Friday, June 29, 2012

Love comes to visit!

June 29, 2012

Good Morning, Readers!  Michael's daughter, Angie, and her children, Camden and Chloe were here visiting.  It's been such a joy having them share our lives at the little casa.  Miss Dottie has had more adventures to tuck into her heart!!

First let me explain ... My son is Tommy and my daughter-in-law is Angie.  Michael's daughter is Angie and her husband is Tommy.  Now isn't that a coinkydink?!  I had to clarify that for you, Readers, because you know I've written a lot about Tommy and Angie (A).

Love has no beginning and has no end ... it just is!  Getting to know Camden and Chloe is a blessing and it was hard to see them leave.  They arrived late afternoon on Wednesday and we've been on the go ever since.  Within minutes of arrival, Camden was getting Grandpa involved in a game of Chutes and Ladders.  Guess who won?!

I introduced them to the gardens and they've had fun looking for birds, squirrels, and bugs.  (they found a cricket in the Kohl's store yesterday, wrapped it in a paper, and released it in the garden when we got home).  Compassion at it's simple best!

Michael is famous for his pancakes.  Since he was getting ready for his job interview on Thursday morning, Chloe lent a hand in the kitchen.  Her pancake batter was of a perfect consistency -- what a chip off the old block!!  Even Camden, who doesn't usually like pancakes, scarfed them up!!  I think pancakes, eggs, and bacon will become a tradition when the kids come to the little casa.

Michael got me a Xbox for Christmas.  I like the dance games but the kids got a kick out of the other games.  We pushed the furniture to the sides of the room so they could have more space.  What fun to watch them -- hands, feet, and bodies moving all over the place.  Gosh, what energy they have!!

It's always such a joy for me to understand people and get a bead on what makes them tick.  Each of my grandchildren are so unique ... it's like having gifts wrapped in different packages trimmed with special bows.

Chloe is a tomboy.  She likes running, climbing the rock walls, the zoo, games, animals, and exploring.  Camden is expressive and animated.  If he and grandson Nicholas got together, they could raise the roof a notch or two!!  He is all boy and loves all the stuff boys do...  Miss Dottie is in pig heaven having them underfoot.

Isn't it the simple things of life that make our days so special?  The laugh of a child having fun trying to capture a bug ... the quietness of the night when they are winding down and enthrawled in a good book ... the morning when those little faces appear saying, "I'm hungry!"  The hugs, the "I love yous" ... the squeals ... even the tears!  We should observe children closely ... they teach us so much about living life.  They just are well, so real.

Life here at the little casa is pretty laid back.  Our neighborhood is quite a study in contrasts ... there are big gorgeous homes and some smaller homes (some fixed up and some rather run down) ... in the middle of us all is a pasture that holds horses and mules.  No kidding!  Since the kids have been tiny, they have loved to feed the critters in the pasture.  Today was no different!  Apples were sliced and the crew headed to the pasture.  The mules grabbed those apples right quick ... Camden and Chloe pulled up some fresh greens as dessert!  It's always fun to add a little walk on the wild side!!

Mom has a scratched cornea, some sores on her body that are having a tough time healing, and has had some duby duby down down days.  Visits from her granddaughter and great-grandchildren were just what the doctor ordered.  I am now doing her laundry since some of her favorite clothes have disappeared.  She gets very attached to her clothes (especially her sweaters) so we do our best to keep things on an even keel for her.

The house is so quiet ... too quiet.  As I move through the house getting things back in order, I find evidence of their visit ... memories of a little chair that folded out into a tiny bed ... I pick up my flip flop and picture Chloe trying them on ... "they fit!!"  I smile thinking my mother must have done the same thing when I visited with my three babies.  Generations come and go ... all we have left is the memories, the photos, the yearnings of a family in unity.  I don't know about yours but mine sure loves to look at photos from the time they were babies.

I am reading the Perry Stone book PURGING YOUR HOUSE, PRUNING YOUR FAMILY TREE.  I got it yesterday and have had a hard time putting it down.  I have been doing 40 days of prayer for some specific things going on in my family and had been asking for clarity and truth.  OMG, as I read through the pages, I found answers and wisdom.  I look forward to finishing the book tonight and will share my thoughts with you.

