Monday, September 19, 2011

A Flub Is One Step Closer to Greatness!

Good Afternoon, Readers!  I've been up since 6am ... we got a wonderful shower last night and my goodness, the air smells so fresh and clean.  My plants in the backyard have perked up and roses are blooming.  It's been a great day!!

Having the house on the market has required a newness of discipline.  I've gotten into a routine now and actually am enjoying a more flexible schedule.  The house is going to be shown this evening as well as having one on the books already for tomorrow ... lots of activity.  This isn't the best time in the world to sell a house but I am doing everything on my end ... the timing of the sale is up to the Lord.  I rest in that!

Wouldn't you know ... my TV went bonkers the day before the finale of America's Got Talent.  Thank goodness for videos on the Internet as I was able to watch the finale in it's entirety.  There were several acts I rooted for this year but my hat went off to the car washer from West Virginia, Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr.  He had me from this song on out...  Gotta love those big band sounds!!

It seems like the reality shows focus on rags to riches stories to help gain interest in their shows.  I enjoy watching Idol, America's Got Talent, Dancing With The Stars, So You Think You Can Dance AND last night I watched an interesting show for the first time ... Shark Tank (no it's not about sharks).  As a person with an entrepreneurial spirit, I am always interested in how humble people rise to greatness.  Luck?  Hmmm ... not always.  What we don't see is the progression from beginning (birth) to that moment of arrival (a lifetime).

How do you get good at something?  I don't care what it is, everything takes PRACTICE and MORE PRACTICE.  In the many seasons of my life, I have had different motivations and interests.  I laugh at the first floral arrangement I made ... it was so awful.  By the time I got to number five, I started really enjoying my craft and was told many times that I should do it for a living.  As a young bride, I burned soup ... seven years later, I was able to entertain and serve many people at a time comfortably.  As a young mom, I pinned the blankets around my first daughter so she wouldn't suffocate.  By the time I got to baby three, being a mom came easy and I was more relaxed.  I was forever interested in interior design and had some real flops before I found my niche.  I love gardening but still have problems with aphids and over loving my plants!  I keep trying and am finding what works for me.

One thing I have realized is that once I stop doing something for awhile, I take a backslide and my once greatness has become, well ... lets just say, less than great.  That's the one thing about living in the past ... we can say how great we were way back when.  How about now?  Are we keeping our interests up to snuff now?  It's so important for us to stay alive, learning new things, and being a person with an active mind.  I really enjoy teaching something I am passionate about ... I think that passion makes all the difference in the message being taught whether it's to an infant or a senior citizen!!

Last Saturday, my friend, Etta, and I watched my five year old grandson play t-ball.  Nicholas has such determination and focus.  He's a little guy with a strong arm ... perfect for playing third base!  My son is one of the coaches and I might add, he is a great one at working with the littlest of guys and helping them recognize their potential.  At five, the boys are there to have fun and learn the basics.  Rules are meant to be bent in favor of teaching the most important things ... basics and self esteem.  I laughed ... when an inning was over, they all practiced sliding into home.  The smiles on their faces was contagious.  By now you might be thinking that discipline was lacking.  Not at all ... believe me ... on the field they knew their places and what they were to do.  They played as a team ... five years old and they knew what the good of the team was!!  I used to tell my son, "Don't be afraid of screwing up."  Now, my son is telling his sons, "Don't be afraid of screwing up, just learn from it and keep on going."  We need to be encouragers generation after generation!

I started out this blog with a song sung by Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr. on America's Got Talent.  He has quite a story to tell ... "It's been a long road."  He made a whole lot of mistakes and washed a whole lot of cars before coming in to the limelight of winner!  Don't you know, he's always been a winner, like all of us, it just took living to get us where we are today!

I pray that you have a wonderful week.  Always remember that you, my Readers, are in my heart ... each and every one of you!

Until tomorrow...  

1 comment:

  1. Perseverance is a great quality. The ability to keep going when you fail does not come easy and it is an important quality to instill in your children. With a competitive cheerleader and a gymnast as daughters, there are often times when they want to give up. Tim and I gently push them to continue. It is wonderful to see the elation when they achieve a skill that has been frustrating them. Yeah! So, are we~

    Thanks for another great blog!
