Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What lies within us...Happy New Year!

It's almost midnight on January 3, 2011.  Happy New Year!  My new year has started out with a lot of craziness.  How about yours?

Criminal Minds PosterIt's late and I'm tired but feel the need to jot down some things that have been going through my mind.  One of my favorite TV shows is Criminal Minds and tonight I watched several in a row that really got to me.  I am always so surprised at what we as human beings are capable of doing to our fellowman.  On the show, most often when they profile a criminal they mention abuse as a child.  Our minds no matter how young we are keep closely guarded everything that is done and said to us.  If you don't believe me, think about a catchy commercial you see and hear on TV.  Do you all of a sudden remember it or start humming the tune?  I do...  Every now and then, I get an email where you finish sentences ... "Everything tastes better with ______  ______ on it...  Of course, the answer is Blue Bonnet.  Jingles sell!  Porn sells!  As people, we need way more positives than negatives or the negative takes over our hearts, minds, and souls.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote some of the most memorable quotes.  My favorite is:  "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us."  I used to have this quote typed up and on one of the walls of my office or cube.   I was born "me" and although the past wasn't fair and the future has not come, my "me" is within in and that core will never change.  As a child and as an adult, I went through some horrible bouts with anger ... I truly know that I faced many a "Y" on the road of life.  I could have been one evil, horrible person or, as I chose repeatedly, an empathetic, forgiving woman of God.  The thoughts in my mind sometimes would frighten me when dealing with an abusive person.  I have heard people say that they would "never" do so and so...  Well, until you walk in someone's shoes, you don't know do you?  The hair on the back of my neck stands up when I think about abuse done to men, women, and children by evil people.  I also thank God every day that, with his help, I could move forward with dignity and faith.


 My son and his family came over early morning on January 1, 2011 in their jammies for breakfast and a post Christmas ... New Year's celebration.  It really was one of those wonderful moments where I could prepare the food and just sit back and smile.  I cherished every word of conversation, laughed at every fun joke and my little grandsons were at the top of their game in celebrating being brothers at Christmas!  They bring joy wherever they are and whatever they do!

My husband, Michael, was picking up his briefcase on December 27 and popped his back.  The pain gradually got worse until this past weekend when he was unable to go any longer.  I took him to the ER where they gave him some pain meds to last him until today when he had an appointment with Dr. C.  We were in the doctor's office at 9:00 this morning and by 2:30 this afternoon, Michael had had a physical examination, regular xrays, an MRI, pre-surgery consultation, and was pre-admitted to Baylor Hospital.  I had been praying for Michael during my 40 days of prayer and, although the Lord didn't answer my prayers by healing him, He went before us and paved the way for a smooth day.  Michael will be having back surgery as an outpatient and should be back to work in a week to a week and a half.  Dr. C also picked up on some other odd symptoms and was going to follow up with Michael's primary care MD.  Michael will be so glad to have the pinched nerve taken care of!!  Looks like I will be playing nurse for a couple more weeks!

God will not send us where He cannot sustain us.  Amen!  I figure that He has not brought me to this place in time simply to abandon me in the midst of my circumstance.  I am halfway through my 40 days of 40 minutes of prayer.  Life has gotten in the way many a day and it's been tough to keep my covenant.  I am learning so much about grace and forgiveness and I am soooo convicted that I have a long way to go in my journey of life.  It is so neat to think about what He is doing behind the scenes in my behalf.  Yea!

One day at a time, let's do this year together!  Always remember that you are loved and prayed for ... YA You!


1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear that Michael is being cared for by doctors and loved by you. The healing touch is miraculous.

    Wish we were there to celebrate Christmas with you and the Anderson clan. Those boys are so darn cute. I love Zachary's bright eyes and, oh my gosh, those little ears on Nicholas....to adorable for words!!

    I agree--what lies within us is the most important...it definitely influences the path we choose.

    Keep up the great work--your effort is shining bright.