In the meantime, I am thankful for time with my family the past couple days.  I am thankful for the love that came to visit!!  It is my hope and prayer that they too found love at the little casa for this is where the soft gentle spirit of my Lord God resides.

Family - For Better or Worse.  We all have families and since God doesn't make mistakes, we need to claim them for what they are ... imperfect people doing the best they can.  Our families can contribute to our bitterness or make us rise to the top.  Fortunately, I have a family that is willing to do the tough work to prune our family tree and make it strong!!

Until another day ... I declare this prune your family tree day!  When love comes to visit your home, embrace it with all your might.  Believe me, it's worth it!!

Miss Dottie


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sizzle ... sizzle ...

June 27, 2012

Oh gracious ... I think I could fry an egg on the sidewalk!  Yesterday, I got some sample paint and and it dried as fast as I could stroke the paint on.  I brought out a tub of iced drinks for the crew working on the casita ... I know they are used to working in the heat but golly gee whiz...  Not fit for man nor beast out there...  I am hibernating in the house away from the blistery furnace.  I can't believe it is just June -- usually we don't get really hot weather until August and then not temperatures way above 100 degrees!  I have a renewed respect for those early settlers who had NO AIR CONDITIONING!!

I have lived in several different cities in Texas:  Houston, Dallas, Plano, San Antonio, Frisco, McKinney and now Hillsboro.  I must admit that July and August are hot months but I am here to say that I've survived and thrived in this crazy climate.

Come on, fasten your seat belts and let's poke some fun at Texans and the summer heat.  Texans:
  • say 105 degrees without fainting
  • eat hot chilies to cool their mouths off.
  • make instant sun tea.
  • learn quickly that a seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron.
  • feel a bit chilly when temperatures drop below 95.
  • discover that in July it takes ony 2 fingers to drive your car.
  • discover that you can get a sunburn through your car window.
  • notice the best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
  •  realize that hot water comes out of both taps in the summer.
  •  its noon in July, the kids are on summer vacation, and not one person is out on the streets.
  • Know you actually burn your hand opening the car door.
  • Break a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m.
  • No one would dream of putting vinyl upholstery in a car or not having air conditioning.
  • Your biggest bicycle fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cooking to death?"
  • Realize that asphalt has a liquid state.
On a more serious nature, nearly every store and mall has air conditioning.  There are indoor sports arenas for year round fun and snow cones vendors are everywhere.  Siestas aren't frowned upon and the city entertainment districts don't close down at 6 o'clock.  I just love to go to the outdoor cafes and enjoy the festivities as well as some good food.  I've learned to absolutely love TexMex.  When the sun goes down so do the convertible tops.  People here are a friendly bunch ... Honey, Sweetheart, and Dear are common terms that Texans use.  Get used to hugs and smiles 'cause there are plenty to go around.

As I write, Lupe and his crew have Tejano music playing.  They sing away as they work and jabber in Spanish.  Michael can understand what they are saying -- me (?), I don't have a clue.  It's interesting to observe the pecking order ... Lupe is the boss man.  When he is conducting business, his workers distance themselves.  What he says goes and he has trained them well.  Some of his workers speak English -- others, not so much.  Toiling long hours, they move slowly but constantly, rarely stopping for a break.  They are a happy bunch and always have a ready smile.  They are grateful for work and want their clients to speak well of them.

If you bloom where you are planted, you'll enjoy life wherever you are and find the good to be grateful for.  There are times that I miss the city so much but I know that this is where I am supposed to be.  It's nice to have the neighbors pop over -- especially the ones that bring me fresh figs or kolaches!  There are times when I wish the house was bigger so that we could house more visitors.  The casita will help a lot with that.  The Lord has met my needs!

