Monday, September 26, 2011


Good Morning, Readers!  Come on in and let's visit awhile.  I've poured myself a cup of coffee and headed for the back porch.  I love my time there ... I can read, study, and gaze upon my own little piece of Eden!  I laid each stone, planted each bush, flower, and tree ... it may not be the most beautiful garden in the world but it is mine created with my own hands.  I have enjoyed each moment of it's creation and growth from season to season!

Last Saturday, I received a card from a life long friend, Elaine.  I think I've read through the card a dozen or more times feasting on each word of encouragement and wisdom.  She ended the card with the statement, "...remember we are a team."  I had tears!

I have been most fortunate to have accumulated a select number of lifelong friends.  Their hearts are the same now as when they were young.  Remember, I had a set of the same friends, kindergarten through twelfth grade so we spent a good deal of time together.  Other times in my life I have had seasonal friends, those who have come into my life for a reason or number of years.  Each person has enriched my life immensely.

Nancy, Diane, Bob, Jackie
Strong social ties are a big part of happiness.  I have always needed someone in whom to confide ... to bounce my ideas off of ... to be my accountability partner that can tell me when I am way off base...  When my Aunt Helen passed away, I knew in my heart that I needed to make the trip back to my roots to connect with family and friends.  I was only to be there for a little more than a week; however, the accident of hitting a sand pile extended my visit a couple more.  It was in this time that I truly began to realize the deepness of my friendships and connection with family.

Over the years, I had added new friendships and found it difficult to make the cross country trip to connect with family and friends.  Slowly, time passed and our connections where there but more faint.  Each of us lived life separately but somehow our hearts stayed connected.

"Make new friends but keep the old.  One is silver, the other is gold."

A big part of friendship is taking the time to "show up" and make the effort.  With all of the new technology, it is easy to send emails and chat on Facebook but nothing can replace face to face interaction.  I have already committed to another visit to Minnesota for a visit with my gal pals late next Spring or early Summer.  I can hardly wait.  I have also made the commitment to myself to keep in touch and pick up the phone.

When I was younger, it was easy to make new friends ... my children were in school, sports, church and mothers banded together.  We had our children to talk about and our own set of issues with time constraints, husbands, and our own goals as individuals.  Now, it is more challenging.  As an introverted extrovert, I am cautious when entering new arenas.  Also because of my past history, I test the waters and if I am frightened, I pull back.  I have found that people who have been together a long time are less likely to welcome a newcomer.  As a teacher, I was full aware of the new ones or the ones who pulled back making sure that each person felt a part of the group.  As a hostess, I make sure that each guest is welcomed and pulled into activities.  Because of my past, I am more aware...  I have always believed that I can use the hurts of my heart to be a better person and friend.

Pam & Elaine's Masterpiece!
I am open to people and enjoy being around them.  I am deep and love below the surface conversations.  When in Minnesota, my friend, Pam, said, "Now can we get down to personal?"  I laughed and we all gathered around to REALLY talk ... to really share our thoughts as teenagers, young women, and now as seniors!  Now that's friendship at it's best!!

For many years, I have used the excuse of "I just am too busy."  Nawwww, that's not true, we always have time for those people and things that are important to us.  I have been convicted about my not attending church each Sunday.  It has become way too easy to turn on the boob tube and watch a sermon in my jammies.  I need the friendship of other believers and maybe some person may just need me.  I have way too many excuses all of which are just plain lame.  My son emailed me about a sermon he had heard at Prestonwood North ... he also confronted me about my church attendance.  Yes, I need the friendships of believers and those who can accept me as I am ... a little shy but for sure, a woman with a big heart.

Yes, having friends has meant different things at different times of life.  I look back and can smile fondly at the women who have loved me and mentored me over the years.  I am grateful for them ... for their friendship ... for the time they invested in me ... and, that they allowed me to give back to them my God-given gifts.  You see, friendships are two way streets and they take time to develop ... in our microwave society we want everything NOW!!  In reality, friendships are to be savored and developed one day at a time.

Today is the time to "take the time"
I declare this connect with a friend day.  My gal pals are getting together for a trip to the East Coast to see Fall foliage soon.  I will be with them in spirit and waiting to hear of the excitement of their travels!!  As for you, my Readers, always remember that you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!
(or as the Norwegians say, "Ya, you betcha!")

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you were able to reconnect with your childhood friends. How special it is that you already have a trip planned for next spring/summer. Tim's mom told him that she is going to put her house up for sale next summer. We have always thought that we would buy it, tear it down, and build our forever house on the lot. So, if it is God's will (and our action) we will be there as well. As I have said (a gazillion times) I miss the change of seasons, and the good 'ole Midwest Values.

    Love ya,
