Monday, July 14, 2014

Open Range Sunday

In the Garden ~ Alan Jackson

Monday, July 14, 2014

Dear God,

It is early and my walk through the gardens was so refreshing. There's something about that time of just me and You that fills my heart. I was thinking about yesterday and how wonderful it is to be back observing the Sabbath as a day to worship; a time to commune with other believers; and rest. I was praising You for all that you are and all that You bring to my life. I am so very grateful.

When my furry kids woke me up yesterday, I bounded out of bed so excited I could hardly stand it. I was singing and dancing knowing that I would soon be filled with the joy that comes from being in your house. Yesterday's sermon was on marriage and, just when "I" think "I" know everything, you surprise me with a message filled with things I've never thought about. Yay!

The Open Range Band was really on top of their game yesterday. Their first song was In the Garden and You know how much I love that song ... by the time they got to Because He Lives, Amazing Grace, One Day at A Time, and Please Forgive me, I was reaching for my tissues. I just love that time in the service when prayer requests are read and Associate Pastor Rick updates us on everything going on. Miss Kitty gathered the kids about her for a special little kids sermon about light and then their former pastor Terry Gayle gave a beautiful sermon on marriage. Before the service started, there was an elderly lady sitting next to me who pointed to this sweet little girl before us. She said, "That's Landree, she's the church's baby!" I loved that!! Landree IS special ... the Open Range Cowboy Church IS special!!  

Man was made from dust but, woman? She was special and made from man's rib. How about that... God tells us not to be unequally yoked but there's more to it than that. For those of you who have followed my blogs know the pain that divorce has caused not only in my own life but in the lives of my children. I have been married 5 times to Christian men who attended church. The part that was missing was the "commitment." Think about that... If I am a Godly woman committed to my husband it should work. Not necessarily. If a man is not committed to his wife as a gift from You, there's a glitch that's going to cause heartache. We were created as different human beings to compliment one another ... to cherish one another ... to help one another ... to cleave and bless one another. I am writing from the heart of a woman ~ I do know men who are in marriages where they are committed and their partners are not.

Now, here's the part that I was thinking of this morning. Do the same rules apply for all people. No, sadly, they don't. The unbeliever is not going to follow Your teachings ... Your ways. In order for marriage to work, we must be "like minded." We must be in sync with the hearts of our mates. We must be a blessing, not a curse ... a partner.

I am thanking You, Father, for you are my Savior, my Redeemer, my King. I am thanking you for taking my wretched life and using every bit of my flops, fumbles, and messes for your good. As a woman of God, my purpose is to put my arms around other Christians to encourage, teach, and bless. I want to ask you to do something for me today. I'd like you to touch each brother and sister who reads my blogs with something that they would know came only from You and You alone. Maybe they are in a desert like I was ... maybe they are struggling with their marriage or a relationship that hurts their heart ... maybe they are ill, finances stretched to the point of breaking, or facing the end of life. My heart is filled with the love that only You can give and I want my Readers to know they are loved and prayed for ... ALWAYS! Amen and amen, it is so...

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: I have entered a new season in my life and it is different than any other I have experienced before. As a teenager, I had a vision of what I thought my life would be like. If you knew me growing up, you would have said that I would be married to one man for my entire life. I would have been blessed with children and grandchildren passing down the message of how the Lord has worked in the generations before me. With all the good intentions in the world, I set out on my journey, married a man I loved very deeply and had 3 beautiful children. Then, my life exploded and I needed to try to sort through all those fractured pieces with a horrible tape running in the locked corners of my mind. My tape told me I was unworthy but God kept telling me I was worthy. The sad part is that for more years than I would care to count, I believed that tape rather than God. All the people in the world and God almighty can tell us how precious we are but if we don't believe that, we will continue to live lives of misery. We can medicate ourselves with things, bad relationships, drugs, alcohol, animals, food, and various interests but that hole in our heart will continue to deepen. I am choosing to fill my heart with the Word of God; friends that can accept me warts, bumps and all, encouraging and uplifting me; light; and, truth.

As you go about your day today, I hope you think about how God can uplift and use you for his glory. No, we don't need to go to church to be a Christian; however, to be in the company of other believers fills us and keeps us accountable to someone other than the thoughts in our own minds.

This will be another busy week: making 3 new jams for the Farmer's Market and, of course, more doggie treats, WOW Bible Study on Wednesday, household tasks that need tending to, and, spending time with the Fabulous 5!!

PS For those of you who have followed my adoption of a bonded pair of rescued Pomeranians, I will report that after one year of working with them, I took Harmony (the braver of the 2) with me to the Farmer's Market last Saturday. She shook and wanted to hide at first, snuggling down in my arms. The good news is that after awhile she began to come out of her shell woofing, wagging her tail, and warming up to those who wanted to pet her. She wore her new tutu dress (thank you Kat and Maxie) and pranced around like a show dog!! Yesterday as I was ready to head out the door for church she wanted to go along. I was in awe. PROGRESS!!!

1 comment:

  1. Gosh - I love Alan Jackson's voice; beautiful song!! I would have loved to hear the message last Sunday. Every marriage needs work as it is easy to take a committed spouse for granted. My husband was out of town for 3 days and it made realize how much he loves me and I him. I couldn't wait to wrap my arms him when I picked him up at the airport.

    Love You!
