Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Vengeance Is Mine Says the Lord!

It's a great day to be alive and kicking ...
come on in to my world and let's chat awhile!!

Good Morning, Readers!  And, what a beautiful morning it is in North Texas.  The sun is shining ... it's not too hot, not too cold ... this day is imperfectly perfect!!  I can't believe what a change a drop in temperature makes!

The back porch beckoned me this morning ... I fixed breakfast for the dogren and soaked up the soft rays of sunlight as they munched down their kibble.  Michael made coffee and we enjoyed a nice chat about our day.  It's been an adjustment having him home ... we're very different people and having to find our own space in our senior years while spending a lot of time in the same space.  I hope that makes sense.

As I have gotten older, I have realized that God truly does guard His own.  The most important thing I have had to realize is that His timing is different than my timing.  In the throes of anger, it is human nature to want to have our attackers wiped off the face of the earth.  Hopefully with time, the heart softens and our choices towards those who hurt us mellow and forgiveness takes center stage.  At one point in my life, I remember shouting, "YOU will not take my life from me!"  By hanging on to real or perceived hurts, we hold ourselves captive while others go on with their lives.

I would much rather face an angry human than an angry God.  There is a saying in Alanon ... "Let go and let God!"  Believe me, I have seen what God can do to protect His own and I rest in knowing that He does His job perfectly.  I can forgive, move on, and know that He has my back.  I have had many people ask me why I am so happy ... why I smile so much ... why I don't hold grudges ... why I am so open about my own sins...  Well, I am who I am because I was set free from my own sin in order to bless others.  It's as simple or as complicated as that!!

Romans 12:19~~ "Beloved, never avenge yourselves,
 but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written,
 'Vengeance is mine.  I will repay, says the Lord.'

Forgiveness frees me from the burden of taking justice into my own hands.  Since God is going to take up my cause and see that justice is done, I am able to lay it down.  I choose not to carry anger and bitterness and resentment and revenge.  Jesus warns us that an unforgiving heart will destroy us in the end.  

For those out there who hold grudges and make passive aggressiveness or abuse a part of your lives.  Watch out!  You will reap what you sow and it will come back to haunt you.  If you want to know what's going to happen in the future, study your past for how you treat those around you will be brought to light ... maybe today maybe years and years down the road.  Walk in the light and share your journey.  I've learned is that when I am working on myself I don't have a whole lot of time fussing about what others are doing.  Treat others as you would want them to treat you ... The Golden Rule of the past still reigns!

Daughter Jane
Granddaughter Madison
 I am fortunate in many ways, even though my daughter lives a huge distance from me, we talk nearly every day.  It is our greatest joy to share our daily challenges and kudos.  She is wonderful about keeping me up to date on Madison's and Katrina's activities ... as a long distance grandma, that means a lot!  My child and I have waded through some deep waters together which has made our bond stronger.  We can laugh at our imperfectness and encourage each other to be better.  Both of us are voracious readers and love personal growth.

As a witness to hurt, when is not responding wrong?  I realize that we are all responsible for our own choices and we are to allow others to walk their own walk.  There has been a history in my family to "not make waves" which often times has allowed others to continue in their bad habits ... co-dependence and enabling has run rampant.  To not say anything when someone has defiled another is to condone behavior.  Wrong!  Wrong! Wrong!  Stand up for what is right and leave the rest to God!  That may not be the easy road; however, it is the road that will make all the difference.

What do you stand for?  Do you stand for truth, goodness, mercy, grace?  Or, are you a chameleon changing colors depending on who you are with or trying to impress?  Do you take over God's job and dole out punishment based on your own perceived truths?  I want those that have hurt me to invite the Lord into their lives.  I want them to be whole as I have been made whole.  It's difficult to hate when you're praying for the best for someone.

Most of those who have hurt me have chosen not to say they are sorry or to make amends or reconcile.  I wish that was not the case and I still hold on to hope that one day that will happen and that there will be reconciliation(s).  You will hear me shouting from the rooftops!

Who am I?  I'm a quiet little lady with a huge heart.  I love deeply and feel hurt deeply.  My conscience works overtime to keep me in line and recognize my own faults of which there are so very many.  I give myself grace to move forward and grace to others who want to take my hand.  I wish I could sit down with each and every one of my Readers who tune in across the globe.  I wish I could sit beside you and listen to your stories...  I'm a hugger and I'd want to let you know that "it's" going to be okay.

In our days of struggle and strife, we need to band together.  Just in days of yore, the fittest will survive.  Be positive ... think positive ... look positive!  My granddaughter, Madison, has been putting the most amazing quotes on Facebook.  In so many ways we are alike and I smile knowing the wisdom she is sharing with her friends and others (including me) influence and encourage. Today's wisdom:  "Protect her, fight for her, kiss her, hold her, laugh with her ... but don't make her fall if you don't plan to catch her."  For all I know that may be words to a song she likes ... no matter, I'm just glad she posted them and that I can pass them on!

I declare this "take every thought captive" day.  Reach out to someone who doesn't deserve it just because ... be thankful for what you have instead of what you don't have.  Build someone up not tear them down.  Stand up for what's right ... don't be a bystander in the grand scheme of life.

As I sign off, always remember that I am with you, my Readers.  Stand tall knowing that there is someone out there who is praying for you and knowing that you CAN be all God meant for you to be!

Until tomorrow ... take gentle care!!


1 comment:

  1. Those are easier words to say that to do. I struggle with this daily. It is easy to condemn people. I mainly struggle with this at work, as you know. You are soooo right... God has his own timeline. When I look back at my career, I realize I had a lot of growing up to do as well, yet mainly accomplished this in my college rotations and jobs. Some people carry negative work habits for life, and if management doesn't take action, it makes it difficult for co-workers. So, thank you for the words of wisdom. I will strive to be a better Christian!