Time never stands still -- as my fingers race over the keyboard, the seconds are marching forward never to be recaptured.  Kind of an eerie thing, huh?  Why waste time wishing you were somewhere else or with someone else or doing something else when all you have is this moment in time.  Savor the seconds of life making each one count.  Speaking of seconds ... I need to get my butt in gear and change the linens for company coming tomorrow.   Don't you just love freshly laundered sheets?  I still like to iron my top sheet and pillow cases and spray them with scented linen spray.   Michael laughs at me telling me that I am the only one he knows who finds joy in turning dowwn a bed.  Hey, God gave us a nose to smell heavenly scents didn't he?!  Am I the only one who loves pretty beds with lots of pillows?!

You take care now my fine feathered readers!  It might be several days before I can get back to my keyboard but that doesn't mean I am not thinking about you and praying for you!!  From my garden to yours ... remember to smell those proverbial roses!!

Miss Dottie

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I Believe

June 26, 2012

Come on outside with me and sit a spell.  I so enjoy the early morning hours when the only sounds are those of the birds chirping for their fresh seed and the soft whisper of the gentle breezes.  It's a time when my mind is clear and I am able to think creatively.  I would wager a guess and say that in the early morning hours I make my best decisions.

I believe ... yes I do!  As I prayed and read Psalm 139 this morning, (all of a sudden)  I looked to the heavens and out loud said, "I believe!"  I turned to UTube and looked up the song and as I listened, tears filled my eyes and I was overcome with emotion.  The song fit perfectly with what I was reading... 

Psalm 139 starts out -- "O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me."  My Father loves me enough to know me, really know me.  "You chart the path ahead of me."  I am being used for a purpose to further his kingdom.  My journey can be used to encourage others!  "This is too glorious, too wonderful to believe!  I can never be lost to your spirit."  Wherever I am, my Lord keeps me company and fills me with his love.  Even in loneliness, I am not alone!  "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body, and knit them together in my mother's womb.  Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex."  I've been told that I am a very complex person.  There are so many different facets to my personality and who I really am ... I can smile knowing that that's moi.  I am a precious flower worthy of a fine vase.  "You knew me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe."  My life has been Father-filtered and I believe I have purpose.  I was born into the right family and in my weakness, I was made strong.

Psalm 139 ends with this verse:  "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test my thoughts.  Point out any thing you find in me that makes you sad, and lea me along the path of everlasting life."  I meditated on this this morning and once again my eyes filled with tears.  I was so overcome with this overwhelming desire to really have the Lord ferret out anything that was not right.  I wanted to know what I was doing that didn't bring him glory.  I took my eyes off everyone else in my life and zeroed in on me ... my behavior, my words, my thoughts, what I was contributing to to make a difference.  As a childhood trauma survivor, I have to be so very careful and not give old tapes a toe hold in any area of my life.  I've been struggling in some areas and have found that playing Christian music helps to instill good thoughts into my psyche.  I laid on the bed a couple days ago listening to music and making every attempt to get every word sung.

Why do I believe?  I'm not sure I know the answer to that because I've believed from the time I was a small child.  I was drawn towards the light and I searched for God.  God says if we search for him, we will find him.  (Jeremiah 29:13)  I think that's been true of my walk.  There's just been something inside me that wants to follow Him.  I know (logically) that He died on the cross for my sins but more than that my faith takes that logic to another level bringing logic to my heart.

I walked among the shrubs and flowers of my gardens this morning humming I Believe.  Yes, for every drop of rain that falls a flower grows...  Every time I hear a newborn baby cry and see the sky, I know why I believe.  As I peered into the faces of my children and grandchildren, I was filled with this overwhelming sense of awe and love.  I knew there was a God and I knew that these were his gifts to me ... gifts so unique that like me, they were fearfully and wonderfully made.  How could I be so blessed?  God must have loved me a lot!!  First of all, he sent his son to die on the cross for me and for sinners everywhere that we might experience forgiveness, grace, and eternal life.  Secondly, why should I not go through trials of my own to be used to help others find their way in this dog eat dog world.

I am grateful for the tough times because those tough times shaped me into who I am today.   I noticed that I now have readers in South Africa.  South Africa?  Am I making a difference in people's lives?  I hope so ... All I know for sure is that the Lord's hand is on mine when I type.  Thoughts come to mind ... topics ... people ... I just figure someone out there needs to hear what I have to say.

