Friday, January 14, 2011

Family & Courage!

Good Evening!  Grab a cup of coffee and let's settle in for a nice chat ... oops ... wait a minute, I need to put some logs on to take the chill off.  The sun is going down and although the snow is still on the ground, it still has been a nice day.

I have been trying to get the house back in order ... every year when I take all the decorations down, I take stock of what needs to be done in the house as far as repairs go as well as cleaning closets, drawers, painting, etc.  Gets to be quite a project!  We've lived in this house a little over 7 years ... oh my goodness, stuff just seems to multiply.  I'm a neat freak so when stuff gets more than I can handle, I know it's time to make some trips to Goodwill.  I am down to the office and that's the biggest hurdle I have to jump so I saved that for last.

I've been thinking about Family ... everywhere I go there seems to be pictures and sayings about family.  To look at our society, I wonder sometimes if we've forgotten what family is.  When I say that, I am often times reminded that "times have changed" and family has changed in it's members and how it operates as a unit.  For the immigrants coming to America, families and friends were often left behind.  To walk away from "home" to an unknown land must have been frightening.  For some in Debtor's Prison, it was an escape ... for others, an opportunity and a hope for newness of life.  I wonder if I would have had the courage to cross an ocean knowing I would never see my family again.  I was curious so I began digging...  I love understanding the story behind the story...

I am one half Norwegian and have often wondered why my ancestors left Norway.  I've been doing some research on life in Norway in the 1800's and was surprised to find how much turmoil was going on in Norway in that time.  Most people's lives were extremely difficult and, for the most part, the main reason they left was to try to get a better life for the family and especially to secure more opportunity for their children.  Almost all of the early emigration from Norway was composed of entire family groups which made sense in reading about the social system...if you were poor, your entire family was poor.  A few months ago, I thought of my ancestors as happy farmers who just decided to come to America.  Then, I began to read about the extreme poverty the average Norwegian faced in their home land.  I learned that when people are poor and everyone around them is poor, nobody thinks of themselves as poor until reality slaps them in the face.  My ancestors were just like everyone else and did what they could to keep going.  They had no other choice ... except maybe, just maybe there would be a better life somewhere else.  Their newspapers were flooded with news of opportunities and free land in this place called America.  All I have read makes my grandmother's teachings make sense ... the reason she wanted her children to be educated and speak proper English ... the reason she persevered under extreme duress ... the reason she so cherished her home and family.  I am sure my grandparents who came to America in 1951 were so happy to live in a land where they could better themselves and own their own land.  Here they were somebody and they were a proud people ... a humble people.

Tonight, I began to think about our nation now and the problems we are having.  Seems like the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.  Heard that one lately?  We have become slaves to our lifestyles and, believe it or not, history has a way of repeating itself.  The whole reason people came to America was "the dream."  You've heard it as "The American Dream." For immigrants, it was land and work.  Later on, it became a house, a car, a job, money in the bank.  We've sold ourselves out to credit cards and more is better.  If it feels good, do it?  The American Dream has become the American nightmare.  Where do we go from here?  Is our comfort zone the fact that misery loves company?  What is "the sign of the times?"

My 40 days of prayer have been enlightening!  God is really convicting me in so many areas and I am lovin' it!  Giving God the first fruits of my day has given me more peace.  Today, I was reading in Genesis about Joseph, a man of God and good character.  Like Joseph, what He has allowed into my life yesterday has helped prepare me for today, and what today brings will equip me for a better tomorrow.  Rather than get all scared about our nation and my own plight, I'm learning that if I do what I can each and every day and others do as well, we will survive ... our nation and our families.  It is a time to be courageous! In doing this blog, I am realizing that my past has been no accident  but rather a stretching, maturing series of events in God's sovereign plan for me.  I just need to be faithful and patient.

Good news, folks, Hamilton Elf and the nutcrackers are going to be out in 2011.  For some reason, I just couldn't put that little rascal in a cramped box and expect him to be set to go next Christmas season!  And, the nutcrackers are so pretty.  I placed The Jester next to my lap top.  When I write, he looks over my work ... I smile at him and my fingers strum over the keyboard!

It is now dark and time for this lady to head down the hall for a nice relaxing soak in the jetted tub.  That always makes my bones feel better.  Add a candle or two (or three) and my mood turns to mellow which leads to a good night's rest!  Hamilton Elf is already back in the guest room ... is that snoring I hear?!

My hope for you today is that you be courageous in whatever you do.  May your family be blessed with the newness of life that only God can bring.

"I will lie down  in peace and sleep, for though I am alone, O Lord, you will keep me safe."  ~~Psalm 4:8

Remember you are loved and prayed prayed for ... YA YOU!!  Each of my readers is so special to me.  Until tomorrow...



1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy reading about our family heritage. Your blog is part of your legacy; how neat is that?! You were always journaling, so I bet those old journals come to use while blogging, as they provide reference to your life events, thoughts, emotions, etc.

    On to the next one...can't wait :)
