writer

Friday, July 11, 2014

Dear God,

Good Morning ... well, I guess it's almost afternoon, a perfect TGIF kind of day. Goodness sakes, I am trying to start my engines, and they are sputtering. I have miles to go, people to see, and things to do and my get-up isn't cooperating. The Farmer's Market is tomorrow which means I need to focus on labeling and maybe, just maybe, making one more batch of Miss Dottie's Christmas in July Jam. Yum!! Oh, and I must make another batch of doggie treats. My "be backs" will be lining up for those pup goodies!!

Mama told me there'd be days like this. She truly did .... she had rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative disk disease, and a host of other maladies at a time when there weren't as many options for coping with chronic illnesses. I got many of her "bone" genes; and, although I don't have RA, I do have arthritis, degenerative disk disease, Fibromyalgia, and a host of other creepy things that defy explanation. I went through the grief process with each set-back in health issues BUT thank you, Jesus, I didn't stay stuck in the hole.

My daughter sent me this quote written by Napoleon Hill this morning and it didn't take me but a minute to realize that I wanted to pass it on. For those of us living with chronic illnesses, the time will never be "just right." We'll never feel perfectly energized and run marathons. HOWEVER, we must rise up and work with whatever means necessary and move forward one day at a time. It's surprising how often You bless our efforts once we take that first step. Last Sunday in church, the pastor said, "God waits for us to come to him." I've remembered that knowing that I must make time to attend church and the WOW group, read my Bible, enrich my mind with positiveness, surround myself with encouraging people, and grow each day of my life.

Lord, you have been teaching me to step out in faith and trust you with the outcome. My trip to Florida was the spring-board to doing that high-dive into the world's pool of people, events, and choices. I had to gear up, bear down, and gird myself with the kind of faith that comes from living life and experiencing the good, the bad, and the ugly. I couldn't remain in the desert, I just couldn't. Maybe it was the beauty of the Gulf, the exhuberance of the pastor at LifePoint Church, the loving kindness of my family ... or maybe, it was just that I heard your voice and responded. Whatever it was, I am eternally grateful for the host of people, places, and things that reminded me that You never moved, it was me.

I encourage people to journal because it's amazing how often we forget just how blessed we've been in times of trial and seasons in the desert of life.  My blogging began in October 2010 as a way of sharing my life and legacy with family and friends. For those Readers who have followed my journey, you know how much I have healed by walking in truth and light forgoing the shame of yesterdays.

Father God in heaven, your name is holy and your ways are not the ways of man. (Isaiah 55:8) You bring forth fruit in the seasons of our lives and work with us to bring our time, talents, and resourses into line with your plans. Your will WILL be accomplished by those willing to step out in faith, do the next right thing, and trust you with the consequences. Bless my Readers filling them with peace and love. There are some who are going through some tragedies and trials and are wondering if You really exist. Help us to be your ambassadors extending that hand of encouragement, prayer, and a willingness to help whenever we can.  Open your storehouses for those willing to work and bless efforts when that pay doesn't seem like it's enough. Our needs are different from our wants ... I am learning that the hard way. Jesus, as we start the engines of our being, take the wheel and direct our paths to get us where we need to go. Yes, Jesus, it is so ... Amen and amen!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: The clock is ticking LOUDLY in the cottage reminding me that time marches on never to be relived. Each moment I am alive, I want to be a blessing not a curse. Most days just aren't long enough for me to accomplish everything I want to do. I thought when I took a sabatical from TV, it would give me more time ~ it has in some ways but in others I still lack the minutes needed to live abundantly giving to my fellow travelers. My Lord reminds me that He has given me all the time needed to accomplish what He needs me to do. Don't you ever want to just do more though?

Yesterday, my friend Kat and her little Yorkie, Maxie, came to visit. We were going to bake and prepare for the Farmer's Market BUT it seemed more important to just sit and for me to really listen and know her.  Her friendship has been such a gift and I didn't want to miss her message for me ... your purpose in bringing us together. I was not disappointed!

As you, my wonderful Readers take on your day, I hope that you, too, will take some time to breathe in the fresh air that comes from walking out into the sunshine. Always know you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

1 comment:

  1. Very inspiring indeed!! I'm thoroughly impressed with the positive changes you have made in your life. In such a short period of time, you have taken the bull by the horns. The pictures you post exude joy. Keep it up~

