Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Back to Basics!

June 11, 2012

Come on over and sit a spell.  The sun has gone down and it's a bit cooler.  (At least I am telling myself that!)  The last blog I wrote was last Friday and it was so cool here in Central Texas.  Today was a different story with temperatures nearing 100 degrees!  Good thing that I got up early to tend my gardens.  I'd put in a full days work by noon then found myself taking a much needed siesta!  The sound of the compressor going in the back yard woke me and I just had to check out the progress in the casita.

Plumber needed!
As usual, plans were made, then revised...  The plumber did another no show last Saturday.  Michael was up at 6 to move the cars.  I got up at 7 and found him nestled in his chair with a rather disgusted look on his face ... "Plumber is not here."  Actually, it turned out okay because we had an opportunity to revisit the floor we had selected.  Somehow, I just couldn't put a manufactured floor in a cottage where everything was authentic -- the real deal.  Lupe came up with a couple different ways of using boards and I was much more comfortable.  The floor will be done just like a floor that was put in cottages in 1900.

The beginning of laying the floor!
Lupe and his son, Napoleon, were here early this morning.  Lupe was teaching him how to measure the boards and steady them while using the big saw.  There was a couple times when I took a deep breath and held it; but, all in all, the boy did fine.  The felt was put down and most of the lumber cut and put down in the casita.  When all the boards are down, they will be sanded so they are nice and smooth.  I walked across the floor tonight and it was solid.  Gosh, I love the aroma of newly cut lumber!  I wanted to sit a spell in the casita but the mosquitoes decided I was their prime rib dinner!  Ouch!!  I do have a fogger which helps when I remember to use it before I go out.

Garden in progress...
I am finding that in renovating the garage into a cottage has brought forth a yearning to get back to basics.  I look for ways to use and repurpose keeping in mind that God gave me a creative bent and that it was time to kick that bent in  high gear.  I had finished laying the stones for my garden borders and was left with the pallet that the stones were delivered on.  I thought ... "Hmm, I think this (if painted white) would be a great addition to my garden beside the casita.  I spray painted it and Michael helped me position it in the garden that is a work-in-progress.  I loved it!!  I planted the gardenias this morning and will add a Texas Redbud tree tomorrow ... then, mulch, mulch, mulch.  I've also started a garden in the back right side of the yard -- planted 2 Texas Redbuds and a Lacebark Elm there last Saturday.  I just love digging and planting!!

Ever feel like you want to go back to the basics in life?  At first, I was forced to do that at retirement with the downward spiral of the stock market; but, now, I find that I am drawn to that concept naturally.  I like things simple and when life becomes more than that, I scale back.  I'm always busy, always learning, always growing ... I doubt that will ever change.  That being said, I am loving doing some cooking, baking, tending my gardens, and spending time with family and friends.  Oh, and how can I forget sharing my days with my sweet dogren?!  I guess you could save I am livin' large on a smaller scale!

What is retirement for Miss Dottie?  Well, it's a new deal for me and sometimes, it gets tough 'cause I have tons of things I'd like to do.  My body isn't as strong as it once was although I am able to wield a shovel and dig through piles of dirt!!  My mind is sharp and I love thinking up ways to use the "stuff" I find here and there.  I am so enjoying my family and hug the stuffing out of my kids and grandkids every time I see them.  I wish my daughter and her family lived closer but we do the best we can each day to keep in touch ... I cherish my visits with them (speaking of which I need to plan my next trip out to Florida!) and take many memory making moments home with me.  I smile just thinking about the adventures I've had on my trips out!!  I guess I don't think of myself as retired -- I've just switched horses and do different things with my time.

My forty days of prayer is enriching my days.  I have a friend who is battling cancer and other issues that I am specifically praying for.  I am keeping a notebook and it's amazing to me how God answers my prayers through scripture.  It's like having an actual conversation with "The Main Man."  I have asked the Lord to put those before me needing prayer and I am so honored to be praying for those folks throughout the day and night.  Good stuff!!

I visited with Mom S late today at the nursing home.  She has a sore on her foot which has made wearing shoes impossible.  Normally that wouldn't be a problem but since she had polio, her feet require her to wear a one inch heel.  We're going to see if we can get a shoe maker to modify her shoes.  Hmmm...I just remembered that Payless

Yawn...I don't know about you but this lady is getting awfully sleepy.  It's time to hop into a nice warm bubble bath and soak my bones.  Tomorrow is "getting my house in order" day.  I have a real problem ... I would rather be outside than inside so I procrastinate!

I hope that you are having a great week.  Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!

Miss Dottie

1 comment:

  1. Yes..you need to plan your next visit to Florida. I miss you; the girls miss you; and your historical comrade misses you as well. Even Teddy Bear is yearning for his Grandma. We will infuse energy, excitement, and organized chaos into your life! LOL I think Oscar the car will infuse allergies.

    Love ya!
