Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Victor

Good Afternoon and welcome to my world in North Texas!  I've started taking down the Christmas decorations today.  Michael wants me to leave up the tree in the den for another week.  I must admit the lights are so beautiful in the evenings.  I am tempted to leave the nutcrackers out this year ... will just have to see as I dig through my accessory boxes!

Nap Time
Michael is doing remarkedly well after his back surgery last Tuesday.  He's sore but free of the nerve pain.  He'll definitely be ready to go back to work next week!  We were just amazed at how God went before us during this whole process!  We walked into Dr. C.'s office last Monday at 9am and by 2:30 pm Michael had had xrays, an examination, an MRI, and hospital prep for surgery set for 9am on Tuesday.  Dr. C. and his staff really stepped up to the plate to intervene on what could have been a pretty nasty situation.  We are grateful!  One thing about living in the Dallas metroplex, there are so many fabulous doctors and hospitals.  At our age, that is important!

The mind is an amazing organ with all it's nooks and crannies.  I'm sure you've heard the saying, "As a man thinketh, so is he."  We tend to seek out people who we feel comfortable with and who tell us what we want to hear.  The problem with that is that our thinking can often times be skewed which is where "stinkin' thinkin'" comes from.   We tend to hear what we want to hear.  As an abuse survivor, I yearned to hear words of affirmation and to be treated with respect and kindness.  The problem was that the people who did offer that, I didn't believe.  I would think, "they just don't know how bad a person I really am."  It was difficult for me even to believe God.  Well, guess what?  What I thought I was, I received.  Some years ago, I read the poem, The Victor, written by C.W. Longenecker.  It must have meant something even then, because I cut it out and kept it in my "positive thinking" box.  The good news was that there was a side of me that was stubborn and persistent and somehow I knew that my thinking was wrong...  As Psalm 23 says, "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil."  I had to find it within me to seek truth and, yes, that truth did set me free.  I do want to share this with you because maybe, just maybe, it's something you need to hear as much as I did...
The Victor by: C. W. Longenecker
If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don’t.
If you like to win but think you can’t,
It’s almost a cinch you won’t.
If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost.
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow’s will.
It’s all in the state of mind.
If you think you are out classed, you are.
You’ve got to think high to rise.
You’ve got to be sure of your-self before
You can ever win the prize.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man.
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can

On January 1, 2011, I started a new  year hoping that God would bless my family and I as well as my friends and fellowman.  I had started the 40 days of 40 minutes of prayer and was finding newness of purpose.  As I was praying for others, I could see how my prayers were being answered.  I knew without a doubt that God was working behind the scenes to makes changes in people's lives and heal them from adversities and illnesses.  It is January 6th, and I am a little over half way through the study.  On the flip side ... Oh my goodness, I have had stressors coming at me from all directions in the past couple days.  I totally understand why people want to quit praying when Satan starts his antics and messing with our lives.  Yesterday, I had to ask for prayer from family and friends because I was really feeling the pain throughout my mind and body.  Spiritually, I was being stripped...  Having Fibromyalgia is tough in and of itself so I was like the cat hanging from the branch with his claws.  I was uplifted by so many and as evening set, I was able to sleep restfully.  I opened one eye and then the other this morning ... sure enough I was still here and a new day dawning.  I had a choice to make and I made it ... I got up and gave God the first fruits of my day!  From there, I started taking down Christmas decorations and prepared a wonderful lunch (from scratch) for Michael.  Sadie and Toby were wrestling with each other and I felt God's hand reach for mine.  I know not what tomorrow will bring but for today, I am okay.  We all struggle with life .... all of us.

I have a friend, Kelly, who is a missionary in Costa Rica.  I read her blog today and it really hit me.  Most everything we go through is so "self" centered.  Yet, I am learning in my 40 days of prayer that we need to be more "other" centered.  Her neighbor lives in a barn ... yep, the little boy doesn't even have a bed to sleep in.  Gave me a new  perspective on how much I really do have.  For so many, survival is a need for a roof over our heads and food in our bellies ... from there everything else is icing on the cake.  Kelly, reads my blogs so I want to say to her that God truly is working in and through her as she ministers to others.  Life is not fair but that's the way life has always been.   Our wants have become our needs...  I say this because I have been convicted so many times of this and as I pray each day, I have even more been reminded of what I need to be doing for others.
I took a walk in my gardens today...we've had some hard freezes and it's showing on my tropical plants.  Tomorrow, I will be needing to do a little watering and trimming.  I love doing that ... pretty is important to me and I am so taken by the flowers and Winter colors!  It's supposed to be warm for a few more days then brrrr, quite cold.  Time to wrap up the faucets.  Please no more broken water pipes!  I broke my nippers so will need to make a trip to one of my favorite stores ... Lowe's!

Figured I would feature Hamilton Elf one more time before he takes a 10 or 11 month nap.  I will miss him a lot!  He has been such a good listener and has made me laugh on my blue days.  He may need to come out to pose for some sketches which will be fun!

I am off to finish up boxing up the Christmas decorations in the kitchen.  Things are starting to look a little on the bare side.

In signing off, I pray that you will show some of God's love to those around you.
Always remember that you are loved and prayed for  ... YA YOU!!

1 comment:

  1. You have touched so many people through your blog. It's great to hear about them and their life story.

    I'm happy to see (through your pic) that Michael is getting some rest and relaxation. Times of sickness definitely help us appreciate our health.

    I pray for you daily. I know you are going through a challenging and frustrating time.

    God is miraculous and knows each of us--loves us in spite of our faults and failures. He will take care of you; watch for opportunities and seek out wisdom.

    "If I look at the mass, I will never act. If I look at the one, I will."
    — Mother Teresa
