Friday, January 21, 2011

Legacy - A Journey

Good Afternoon!  It's been a busy couple days with Michael going through his second surgery in two weeks.  He had herniated a second disk and bone fragments were pushing on the nerve.  He is taking better care of himself this go around and sticking to doctor's orders. got cold here last night.  I was so happy to cuddle in, watch American Idol and catch up with daughter, Jane.  I love history and people and combine the two in my search to understand my family heritage.  I know that what happened so long ago probably affects my todays and my proverbial curiosity always drives me on.  The Internet has proved to be such a  blessing in my searches.

Today, I read about Moses and his journey to Mount Sinai.  The people of Israel had been released from bondage and yet they complained.  Their grumbling increased even after seeing God's miracles.  Go figure...  I always put what I read in context of my own life.  When God has been so faithful to care for me am I still a grumbler?  As I have kept my covenant to spent 40 days of 40 minutes of prayer, I have been so awakened to how God has used me and protected me.  I am grateful!

Often times, God uses adversity to strengthen and teach us.  Some people break down and go to pieces and others to overcome and move beyond.  I am grateful for my past because it has made me so aware of God's grace.  He made me stubborn that I might persevere; he made me soft that I might show mercy; He made me intelligent that I might think beyond; He made me "me" and I like who I am.  From the time I was quite small, this was one of my most favorite poems ... I have taken the road less traveled, and, yes, it HAS made all the difference!

The Road Not Taken
Poet: Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Only when I reached the Winter of my life did I fully understand my past, the journey, and my legacy.  Everyone has days that you get out of bed and think, "it's going to be a great day."  Then, life gets in the way and your day is complete chaos.  How do you react?  Anger?  Sadness?  With good humor?  I find that how I react determines how long my challenges last!

My life has been quite a journey of ups and downs.  I revel in the good times and learn from the bad.  I am filled with awe and wonder as I have witnessed my children grow to adulthood.  Now,  I am a grandmother interacting with and loving my grandchildren.  We are all different and we are FAMILY.  The journey of life is to be savored one day at a time ... To seek truth in my own family may seem to some to be disrespectful.  I had to recognize the truth before I could love ... not only myself but my family ... for better or worse.  I can't wait to get to Heaven to hug my mom and dad and hug them saying, "I understand and I love you."

When I accepted Jesus as Lord of my life, the Holy Spirit taught me truth and gave me beneficial inspiration for my own life.  I would pray and all of a sudden, He would put a scripture in my mind that would answer my pleadings.  In times of crises, when all things seemed so impossible, I would hear (and still do) "Be still and know that I am God;..."~~Psalm 46:10

With understanding and healing comes better choices and wisdom.  To my granddaughter who is starting to date, God says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."~~Proverbs 4:23  Look for a man's character and belief in the Lord ... knowing will determine how your relationship shall go whether you are 14 or 64.  I know that to be true.

I am thoroughly enjoying my new perch where I write and do research.  I can look out the window into the back porch and smile.  I love sitting outside and must be content for a while to stay inside.  That's okay as well.

For those of you following the progress of the little casa:  the inside of the house has resumed it's state before the flood and YEA(!) the kitchen cabinets have been delivered and are sitting in the dining room.  The original wood floors came through the storm and are gleaming again.  The cabinet installer should be finished by the first of next week.  We just need to make sure the granite going in is the Santa Cecelia Light ... Lupe and his worker bees will install the appliances, the wallpaper hanger will do her thing and we will be set.  I've sure missed going to our little get a way and being able to visit with Mom S.  Hopefully, we can go check on things next week.

Like the Israelites wandering around in the desert, life is a journey which culminates in a legacy to be passed from generation to generation.  I am grateful for my family, every single one of them for without their influences, I wouldn't be who I am.

R. J. Hall house, Morris, Minnesota

Last night, I found some photos on the Internet of some old photos (1901) of my mother's family.  I remember the house!  I remember the grove of trees!  I was so overjoyed!  My great grandfather and great grandmother are on the far left.  My grandfather is between them.  I've never seen a photo of my grandfather and wish it were clearer but at least I have something!

For you, my friends, I pray that you will have a wonderful day and evening.  Cuddle up with someone special and stay warm.  God's richest blessings are sent your way!


1 comment:

  1. hmmmm.....made a comment yesterday, yet it didn't "stick". What internet site did you find that fantastic pic?? How amazing; love technology...most of the time.

    Teenagers w/ technology is another story. If they used it for education I would be thrilled. Yet, the internet poses a challenge for parents because it is a virtual tour into your child's thoughts, interests, friends, world, etc. Etiquette is forgotten, along with chivalry. At this point prayer and guidance is what I am leaning on for wisdom. Thank the Lord my teen is at youth group tonight....may she hear words that inspire, move, and influence her actions.

    Love you!! XXOO - Jane