God requires much of his people.  To be a Christian = actively living to serve others.  What are you doing today to let the light of the Lord shine through you?  Are you joyous, celebrating the life God has gifted you with?

I believe ... my faith carries me high into the heavens.  When I stay focused and keep my slate clean I do okay.  I know that I am on the right track when I can honestly say, "Not my will, but thine!"

It is swelteringly (hey, that's a new word!) hot here today.  Lupe and his crew are diligently working on the casita

I would invite you to pick up your Bible today and give Psalm 139 a read.  If you're struggling with your lot in life, I think it will make you feel better!

Until next time, remember you are loved and cared for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  Michael's daughter and two children are coming for a visit tomorrow and will stay a few days.  Adventures ahead!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Would someone swat that damn fly?

June 25, 2012

Gooood Morning you wonderful Readers!  The sun is shining, the breeze cool, and the weeds are poking up in my gardens saying, "pick me!"  Little rascals...  "Miss Dottie, Miss Dottie, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?  With Silver Bells and Cockle Shells and one darn weed!"  Well, it's more than one weed ... I have all these little trees that pop up along with the weeds.  Who needs to go to a gym?  I do squats, touch my toes and the ground , do weight bearing (carrying those bags of soil and mulch make for strong bones!), and walk back and forth across the span of lawn and gardens weilding a hose.  Besides that, I enjoy it so it puts a smile on my face and improves my attitude.

Do you have flies this summer?  Good grief, they are buzzing all over the place.  Even with the door closed, they manage to find their way into the house.  I love to sit out on the back patio early in the morning to do my Bible reading and pray.  Buzz ... buzz ... buzz  I shoo them away and here they come again.  I do have a fly swatter but the flies seem to know when I have my hands full or it's not within reach.  Buzz ... buzz ... buzz  They sit on my Bible and twich their feelers; they zoom around my head like it's a refreshing wick; they flat out pester me to death.

As I was shooing flies this morning, the thought "would someone swat that damn fly" came through loud and clear.  Damn fly?  Oops...  Then, I thought, "someone?"  Why should someone else swat my flies for me.  It was me they were pestering not someone else.  Human nature ... we want someone else to do something to ease our misery.  We want someone else to wield a fly swatter and squash all the problems in our lives.  Sorry, folks, ain't a goin' to happen.

With that thought in mind, I ran into the kitchen and reached under the kitchen sink to find my red flyswatter with the molding of a fly on it.  Ah ha!  I went back out prepared to win the battle of the flies.  I sat there daring those flies to come my way.  Come on flies ... come to mommy!  Nothing... Here fly, here fly.  Nothing....  I looked around thinking that they were lurking behind the plants.  Nothing...  Ok, back to my Bible reading.

Zoom, here they came.  I swear to God they must have seen me lay the swatter down.  Not only did I lay the swatter down, when I did, it fell on the ground.  Oops ... I knew it fell but I didn't pick it up so it would be handy.   I let my defenses down and here they came ... more flies than I could count.  Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!!  I grabbed the swatter in one hand and my Bible in the other.  I read a little, swatted a little.  Guess what?  It worked!  One fly at a time was disappearing.  I was so proud of myself when I got two in one swat.  It didn't take me long to figure out that I was responsible for my misery.  Once I got that down, the rest was much easier.  I contributed to my own misery by not being armed and ready for the pesky flies that made my life miserable.  As I began to rid myself of my mesery one fly at a time, life began to gt better.

So it is with life ... as we walk on the road to health and wellness we are beseigned by pesky this and thats.  To deal with all the misery in our lives seems overwhelming so often times we just sit and either feel sorry for ourselves or cry out for someone to save us.  We waste so much time looking at the door, we forget to open it and go through.

My sweet Sadie girl has been in misery the last couple days.  She's on heart worm meds, flea meds, liver support meds, thyroid meds, and anti-itch meds.  She is also allergic to some grasses so the only time she feels 100% has been in the Winter.  She was scratching so bad that she was crying last night and this morning.  I called the vet and talked with her for awhile.  She suggested adding an oil supplement to Sadie's food and spraying the yard for bugs.  I had gotten a special shampoo and conditioner for dry skin and gave her a nice bath today.  Not ony does she smells wonderful, she is sleeping peacefully at my feet snoring away.  I take her outside to potty and when she goes we come immediately back inside.  The vet said that she reacts to any irritation and goes into a scratching frenzy.  The aim is to keep any irritations away.  I guess I am her fly swatter!

