I was up early this morning getting ready for the Realtor Open House. Having a house on the market is not a simple undertaking. I spent several weeks getting things weeded out, cleaned, and painted so that our home could put her best foot forward as we interviewed realtors. The realtor we chose said that everything was staged properly and that we didn't have to do anything further which was great news. After preening our property, each time it's shown we scurry around with the can of air freshener, run the vacuum and turn on all the lights. God forbid should we have a dark corner! I have a friend that tells me I do too much but, I don't know, I guess it's having pride of ownership in a wonderful house that deserves good treatment. It is my hope that the next owners will love her as much as I have.
I laugh when I think about the decision I made to simplify my life a couple years ago. I thought that in renovating the little casa, we would have a place of r'n'r when we visited Mom. The renovation became a major project and we ended up taking the house down to the studs and practically rebuilding it ... the only thing left of the house is the outer walls! Just when we thought we were ready to install the kitchen, we had a water break and our contractor had to tear everything out of the kitchen, living room and dining room and redo it. Talk about complications! A year and a half of complications before living there could be simple!! We still have so much to do outside and in the guest cottage ... in my mind, I am saying over and over ... "When, this is done, life will be simple there!"
When I first made my decision to simplify, I listed my responsibilities and the things that were going on in my life. I took stock of how much "Stuff" I was taking care of and what I could do without. I took some big black bags and went through all our closets and drawers getting rid of clothes and items that I knew someone else could wear or use. At that time, I had a cleaning lady and gave her 12 bags to share with her family. Michael is quite tall and most Hispanic people are more on the shorter side so his clothes went to Good Will. Sadly, my closets are still full ... I need to go through everything again and pare down. This time, I am having to get rid of some favorites so it will be tougher. Not quite so simple. There are a few things that have followed me for many many years!
Since my hobby has been interior design, I gather a lot of accessories to dress my rooms. I get so excited with each new season as I open my tubs and set out my treasures. There's not much room at the little casa to store my tubs so I am having Michael clean out the storm cellar and put in shelves. When I visited my brother and sister in law, they did that upstairs and I thought that was such a great way of keeping track of seasonal things. I have decided that, yes, initially, to prepare the storage room would be a complicated chore; however, when it's done, it will make life simpler ... or so I tell myself.
One thing that has become a nightmare is dealing with Social Security and working with finances. I am not a financial guru so years ago I gave that over to Brooks at Morgan Stanley. He's a fine man and has done well with what I have ... no one prepared me for the stock market bottom out though and the the struggles of a wavering economy. Aughhhh... When I had my last surgery I went on disability then applied for Social Security. Simple? You'd think so. The problem came in when Social Security sent me a letter a couple weeks ago letting me know that even though I was on disability, it would be counted as wages and I need to pay them back six months of benefits. Oh, good grief... I told them that I had discussed this with the Social Security advisor last August ... guess we didn't communicate clearly enough. More aughhhhs... No income for the next six months. Simple as that! I wonder how my creditors will feel about that?? Complicated!!
As I have gotten older and have had to deal with degenerative and chronic health issues, my simple life got REAL complicated. I'd always been a very robust, healthy, active person ready to go and do. My metabolism ran high so I could eat whatever I wanted and stay quite slim and trim. I did weight lifting at 40 and regular aerobic activities at 50. Whoa ... in 2004 I had my first back surgery and found out that my healthy existence would be more complicated. My doctors tell me regularly to simplify my life ... now, how does a Type A person stop doing what needs to be done?? I'm not a good sick person ... if I am sick or have something wrong, I tell my doctors to "fix it" so I can get on with life. It's sheer misery for me to have to be inactive or a couch potato!! I hate having an illness define me!
I have found that simple is as simple does. I realize that to make my life simple, has taken me time and energy ... not something accomplished in a week. It's been a slow process. It's easier to get into a complicated life ... it happens so gradually and then, all of a sudden there is this crash ... this aha moment of discovery and the thought of "Why am I so exhausted? I am constantly on the go - no time for myself."
When I was in Minnesota this Summer, I did a lot of reading about my Torguson/Pederson heritage. Was life simpler then? In some ways yes ... in other ways no. Life for the pioneer family meant working together from morning to night. But then ... they also had family bands, neighborly gatherings and times when laughter ran rampant! Life was tough ... it was brutal ... it was rewarding for those who stuck it out and made a life for themselves within the new communities.
I like simple ... I don't have one of those fancy phones and my lap top computer is user friendly. I don't like complicated cars that require a degree to operate ... My Lily does just fine! I like simple meals of meat/fish/chicken, vegetables, and salad. I like simple evenings of laughter with family and friends. My days are simple ... I focus on what's really important... I read my Bible and periodicals, I write my blog and Hamilton Elf stories, I tend to my garden and family and keep my heart pure. I don't put off for tomorrow what needs to be done today which saves me time and energy in the long run.
Have I accomplished my goal of simplification? Not yet, but can see light at the end of the tunnel! I figure that God has blessed me with all the time and resources I need to accomplish what I was put on this earth to do. The rest? Well, my life is as complicated as I have allowed it to become. I am crying, "Uncle!" and moving forward!
"In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia."~~Author Unknown
Have a great day ... always remember that I am never too busy to love and pray for my Readers! Until we chat tomorrow, enjoy your evening!
I know what it is like sweet lady!!! Having the house on the market and being semi-type A leads to stress. Obviously, at any moment, a phone call could be coming in expressing the desire to show the house to a potential buyer. Given your situation, you want to have 'your game on'!! I remember burying my Saint Joseph and praying that our house in Michigan would sell like a ticket to the Justin Bieber concert. Well, 4 months later I was on the front step with tears of frustration landing on the front porch. I recall begging God to bring a buyer to the house....the next week, 3 couples came within a few days of each other and an offer came. Tim and I debated waiting to see if a bidding war would start, yet we were both ready to end the madness. Selling a house was harder than any marathon that either one of us has ran because of the unknowns.
ReplyDeleteSo, I do believe that God hears prays of desperation and frustration. Hang in there...the right person, at the right time, with God's blessing will come through your doorway. I will pray along with you. It may not be a short and easy journey, yet you will not be alone.
Love you-
Love you a lot!!!
Love you soooo much!!!!!!!