Monday, September 12, 2011

The Mornings After Our 911's

And a good morning to you, my Readers!  Coffee in hand, I got up this morning and headed out to the back porch to read and reflect.  The dogren love it when I take them out and watch them play.  I laugh and they look at me and continue chasing and growling.  No wonder when they are separated, they long for each other!

Last night the Jets beat the Cowboys.  What a nail biting game.  I had played phone tag with my daughter as she was doing her TD laps which was great fun.  Gotta love the Cowboys but aughhhh what frustration!  I wonder what their morning is like today.  I would image they are angry, frustrated and maybe even pointing a few fingers.  Coach Jason Garrett has some work to do in disciplining and motivating his team.  Tony Romo has his job cut out for himself as well in being the pack leader on the field.  Oh to be a fly on the wall at practice!!

We all have those morning after our 911's when we wish we could go back and erase the tape and do a rerun.  Our choices that turn into disasters can be tough to swallow.  Even harder are those times when the choices others make determine how hard we fall as in the case of the planes hitting the twin towers in New York .  We have a tough time controlling our own actions and habits ... and, don't you know, we can influence but never make another's choice for them.  Ultimately, we came into this world alone and we will go out alone as well.  Living life is not easy yet one that can be filled with new hope and promise of a brighter tomorrow!

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."~~James 1:2-3

I just love reading the book of James in the Bible.  It is one of the earliest of the New Testament letters.  It was written by the brother of Jesus who was one of the leaders of the church in Jerusalem.  Letters were addressed to Christians in general and not to a specific church.  I find that devotionals are wonderful; however, they are written by individuals so I get their viewpoint based on their experience ... when I pray to receive and understand what is written in the Bible, God speaks to me on a deeper level in ways that truly touch my heart.  As I think about my own 911's, James gives me comfort and the confidence to keep on keepin' on! 

Never quit ... never give up!  If you get nothing else out of my blogs, I hope that you hear me screaming those words!!!  When you experience your own 911's, don't give up.  Just like those families and workers that experienced 911 on September 12, 2001, they knew they had a tall mountain to climb.  What did they do?  They took it one rock at a time, one body at a time, one moment at a time ... they broke their devastation down into tiny parts that they could handle.  When overcome with grief, the task at hand, and the solemness of the day before, they bowed their heads and asked God for strength and wisdom.  Those that tried to walk in their own strength couldn't take it ... so many left their posts, collapsed in their tracks and became bitter.

Jesus Christ is Lord - Not a Swear Word!
We all have our personal trials ... if you haven't experienced one, you will, be assured of that.  When you do, you will have choices to make that aren't pleasant or for the faint of heart.

Last week, we had the pleasure of being invited to my grandsons' school for Grandparents Day.  On the way over, I looked at the semi in front of me and was totally taken back by what I saw.  I carry my camera in my purse for occasions just as this and handed it to Michael to snap a photo from the driver's side of Lily.  Afterwards, as we passed the truck, I gave the young man driving a thumb's up.  He smiled and returned the gesture.  I wished I could have stopped him and asked him why he drove a truck proclaiming his faith.  All I know is that it made an impact on me and I knew that God was covering the roads wherever that truck went.  Whatever happened to that young man must have had a huge impact!!  When others look at you, do they see your faith and courage in speaking up for what you believe??  In the margin of one of my favorite Bibles (I have many) I read what I had written in the margin ... "righteousness - one's faith and actions working together."  Yes!!

"Above all, my brothers, do not swear--not by heaven or by earth or by anything else.  Let your 'Yes' be 'yes' and your 'No,' no, or you will be condemned."~~James 5:12

Courage, my Readers, courage ... it takes courage to move forward when you'd just as soon give up and die.  It takes courage to hold your head up high when life has thrown you a curve ball that you didn't expect.  Once upon a time I was a little girl who thought I was worth nothing ... life was about disengaging and survival.  Once upon a time I was a young lady who thought I was worth nothing ... life was about disengaging and survival.  Once upon a time, I was a young woman who began a journey.  I stood up and got knocked down ... I stood up again and again each time gained strength, wisdom and courage.  I still have days when triggers overtake me and I bow my head with tears flowing wondering when the pain is going to stop.  Then, there is always that small voice inside of me that tells me that I am no longer a little girl or a young woman with no say.  It is up to me to choose how I will react and act!
As Ralph Waldo Emerson says, "What lies behind us and what lied before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
Be very careful who you listen to!  Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... each and every day!  Have a great day!!


1 comment:

  1. Oh what a great blog - words I needed to hear. Life is difficult at times due to sheer fatigue. Day to day responsibilities seem to take their toll. It seems during times of weakness negative thoughts, feelings, and actions seem to sprout. I appreciate your point of view. It really makes me take a step back. Wisdom is your gift (amongst many other things). Thanks again-