I am responsible for doing what I need to do to maintain my sense of well being and serenity.  There are times that I don't use the common sense that God gave me and I flounder.  He must be sitting in heaven on his throne laughing as I flail around.  He must say, "That woman knows what to do and she just sits there in misery."  I pray and ask God what I should do...  He says, "Read my instructon manual (Bible) and you will know what to do.  I've given you a fly swatter, use it"

Tomorrow morning, I know that if I take my fly swatter out to the patio with me, dab on a little of that bug spray perfume, and grab the good book, I'll be okay.  Me and God will be solving my pesky challenges one at a time.  I always have a choice you know.  I can be as miserable as I want.  The good news?  I have the tools I need to make my life flow smoothly.  I don't have to be bit up and swarmed!  Come on flies ... come on flies, I'm ready!

I pray that the heat or the pesky flies of life aren't getting the best of you.  Next time you make a trip to the hardware store, pick up one of those fancy new swatters.  They come in all sizes, shapes and colors now.  Batter up ... oh it's one, two, three strikes and they're out at the old ball game (of life).  Life's a gift ... the sweeter it is the more flies it attracts.  No lie!!!!

Miss Dottie

Friday, June 22, 2012

Expecting Good...

"Hallelujah!  I want to express publicly before his people my heartfelt thanks to God for his mighty miracles.  All who are thankful should ponder them with me.  For his miracles demonstrate his honor, majesty, and eternal  goodness."~~ Psalm 111:1-3

June 22, 2012

Good Morning, Readers!  It's going to be a hot day in Central Texas.  Michael had the air conditioning turned down below 70 degrees and I woke up thinking it was the middle of Winter!  He has high blood pressure and gets really warm so we fight over the thermostat!  I probably have some readers who argue over that same thing!!  It's too hot ... no, it's too cold!  We're funny, aren't we?!

I just love love love my prayer time in the morning.  I can sit outside drinking my coffee, reading, and drifting in and out of my prayers.  I am thinking that I need to get a small CD player to put outside so I can enjoy some uplifting music.  Different kinds of music put me in the mood for different things.  I can hardly wait to have a bubble bath in my new claw foot tub with soft music playing and candles lit in the background.  Ah yes, the simple pleasures of life are often times the best!

Don't you just love it when you experience the miracles of the Lord?  Don't you just want to shout "thank you" from the tallest building?  I am so in awe when God gifts me with surprises.  I wake up in the morning with high expectations of what is going to come my way.  I look for those gifts just as a child looks for presents hidden at Christmas.  When I find my gifts, I grin from ear to ear and run to tell those close at hand what I've found.

"Jehovah is constantly thinking about us and he will surely bless us."
~~Psalm 114:12

I pray expecting good results.  I just know that God is listening intently and acting according to His will.  His sovereign will has the big picture before him ... my job is to trust in that will ... and, I do whole heartedly.  It used to be hard for me to trust in God's perfect will when things happened that hurt me or those close to me.  I would cry out in pain ... Abba Father, why?  Why?  There would be a silence that I hated ... a deafening silence that I didn't and couldn't understand.  Why did you take my cousin at 17?  Why did you take another cousin in her thirties?  Why did you take my dad at fifty-five?  Why did you allow me to be hurt as a small child?  Why did I have go through painful divorces?  Why did you take my cousin's son in Afghanistan?  My questions went on and on.  Then, all of a sudden one day, I got "it."

"The Lord gives, the Lord takes away.  Blessed be the name of the Lord."
~~Job 1:21

As a Christian all I had to do was trust that God knew everything I didn't know.  He gave gifts ... it was my choice whether to savor them as long as I had them or take them for granted.  When I expressed my gratitude for my gifts whether they be people, my home, my income, my health ... I had this sense of peace and wellbeing.

