Monday, July 21, 2014

Living Creatively

Friday, July 17, 2014

Dear God,

What a productive day it's been. I made some tentative plans then those plans got changed up a bit. That's life, isn't it? I am quite organized and efficient when I need to have something done by a certain time; however, if I don't then, if the mood strikes, I make changes to suit my fancy.

About 3:30 this afternoon, I decided to paint the cottage bathroom, deep clean, and pare out half the "stuff" that was making me claustrophobic. I grabbed my gallon of Benjamin Moore White Dove Semi-Gloss Paint and went to town. Luckily, the paint dried pretty quickly and I was able to rehang wall art and select a few things I loved to warm up the room. Oooh Wa La ... bathroom done.

Tomorrow, I am going to tackle the rest of the cottage. I have so much "stuff" in there, I can't breathe. I NEED TO BREATHE!! I NEED TO BREATHE!!! It's a good thing I have the underground storage room to put extra stuff.

Now that I've made my point, let's go on...

One of the things I enjoy in life is interior design. I've been fortunate to have had the opportunity to live in many different homes and with each move try out new paint techniques, wallpaper, and create places where family and friends could put their feet up, relax, and feel loved. I used to go from design shop to design shop just to study the rooms and color combinations. My vice was design magazines which enabled me to learn to create my own sense of style. The Ralph Lauren country look has been a favorite for years. Now I find myself adding some quirky touches of color and taking on more of a whimsical playfulness.

Did you know that purple is one of the new colors for Fall? It's an easy color to work with and goes well with reds, aquas, greens, yellows, oranges... God, you made me a creative person with a bent towards the unusual. I am also a nut about colors and "things" that make a home special. Michael shakes his head when I go to him with my ideas but once my vision is implemented, he likes what I do. He's always surprised at what I am able to accomplish with just a few dollars.

I've heard the mansions in heaven are so beautiful and streets are paved of gold. I'll bet there are gardens and flowers galore. My family must be having such fun ... Aunt Eleanor with her roses, Grandma Maggie with her lovely bedding plants, Grandma Belle with her vegetable/flower gardens... I can just picture it ... they'll be running through those fields of flowers when I arrive. I just know it!! (See John & Revelations)

Lord Jesus, you have gifted so many artists and creative people with visions of beauty. May the words, brushes, hands, and visions you have to beautify our earth come forth as our people look to you for divine guidance. I complimented the fellow who plays the harmonica last Sunday and he said, "Thank you, I just want others to see God through my music." Bless him, Father, and others who are performers, singers, musicians. I lift up those who are struggling to make ends meet, those who are ill, those who are teetering on the edge in making life changing decisions. Restore your word, your goodness, your mercy through our children. Raise up men and women after your heart who want to walk in your ways. Amen, dear Jesus, it is so...

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: It's always such fun to be able to take everything out of a room, set accessories on tables outside, then bring things back in for a whole new look. My rose paintings moved to the main room in the cottage and some main room accessories moved to the bathroom. I am fortunate to have a shed and an underground shelter for storage so that I can change out some things from season to season. The cottage was built as a place where I could exercise my creative bent and be the place where I would read, study, and write. I am amazed at how many have come just to sit and chat awhile, lingering to savor the magic of my world.

I have had much and I have had nothing. Neither states define me for I am a child of the most high. My service to the living God and my ever deepening fatih is what does define me and offers a foundation on which I build. The storms may blow and rain may fall ... the evil one may have his say for a season; however, my faith remains strong and I know that in the end, God is the victor!!

Always know you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!


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