Monday, September 26, 2011

Discernment not Condemnation

I must have been very tired last night.  I turned on my computer and this blog came up.  I thought I had posted it...  Here you go ... blessings shot out to you for a great day!

Good Evening, Readers!  I hope that you had an absolutely wonderful weekend.  Mine was very low key ... no showings on the house, no special activities to attend ... an all around blah weekend.  I do better when I am feeding myself laughter and activity.  By this evening, I was feeling a little down and deflated...  Lo and behold, my daughter called giving me an update on the Blackjack Gymnastics Meet in Daytona, Florida.  Kat had done quite well ... I dug out my computer and looked at the photos she had posted.  Kat and her friend, Bianca, had done wonderfully!  My heart lifted and I felt a growing sense of happiness!  Grandmothers are funny that way ... they love those grandchildren so very much and are delighted no matter what they do!!

This morning, I watched a couple sermons on television ... one by Joel Osteen and the other by Dr. Charles Stanley.  Both were thought provoking and moved me.  When I listen to Joel, I am always uplifted and strengthened to move in a right direction whether it be mental, physical, or spiritual.  Dr. Stanley's sermon was on discernment ... my eyes and ears were glued to the screen ... I didn't want to miss a word.  I wish I'd had a notebook so I could have taken notes but I was afraid if I moved from my spot I would miss something.  I've heard many sermons on discernment but this was ultimately the best!!  I plan to listen to his sermon again (thanks to the Internet) and definitely WILL take notes this time!!

"Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path."
~~Psalm 119:105

I have been reading the Bible through each year for many many years.  Each time I am amazed at how much I learn and grow.  Everything I need to make decisions, is in this book.  Wisdom comes from the Word and the Word is God.  Reading and following the Ten Commandments is just a start.  I know, I know, I have friends who tell me that the Bible is just an outdated book of history but let me tell you, my biggest mistakes have come from NOT following the wisdom on the printed page.  Give Proverbs a go ... just one chapter a day ... and, think about the world, your own life and the lives of those around you.  See any similarities.  I'll wager a bet that you do!  We are not to condemn; however, we are to be discerning in our lives and relationships.  What do light and darkness have in common?  Absolutely nothing!!

"You are my refuge and my shield, your word is my only
source of hope."~~Psalm 119:114

Yes, my God IS my refuge and my shield.  It is only by His grace that I am alive and sane.  He accepted me as a sinful, broken woman and took me under his wing!  When I cowered in complete darkness he restored my soul and lifted me to new heights.  I could NOT do this on my own ... how do I know?  I tried.  Just like the addict craving a fix ... I craved kind words.  The problem was that in my weakness, I was prey for some pretty wicked people with dark hearts.  Jesus says we are to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves ... I needed to learn discernment!!  With each decision I made, I can look back and see how I tried to make my future different by making the same mistakes.  Stupid!  Just plan down right stupid!!

I have quite a few different Bibles.  They get pretty ragged after many years of reading and writing in the margins.  The Bible I grabbed today was one I bought for The Song of Solomon class at Grace Community Church in September 2000.  I keep it on the bed tray on my bed so that if I am led to look up a Bible verse, I have it handy.  My Bibles are like old friends ... we have a history together!

"Show me the path where I should walk, O Lord; point out the right road for me to follow.  Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me.  All day long my hope is in you."~~Psalm 25:4-5

Yesterday was my daughter Jane's birthday.  As usual, I like to call my children on the hour and minute they were born.  It is a reminder to me and to them that they were and are gifts that I cherish more than anything!!  I think a lot about them ... each of them ... and, I pray for their well being each day.  Until the day I die, I will be on my knees in my prayer closet praying for specifics in their lives.  As they have married, I  have also listed their spouses to my prayers.  As a mother hen, I want my family covered by God's protection and grace.  With each new generation, I have more prayer responsibilities!!

Tomorrow is the beginning of a new week.  Michael should get the results of his medical tests and hopefully his doctor will be able to ease his discomfort.  Depending on what he finds out, we may head on down to the little casa.  I wish I had flats of Fall flowers to take with me.  The itch to plant some flowers has gotten so bad that I can hardly contain myself.  This is the first year since we've lived in this house that I haven't been gardening up a storm with each new season.  I've planted so many perennials and they are doing well; however, just that pop of new color brightens my day.

I am thinking that a trip to the Dallas Arboretum would be in order within the next couple weeks.  I also drove past the Story Book Ranch in the McKinney/Frisco area and they are offering hay rides.  What could be more fun!  I think I just need to get out my calendar and make sure that I have something special lined up so I don't get the blah's next weekend.  Without joy and laughter, I tend to waste away.  Ever feel that way?  When the humdrum of everyday life gets really draining, it's time to soak up some sunshine and add a touch of living life!!

Until we chat again, I wish you blessings in the coming week.  Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

This little Pumpkin Man wishes you a great week!


1 comment:

  1. Sermons are wonderful when they catalyze life change. It is difficult to find a pastor that stirs the soul--now that you have have found TWO, relish in their wisdom. It puts a smile on my face when I read that my calls cheer you up. I love having someone to call that loves me and values my efforts. I am truly blessed to have people around me that 'have my back'. I always have told my girls that all you really need is one true friend and all will be okay. You are a true friend to me!! :-)

