Monday, June 18, 2012

Weekend to Remember -- Part III

June 18, 2012

Continuation -- Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!  Our morning got a little hectic.  We had to be in the car and on our way to Grand Prairie by 7am.  The boys were raring to go ... Nicholas was busy practicing catching and working on his batting form.  Zachary was right behind him, gearing up for an early game.  Uniforms were sparkling clean and they were set to go!!!!

Our ride to Grand Prairie was less eventful than Saturday's ride ... no planes zooming towards us ... no trains thundering on the tracks.  We did need to stop for ice, gas, and snacks but that was a quick stop.  We got to the ball field twenty minutes earlier than the previous day and found a closer parking lot which made trips to the van less tiring.

We were the first ones at the park.  Grandpa decided to hit some balls to Zachary to warm him up.  Before long, there were six young men on the field giving Grandpa a work out.  Was fun to watch them!!  Grandpa gave Zachary a pep talk and it wasn't long before we heard ... "Game!"  Oh my oh my ... the team they had to play was rated 15th in the nation.  Talk about David meeting Goliath!!  It was a quick game ... Zachary and his teammates left the field with their heads down.  Their coach gathered them together and was able to share his thoughts on the game and how it could be a stepping stone for these young lads.  He gave Zach his trophy and shook his hand ... "Great game, son."  Later he stopped us sharing that he felt that Zachary was the best player in the rec league and that he should look into playing for a select team.  He had only worked with Zach on the All Star Team and said he could tell he was gifted.  Even in defeat, Zachary shined!!

On the other side of Dallas, little Nicholas's team met defeat.  The good news was that they had improved overnight and were able to make some great plays.  Nicholas was noticed as well as being a player to watch.  His abilities to field, catch, play pitcher and hit the ball made him stand out -- a ball player to be reckoned with.  He knew he had a personal best day and was a happy guy!!

One more time, we had Tommy and Nicholas meet us ... this time in Frisco at Chili's.  It was wonderful to celebrate Father's Day one more time and the culmination of a memory making weekend.  Zachary wanted to relate the tale of our adventures over the weekend ... Nicolas, too, shared in the merry making.  I think I started smiling Friday night and didn't stop until I reached home late Sunday.  I felt refreshed and renewed.

My grandsons are handsome inside and out.  They are strong competitive young lads and take their positions on the ball field seriously.  Although they have totally different personalities, both are leaders and encouragers.  Zachary is outgoing and directs keeping his teammates motivated.  Nicholas is more of a quiet leader ... strong, determined, and an example to follow.  They are secure young boys who know that they are loved no matter if they win or lose.  They are resilient, bouncing back from disappointment ready to take on new opportunities.  They are already looking forward to Fall baseball!

I was exhausted when we reached home but it was a good tired.  I walked in the back door and headed for my bed for a nap.  It ended up being a nap before going to bed!  I wondered if I would be able to sleep but I had no problem.  Memories of the past three days flitted through my mind and, one more time, I smiled.  Memories of watching my son play soccer, basketball, and football floated through my mind ... his wins, his loses, his failures and successes.  This Father's Day, he was honored as being dad to his own sons.  He is a wonderful mentor ... a teacher, a role model...  As for me, I have had the privilege of being the mother of a son and grandmother to two grandsons.  One more time, I felt blessed beyond blessed.

As life goes on, I pray that you, too, will invest yourself in your children, grandchildren, or maybe that child down the street or next door.  Our children are our future and they need us!!  They need to feel secure, loved, and encouraged.  They need to be proud of who they are and what they do in life.  We have a job to do.  Are you up to it??  Give it a go ... I promise, you won't be disappointed!!

Thank you for sharing my weekend to remember.  We all have families - for better or worse.  Until tomorrow, please know that you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

1 comment:

  1. Nothing makes a parent feel better than when someone else compliments their child. Thankfully, I have experienced that with both of my girls. Madison....well she can be crazy funny. Her coach begged us to let her stay in FL during spring break vs. taking a family ski trip because, "the team could not survive without Blazei". We made arrangements and she stayed and competed with her team. Her coach said she was the leader of the team because she kept them focused yet when tension started to build she was able to loosen everone up, which is a rare gift. Katrina is blessed with the desire to help. Time will tell if she is a leader, yet many of her teachers have expressed their love for the type of student/person she is--always eagerly willing to help....this alone brings me peace that she will do well in life.

    Thanks for the weekend recap--refreshing to read about a loving and supportive family.

    Love you~