"I love the Lord because he hears my prayers and answers them.  Because he bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I breathe."~~Psalm 116:1-2

I have friends going through the pain and uncertainty of cancer.  I struggle with the thorn in my side of Fibromyalgia.  My husband struggles with extremely high blood pressure and digestive issues on a daily basis.  I have family members going through personal trials that are cutting to the core of their faith.  All I can do is pray; but, isn't that enough?  When my prayers are released to the heavens, God immediately acts sending out his resources.  He works behind the scenes ... I know he does.  I've seen the miracles -- big and small.

"It is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in men.  It is better to take refuge in him than the mightiest king!"~~Psalm 117:8 

My daughter and her family are in Minnesota attending the wedding of Tim's mother.  Love truly is a gift at any age.  The blending of families ... a gift.  The opportunity to meet and greet family and friends and create new memories ... a gift.  I wish I was there to partake in the festivities.  I just love a lively party!!  I will need to be content to receive texts and photos via my IPhone and look forward to getting a play by play report.  (Giggle) ... I just got a photo text ... my daughter got a polka dot pedi for the occasion.  I heard myself saying, "I want one!!!" and did a text back.  She said, "Come to Florida!"  I do love the gift of being a part of that family's life!!

We seem to get out of life what we project.  If we think bad and expect the worse, guess what?  The nastiness of life comes a calling!  If we speak good and expect good, it seems to appear out of nowhere.  I am very careful about what I think and speak. 

The work on the casita has come to a screeching halt.  Lupe has had a horrible time finding a plumber to get the tub in.  I am learning patience and savoring the process.  I recall the frustration of getting the kitchen in the little casa.  Now, it is but a faint memory and I enjoy my gourmet kitchen each and every day!!  The casita will be done when it's done ... no use getting all bent out of shape!!

Sadie is having a good morning.  She went outside with me and enjoyed a stroll around the gardens.  I love watching her as she checks out the paths of the squirrels and snaps up the flies.  Funny how accustomed dogs get to routine ... All I have to do now is say, "medicine time," and she comes running.  I sure do love that Scottie dog!  As I type my feet snuggle into her black fur ... ah, contentment (for both of us!).  She is with me today ... a precious gift!

As you go about your day today, I pray that you will look for the gifts of life and say "thank you."  Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Red White and Blue in my Life

June 21, 2012

What comes to mind when you think of red, white, and blue.  I'll bet most of you would say, "The American Flag!"  That's what I think of too.  I have some little flags in one of my flower pots on the back patio and a flag carrying Uncle Sam on my front porch.  I am thinking that a big flag is just what the casita needs.  I remember my Grandmother Maggie being so proud of her flag ... my father hung his flag with honor as well ... as a World War II vet, the American Flag draped his coffin.

The U.S. flag, also known as the Stars and Stripes, Old Glory and The Star-Spangled Banner, stands for the United States of America as a government, nation and even an ideology. Americans often fly the flag as an expression of patriotism, and it is featured in official government ceremonies such as military funerals and political inaugurations. The flag holds tremendous weight around the world as a recognizable symbol of the United States of America.   Who can keep from tearing up as God Bless America is sung with an American Flag waving in the background.

Why is the flag so important?  It symbolizes unity and freedom, folks, that's why.  Immigrants came with the hope of a new life ... Our country was a melting pot ... still is.  Because of the sacrifices of many, we live in a country that is, for the most part, safe and secure.  We have the freedom to speak our minds without fear of reprisal.  I have the freedom to work and to enjoy the fruits of my labor.  I am able to worship in the church of my choice and others have the same option.  I have the freedom to examine what's going on in my country and have a voice to speak up.  As a blogger, freedom of speech is of vital importance.  I am allowed to tell my story and share my trials and triumphs with the world! 

All this being said, I am concerned about my country and it's platform.  We have become like sheep ... ostriches sticking our heads in the sand.  As long as our bellies are full and we aren't feeling the pinch, we are happy.  Hard work?  Responsibility?  It's become way too easy to get a hand out.  I know of folks who use unemployment without really looking seriously for a job.  I know of people who have child after child out of wedlock so they can live without working.  Fair?  Naaa... Life's never been fair so I've had to drop that from my vocabulary.  As citizens, we've become our own worst enemy ... we live in the Entitlement Age.

