Sunday, September 4, 2011

Can you ever forget your first love?

Young Love by Sonny James

A rousing good morning to you from North Central Texas.  The dogren woke me up about 7 this morning and I was so surprised when I opened the door.  It was actually chilly outside.  I put some coffee on, grabbed my Bible, self-study of John, and scurried outside to drink in the coolness of  Fall.  Did I dare say Fall?!  Even my dogren were excited at the briskness in the air and began jumping up to try catch the leaves falling from the trees.  I laughed at them frolicking around forgetting what they went outside for!

The coolness makes me want to remain at the little casa and work in my gardens.  I know I've fought somewhat of a losing battle with the excruciating heat but I still have a vision of my own little Eden tucked away behind the house!  Maybe Fall will be a good time to plant some things!!

This morning, I read the chapter of Haggai in the Bible.  Haggai was an aged, straight-talking prophet of God who minced no words in his call to "finish what you have begun," for future blessings were promised to the obedient.  Each year when I get to Haggai, I celebrate having learned more about the God of the Old Testament.  The New Testament negates the Old Testament in that we no longer live under the law but are freed by Jesus Christ.  Amen!  As I journey forward on into the New Testament I am continually reminded of God's love, grace, and mercy.  May God be with me and with my readers as well!!

As I moved into my study of John, I was reminded of my first deep love.  I have mentioned before, I used to look for God within the walls of Glenwood Lutheran Church.  I had been told He lived there and I sought Him out.  I called His name and wanted to be with Him.  I played church with my friend, Judy, and even though, I never saw His face, somehow I knew He was present.  Baptist's have often asked me when I was saved and I answer them quite honestly that I have always been saved.  God's hand was upon me and even though I strayed from His presence, He kept a close eye on me.  As a Christian, my love of Christ, is at the forefront of my existence.  Without His love, I cannot be all He created me to be.

I was thinking this morning about the times I forsake my love of my Lord, my first love because I took the road of the flesh and refused to forsake my grudges and grievances.  Bitterness and Christ don't go together ... I have had to choose and when I choose Him, the rest of my life falls into place!  He is my meat and potatoes ... the others in my life are the gravy and desserts!  If I am in sync with God then I am in balance and have love to spare!!  The problems in my life have arisen when I have forgotten my first love and have turned to man to meet my needs.  Since humans aren't God, we are flawed and we disappoint and are disappointed.

When I think about my past as a child and as a adult, I have chosen to give grace to my abusers and pray for them.  I have always prayed that God would put me on the front lines in this world and He has.  He has also equipped me to be strong and pliable.  Several times I have taken part as a prayer warrior in behind the scenes activities and have felt the blows being exchanged between good and evil.  My voice reaches out through my blog to give my readers choices and to share my strength with them.  Look up not down ... move forward not getting stuck in the muck and mire of the past ... life is worth living!!  Do what is right and leave the rest to the Lord...

Who is your first love?  Mine was the Lord followed by the sweet love of innocence as a teenager.  No regrets on this end...

On a less somber note, yesterday I went to the PAWS shelter to help Beverly with the cats.  I am allergic to cats and I it was stupid of me to think that I could nuzzle those sweet felines and not get sick.  They looked so innocent and inviting but I sure suffered the consequences last night when I got home.  I felt like I was suffocating and my eyes itched and swelled up with yellow stuff...  I guess, like most humans, I think I can "just give it a try" then realize I really can't.  I will need to love those precious little kitties from afar in the future!!

Isn't he handsome?
Sir Handsome was my undoing yesterday.
 When will I learn?!

"Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy..."
~~1 Peter 1:8

I pray that you will have a wonderful SON-day!  Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!




  1. I enjoyed that, Dotte, even though I suspected that answer. I am allergic to cats also.

  2. How wonderful that you sacrified a night's sleep for 'Sir Handsome'. He!he! I can see why it was hard to resist.

    I think my first love was my bike. It offered freedom and adventure. I remember touring around our neightborhood in Lakeville. How great it was to live in a safe, family-friendly place. I biked, played, and enjoyed childhood. I am very grateful for that time of joy!

    Have a great night-
