Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Red White and Blue in my Life

June 21, 2012

What comes to mind when you think of red, white, and blue.  I'll bet most of you would say, "The American Flag!"  That's what I think of too.  I have some little flags in one of my flower pots on the back patio and a flag carrying Uncle Sam on my front porch.  I am thinking that a big flag is just what the casita needs.  I remember my Grandmother Maggie being so proud of her flag ... my father hung his flag with honor as well ... as a World War II vet, the American Flag draped his coffin.

The U.S. flag, also known as the Stars and Stripes, Old Glory and The Star-Spangled Banner, stands for the United States of America as a government, nation and even an ideology. Americans often fly the flag as an expression of patriotism, and it is featured in official government ceremonies such as military funerals and political inaugurations. The flag holds tremendous weight around the world as a recognizable symbol of the United States of America.   Who can keep from tearing up as God Bless America is sung with an American Flag waving in the background.

Why is the flag so important?  It symbolizes unity and freedom, folks, that's why.  Immigrants came with the hope of a new life ... Our country was a melting pot ... still is.  Because of the sacrifices of many, we live in a country that is, for the most part, safe and secure.  We have the freedom to speak our minds without fear of reprisal.  I have the freedom to work and to enjoy the fruits of my labor.  I am able to worship in the church of my choice and others have the same option.  I have the freedom to examine what's going on in my country and have a voice to speak up.  As a blogger, freedom of speech is of vital importance.  I am allowed to tell my story and share my trials and triumphs with the world! 

All this being said, I am concerned about my country and it's platform.  We have become like sheep ... ostriches sticking our heads in the sand.  As long as our bellies are full and we aren't feeling the pinch, we are happy.  Hard work?  Responsibility?  It's become way too easy to get a hand out.  I know of folks who use unemployment without really looking seriously for a job.  I know of people who have child after child out of wedlock so they can live without working.  Fair?  Naaa... Life's never been fair so I've had to drop that from my vocabulary.  As citizens, we've become our own worst enemy ... we live in the Entitlement Age.

As long as our officials are smooth talking gentlemen who tell us what we want to hear, we are happy.  What if the right man or woman for the job isn't eloquent?  Does good character count?  Does being fit for the job count?  I've begun to realize that it takes money (and lots of it) to win an election.  We used to say, "May the best man win."  I don't think that's true anymore.  The man or woman with the most schmoozing ability, money and the best campaign managers wins.  Think about that for awhile.

A long time ago, I was talking with my stepson about the many times we'd bailed his dog out of the pound.  We also talked about choices.  His view was that he needed to remember not to do anything that he didn't have enough money to get himself out of.  He's not alone ... look at what happens in our court system.  Often times, it's not if you are guilty or innocent, it's how much money you have for people to defend you.  Even the best juries in the world can be duped.  I've served on some cases that I wish I hadn't been called for.  The pressure in the jury room is tremendous.  It takes a strong person to be a hold out.  We've had the freedom to do anything within the confines of the law -- and, believe me, compared to some other countries, our laws are pretty liberal.  Is our system fair?  Well, let's put it this way ... it's more fair than some countries where you can be dragged out of your home and shot because of your religious beliefs.  Our missionaries are facing persecution every day.  Ask them about what's fair.

Miss Dottie, Zachary, Angie
I am a forward thinking woman who believes strongly in doing the next right thing, whatever that is.  I believe in truth and being real.  I admire people who speak from the heart and not just the mind.  I am conservative and have strong moral values.  Laugh as you might, I believe that God is in control and that He allows us to dig our own graves with our follies.  I've dug my own fair of those holes so I've experienced what it feels like to be deep in muck and mire.  When you're sitting at the bottom of a stink hole, that ladder that Christ sends down can look pretty darn inviting!  All we have to do is expend the energy to do the work and climb out.  Can you believe there are people who choose to sit amongst the flies and poop?  Ewu...

How do we get back to being responsible and having good character?  We do it, one person at a time, one family at a time.  I am blessed to have a family of unity.  We are more than individuals, we are accountable to each other and the God we serve.  I look at my grandchildren and it is my hope and prayer that they will carry on the flame of truth to the next generation.  My grandsons are in a public (yes, I said public) school where God Bless America is sung openly.  Zachary wears a Christian tshirt

Red, white, and blue ... what does that mean to you?  When I think about red, I think about the blood shed for our freedom; when I think about blue, I think about the perseverance of those vigilant souls who steady our course; and, white ... purity and innocence.  When I think about the stars, I think about unity.  Take a good look at the flag.  Think about the blessings bestowed upon us by our creator and maybe, just maybe, you'll offer up a salute and say a prayer of thanksgiving.

Independence Day is just around the corner.  It will be a time of excitement, celebration, and fireworks.  I can hardly wait!!

Fly your flag today ... remember those who died serving our country that we might be free.  As we are entering a time of listening to presidential candidates giving their pitches, let's be informed citizens.  Let's put away our Democrat and Republican labels and do our research.  It's time we stopped taking our freedom for granted ... history often repeats itself and, right now, we're headed for the brick wall!

Red, white, and blue ... Don't you just love those colors and what they stand for?  Don't you want to just jump up and down and thank God for your freedom and the rights afforded us as citizens?  Stand up and be counted!  Use your voice to state your opinions ... they may or may not be different from mine but I will think about what you've said, continue to do my research, and come up with my own opinion.

As always, I am sending love and praying for each of you, my Readers.  Each time I sign my name to my blog, I am grateful for the privilege of addressing you openly and honestly!!

Miss Dottie

Gather your family and celebrate
the red, white, and blue in your own lives!



1 comment:

  1. Ahhh - GREAT pic of the boys...they are precious!

    Since it is October 16th I can tell you that Mitt Romney is the Republican's Party choice for President. Will he beat Barack Obama? Personally, I hope so! Why?? this is directly related to your concerns you wrote about in your blog. President Obama seems quite comfortable taking care of our citizens by subsidizing, Medicaid, and other hand-outs. This is just my belief, yet if you constantly give someone enough to 'get-by' will they ever soar? I don't think so. I pray Mitt Romney will inspire this nation to get back to hard work vs. collecting an unemployment check.

    Love ya- thank you for a thought provoking blog~
