Saturday, July 5, 2014

At the end of a rainbow

I am excessively fond of a cottage;
there is always so much comfort,
so much elegance about them.
~Jane Austen

July 5, 2014

Dear God,

It's been kind of a cut and paste kind of day. A day where I've done all the preparations and just had to plug in my efforts. There was hardly any traffic at the Farmer's Market ... disappointing for all of us BUT there's always next week. I did have a lady show up extra early telling me that her dogs were out of their treats ~ she wouldn't settle for a small bag, she bought my big sample jar! Said she was hurrying home to give her dogs their pumpkin rolls. Oh the things we do for our wonderful furry kids!

The night has fallen and the quietness is only interrupted by the whirring of the air conditioner. It was hot today and the cool air feels quite refreshing after a long day at the Farmer's Market and then doing errands.

It is always such a treat to re"treat" to the cottage in the evening, enjoy the simple pleasures of a soak in bubbles up to my neck, and do whatever I choose to unwind and reflect.

We have decided to do without television for a season and, I must say, I haven't missed it that much. I have been doing more research on the Internet and am finding new interests that might not have caught my eye before. One thing is for sure, I am never bored...

My friend, Beverly, asked me to go with her today to pick up an ottoman at The Two Sisters. As usual, we ended up hitting all the different antique stores in town. I had allotted $10 for my treat for the day and found a set of 6 vintage wine glasses for $7.50. I took my treasures home and gently washed them in some sudsy water. Tomorrow, I am cleaning out the cabinet in the kitchen and will put them in there. Now, I need a wonderful bottle of wine and some company to share it with!

Every house where love abides
And friendship is a guest,
Is surely home, and home sweet home
For there the heart can rest
~Henry Van Dyke

I am thinking of doing a few changes to the cottage to match my new found brightness of soul. When my granddaughter was here in March and was trying on prom dresses, she looked best in clear bright colors. I have found myself drawn to those colors ever since and want to liven up my color scheme. The plotting and planning is such fun and my creative juices come alive and will flow in time.

There are all sorts of artists and my creative bent comes in the form of making all things beautiful whether it's flowers in my garden or niches in my home. For years, I have preferred the deep Ralph Lauren English Cottage colors ... now, I am drawn to the colors of red and aqua. At any rate, I am enjoying learning, researching, and looking.

Lord, I thank you so much for my improved sense of well-being and the brightness of my soul. I was talking with my daughter, Jane, today and she had shared my story of the past couple months with a friend of hers who has been shutting herself off from people. I am grateful that my own decisions can be an encouragement for others springboarding them onward and outward.

I was sitting here and all of a sudden I started singing the song, At the End of A Rainbow. I decided to UTube it and put it in my blog. It's so beautiful ... "at the end of of a story you'll find it's all been told." So it is with life, we live and we share stories that have all been told. We join hands and lift one another up and enjoying the camaraderie and joining of our souls for eternity. I am one of the lucky ones for in reaching out I have locked hands and hearts with some of the most beautiful people in the world.

Father God, move mightily in the hearts of my Readers. Propel them to move forward knowing that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbows of life. The storms don't last for eternity and give way to such beauty. All we have to do is look. For those who are lonely, bring sunshine to their lives. Improve our attitudes, Lord, and recognize the little things that are such gifts. Amen!

Miss Dottie

Come on Mom, it's late says Harmony Jane!
NOTE TO READERS: Mr Sandman has visited me sprinkling sleep dust in my eyes. I look forward to crawling into my comfy bed and thinking positive thoughts. Just the thought of being a part of a church family once again thrills me to no end and I will look forward to some toe tapping music and a wonderful sermon given by Dr. Dudley tomorrow morning. Ah yes, sleeeeppp... G'nite y'all ~ always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

1 comment:

  1. You will be happy to hear that my friend continues to be inspired by your story and she's making baby steps. She did something that she has never done before -- boldly invited herself over for the 4th of July to play Mexican Train Dominoes. I could not have been happier. She has now initiated a monthly game night; isn't that amazing?! I've learned a valuable lesson as well. It does no good to sit and stew when a friendship is suffering. By writing her a letter about my concerns, she took it upon herself to make more of an effort, which makes my heart sing.

    Have a wonderful day and remember that I love you!