As long as our officials are smooth talking gentlemen who tell us what we want to hear, we are happy.  What if the right man or woman for the job isn't eloquent?  Does good character count?  Does being fit for the job count?  I've begun to realize that it takes money (and lots of it) to win an election.  We used to say, "May the best man win."  I don't think that's true anymore.  The man or woman with the most schmoozing ability, money and the best campaign managers wins.  Think about that for awhile.

A long time ago, I was talking with my stepson about the many times we'd bailed his dog out of the pound.  We also talked about choices.  His view was that he needed to remember not to do anything that he didn't have enough money to get himself out of.  He's not alone ... look at what happens in our court system.  Often times, it's not if you are guilty or innocent, it's how much money you have for people to defend you.  Even the best juries in the world can be duped.  I've served on some cases that I wish I hadn't been called for.  The pressure in the jury room is tremendous.  It takes a strong person to be a hold out.  We've had the freedom to do anything within the confines of the law -- and, believe me, compared to some other countries, our laws are pretty liberal.  Is our system fair?  Well, let's put it this way ... it's more fair than some countries where you can be dragged out of your home and shot because of your religious beliefs.  Our missionaries are facing persecution every day.  Ask them about what's fair.

Miss Dottie, Zachary, Angie
I am a forward thinking woman who believes strongly in doing the next right thing, whatever that is.  I believe in truth and being real.  I admire people who speak from the heart and not just the mind.  I am conservative and have strong moral values.  Laugh as you might, I believe that God is in control and that He allows us to dig our own graves with our follies.  I've dug my own fair of those holes so I've experienced what it feels like to be deep in muck and mire.  When you're sitting at the bottom of a stink hole, that ladder that Christ sends down can look pretty darn inviting!  All we have to do is expend the energy to do the work and climb out.  Can you believe there are people who choose to sit amongst the flies and poop?  Ewu...

How do we get back to being responsible and having good character?  We do it, one person at a time, one family at a time.  I am blessed to have a family of unity.  We are more than individuals, we are accountable to each other and the God we serve.  I look at my grandchildren and it is my hope and prayer that they will carry on the flame of truth to the next generation.  My grandsons are in a public (yes, I said public) school where God Bless America is sung openly.  Zachary wears a Christian tshirt

Red, white, and blue ... what does that mean to you?  When I think about red, I think about the blood shed for our freedom; when I think about blue, I think about the perseverance of those vigilant souls who steady our course; and, white ... purity and innocence.  When I think about the stars, I think about unity.  Take a good look at the flag.  Think about the blessings bestowed upon us by our creator and maybe, just maybe, you'll offer up a salute and say a prayer of thanksgiving.

Independence Day is just around the corner.  It will be a time of excitement, celebration, and fireworks.  I can hardly wait!!

Fly your flag today ... remember those who died serving our country that we might be free.  As we are entering a time of listening to presidential candidates giving their pitches, let's be informed citizens.  Let's put away our Democrat and Republican labels and do our research.  It's time we stopped taking our freedom for granted ... history often repeats itself and, right now, we're headed for the brick wall!

Red, white, and blue ... Don't you just love those colors and what they stand for?  Don't you want to just jump up and down and thank God for your freedom and the rights afforded us as citizens?  Stand up and be counted!  Use your voice to state your opinions ... they may or may not be different from mine but I will think about what you've said, continue to do my research, and come up with my own opinion.

As always, I am sending love and praying for each of you, my Readers.  Each time I sign my name to my blog, I am grateful for the privilege of addressing you openly and honestly!!

Miss Dottie

Gather your family and celebrate
the red, white, and blue in your own lives!



Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Song of the Slandered

"O God of my praise, don't stand silent and aloof while the wicked slander me and tell their lies.  They have no reason to hate and fight me, yet they do!  I love them, but even while I am praying for them, they are trying to destroy me.  They return evil for good, and hatred for love."~~Psalm 109

June 20, 2012

Oh it's a good morning for being alive and making this world a better place.  I love getting up early when it is cool outside and beginning my day with a piping hot cup of coffee and the good book!  I just love how it pumps me up and gets me centered for the rest of the day.  Today I read and meditated on Psalms 107-110.  I was reminded once again that I have options and choices...

