Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sizzle ... sizzle ...

June 27, 2012

Oh gracious ... I think I could fry an egg on the sidewalk!  Yesterday, I got some sample paint and and it dried as fast as I could stroke the paint on.  I brought out a tub of iced drinks for the crew working on the casita ... I know they are used to working in the heat but golly gee whiz...  Not fit for man nor beast out there...  I am hibernating in the house away from the blistery furnace.  I can't believe it is just June -- usually we don't get really hot weather until August and then not temperatures way above 100 degrees!  I have a renewed respect for those early settlers who had NO AIR CONDITIONING!!

I have lived in several different cities in Texas:  Houston, Dallas, Plano, San Antonio, Frisco, McKinney and now Hillsboro.  I must admit that July and August are hot months but I am here to say that I've survived and thrived in this crazy climate.

Come on, fasten your seat belts and let's poke some fun at Texans and the summer heat.  Texans:
  • say 105 degrees without fainting
  • eat hot chilies to cool their mouths off.
  • make instant sun tea.
  • learn quickly that a seat belt makes a pretty good branding iron.
  • feel a bit chilly when temperatures drop below 95.
  • discover that in July it takes ony 2 fingers to drive your car.
  • discover that you can get a sunburn through your car window.
  • notice the best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
  •  realize that hot water comes out of both taps in the summer.
  •  its noon in July, the kids are on summer vacation, and not one person is out on the streets.
  • Know you actually burn your hand opening the car door.
  • Break a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m.
  • No one would dream of putting vinyl upholstery in a car or not having air conditioning.
  • Your biggest bicycle fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cooking to death?"
  • Realize that asphalt has a liquid state.
On a more serious nature, nearly every store and mall has air conditioning.  There are indoor sports arenas for year round fun and snow cones vendors are everywhere.  Siestas aren't frowned upon and the city entertainment districts don't close down at 6 o'clock.  I just love to go to the outdoor cafes and enjoy the festivities as well as some good food.  I've learned to absolutely love TexMex.  When the sun goes down so do the convertible tops.  People here are a friendly bunch ... Honey, Sweetheart, and Dear are common terms that Texans use.  Get used to hugs and smiles 'cause there are plenty to go around.

As I write, Lupe and his crew have Tejano music playing.  They sing away as they work and jabber in Spanish.  Michael can understand what they are saying -- me (?), I don't have a clue.  It's interesting to observe the pecking order ... Lupe is the boss man.  When he is conducting business, his workers distance themselves.  What he says goes and he has trained them well.  Some of his workers speak English -- others, not so much.  Toiling long hours, they move slowly but constantly, rarely stopping for a break.  They are a happy bunch and always have a ready smile.  They are grateful for work and want their clients to speak well of them.

If you bloom where you are planted, you'll enjoy life wherever you are and find the good to be grateful for.  There are times that I miss the city so much but I know that this is where I am supposed to be.  It's nice to have the neighbors pop over -- especially the ones that bring me fresh figs or kolaches!  There are times when I wish the house was bigger so that we could house more visitors.  The casita will help a lot with that.  The Lord has met my needs!

Time never stands still -- as my fingers race over the keyboard, the seconds are marching forward never to be recaptured.  Kind of an eerie thing, huh?  Why waste time wishing you were somewhere else or with someone else or doing something else when all you have is this moment in time.  Savor the seconds of life making each one count.  Speaking of seconds ... I need to get my butt in gear and change the linens for company coming tomorrow.   Don't you just love freshly laundered sheets?  I still like to iron my top sheet and pillow cases and spray them with scented linen spray.   Michael laughs at me telling me that I am the only one he knows who finds joy in turning dowwn a bed.  Hey, God gave us a nose to smell heavenly scents didn't he?!  Am I the only one who loves pretty beds with lots of pillows?!

You take care now my fine feathered readers!  It might be several days before I can get back to my keyboard but that doesn't mean I am not thinking about you and praying for you!!  From my garden to yours ... remember to smell those proverbial roses!!

Miss Dottie

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know...I remember you washing and ironing my sheets when I was a kid. I looooved the crispness of the sheets and the smell of clean sheets. To this day, I can only use Tide since that is what you used. he! he!

    I must say I am blessed to be where I am at this moment. I am sitting at the desk in the guest room, candle burning and letting off a yummy grape scent, painting my nails, and reading some of your blogs. Life is just wonderful!!!!
