Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Chicken Soup for Senior Citizens

June 12, 2012

Gooood Morning!  I've had more energy lately.  I wondered why, then thought of Newton's first law of motion which is often states:  an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.  From the time I was born I have been a human in motion!  I find it nearly impossible to just sit or lay down and do nothing.  Guess you could say that I am a busy one!!  There's just so much in life to do and explore ... I don't want to miss one single minute!  Food for thought:  maybe God blessed me with Fibromyalgia so that I would have to slow down every now and then!  Would that be considered an unbalanced force?  Probably so!! 

There are all those Chicken Soup for the _______  books on the market.  Why chicken soup?  It sure is good for what ails ya.  I went to the store the other day and got an organic chicken ... Michael followed up with another trip to the market for organic veggies.  I made this pot of chicken soup that was scrum yummy.  Mom has requested a bowl for lunch today so I will heat some up and take it over to her.  Maybe it will cure her blues. There's just something about making meals from scratch ... my kitchen smells heavenly and I have a husband peeking around the corner ... "When's dinner ready??"

Today, I was reading Psalm 71 -- the Senior Citizen's Psalm.  It was the chicken soup for my soul in the wee hours of the morning!  I know that some of my Readers are seniors so if you want some nourishment open your Bible and turn to the center where you will find the Psalms.  In the face of dwindling physical stamina, it's a place where you can find strength, joy, and hope.

Psalm 71 shows that for every need experienced by the elderly, God richly supplies.  Security?  "You have issued orders to save me." (V3)  Hope?  "You alone are my hope, I've trusted  you from childhood." (V15)  Stamina?  "I walk in the strength of the Lord God."  (V16)  Encouragement?  "You will give me greater honor than before, and turn again and comfort me." (V21)  Purpose for living?  "Now that I am old and gray, don't forsake me.  Give me time to tell this new generation (and their children too) about all your mighty miracles."  (V18)

Pretty neat, huh?  As you read my blogs, I hope that you consider them chicken soup for your own soul.  I got to thinking ... besides the good book what is the chicken soup that rallies my spirits?  Digging in the dirt and tending my gardens ... swaying to soft music ... listening to my grandsons pray up a storm ... watching my grandchildren excel in their activities -- cheerleading, gymnastics, baseball, school ... being a part of my children's lives as they mature ... Bible Study with women of God ... antiquing with Michael ... playing with Sadie and Toby ... time with friends and extended family ... gosh, my list would fill a book in and of itself!

One thing that is coming out of my forty days of prayer loud and clear is that I am very blessed no     matter where I am or what I am doing.  When I get those holes in my spirit and get down and out, I need to immediately fill them with chicken soup!  If I don't, the evil one fills them for me.  I do have a choice and so do you!!

Michael had applied for a job here in the little city where we live ... it was right up his alley and the interview went quite well.  He was pretty deflated when he got that letter ... "Thanks BUT..."  He wondered if his senior status affected their decision.  Probably ... it's just one of those facts of  life.  Then again, it's always something isn't it?  Too young ... too educated ... not educated enough...  We all need some good old fashioned chicken soup injected into our veins to keep us going.  He has another job interview Thursday ... this one is in North Texas.  They've courted him on this one so we'll see what happens.  He may be looking for a "room for rent!"

I am so excited about the day ahead of me ... As soon as the nursery opens, we can go get our new Texas Redbud Tree (unless another variety suits the location and my fancy!).  Lupe and his crew will be here soon to get going on the floor.  Lots of activity going on.  I am also hoping to hear when my grandsons are playing baseball this Saturday.  Michael has set up my ironing board ... it's time to rally some energy to clean the little casa and tidy up.  Life is never boring that's for sure!

I pray that you will have one of those blessed days that makes you smile.  Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie   

1 comment:

  1. I love how the Bible touches on every aspect of life--you name it and there is solace/advice/guidance for the taking. One thing...not ALL your readers are Seniors. I love reading your blog for wisdom.

    Thank you~
    Love and Kisses,