How do react under stressful circumstances?  Do you find yourself paralyzed ... peaceful ... productive ... minimizing ... angry?  In the Psalms, David found that with God's strength he could hold up rather than fold up.  That's the testimony of his life.  Have you ever been misunderstood to the point where people hurled rocks and abuses your way?  What did you do?  Throw those stones back at them?  Hide and cry?  Act in a sneaky passive aggressive way?  Maybe you shut down and chose to ignore the affront...

As I read through these Psalms, I thought about my own life and how I handled stress.  Thank God I could not only revisit the incidents and hurt but also see how I had matured over the years.  The way I handled stress in my early adult days wasn't healthy ... I chose to hide, to wield to the aggressor, and cry in a closet.  I took angry outbursts and lies directed at me as truth (even if they weren't) and allowed the darkness of the evil one to consume me.  Later, I went through a time of anger.  How dare someone accuse me of something I didn't do.  I reacted, defending myself ... I got angrier and angrier until it consumed me.  Finally ... yes, finally, I woke up and realized I had become the person that I hated.  Anger had consumed me, resentment was my middle name, and poison was my game.  Those years were dark years for me ... try as I would, I couldn't escape the muck and mire that had me trapped.

Oh, I guess you could say that it was caused by the trials in my life ... the deceit, the betrayal, the abuse ... but, in reality, I had to accept responsibility for who I had become and seek help.  It took me a long time to identify and learn to express myself in a healthy, non-combative way.  God gave me grace and put mentors in my life that I respected.  I wanted what they had.  I wanted me back.  I was willing to do whatever it took to eradicate the junk that I had allowed to pile up around my heart.  I had to shut up and listen ... I had to observe and grow ... I had to get into God's word and DO what it said.  There was no magical transformation overnight ... it took time, work, prayer, and forgiveness from family and friends.   The toughest part for me was to forgive me and to be okay when others chose not to forgive me.  My self-worth for such a long time depended on what others thought about me so it was quite a break-through when I could walk with my head held high.

Sometimes, I think about Saul who became Paul in the Bible.  He murdered Christians ... he was a bad egg ... a real criminal in very sense of the word.  What happened to Saul?  Jesus happened and a miracle occurred.  I think about David who committed adultery ... not only did he commit adultery, he had Bathsheba's husband put on the front lines of battle to be murdered.  What happened?  God happened and a miracle occurred.  Over and over in the Bible, God chose the fallen ... he chose men and women who were weak and made them strong.  If God could do that for them, could he (?), would he (?) do that for me.  He not only could, He did and my life has become a living testimony.

I love touching people's lives and encouraging them.  I want them to know that if I could become victorious they can too!!  I didn't get there by pretending that the past didn't exist; I didn't sugar coat my childhood or what happened to me as an adult.  I began walking in the light holding a flashlight to shine in the dark corners.  If it was real, true, and accurate, I accepted "it" and dealt with "it."  I used a magnifying glass to look deep inside me and wanted to know why I behaved as I did.  I wanted to know; I needed to know.  I fought for the right to know.  I ruffled feathers and asked the tough questions.  I examined my family of origin and wanted to know what made them tick.  It was in understanding that I began to forgive and move forward ... closing the gaps of the wounds.  I have chosen NOT TO FORGET; I have chosen TO FORGIVE, and LET GO.  Freedom ... the price of freedom was high ... maybe because the cost was high, I value freedom so much and guard it carefully!!!!

I am excited ... I have the opportunity to make a difference in someone's life today.  (Maybe it's my husband -- he says he needs a haircut!! he he)  I've begun to realize that I also need to make a difference in my own life remembering that I am worthy.  Yes, I am ... and, you are too!

Wherever you are on your pathway of life ... whatever you are facing, I wish you goodness and joy ... I wish you peace and understanding ... I wish you love...

Miss Dottie