Monday, January 31, 2011

Family is about revising the past to make a better future...

A fire in the chiminea makes being outside cozy!
Whoa ... what happened to our wonderful 70+ degree weather?  We are under a Winter storm watch and will have cold for a couple weeks.  The cold is different here than in the north country ... when we get cold of below with wind chill bringing temperatures into the single digits, we really get chilled to the bone.  Luckily, our Winter is short and we enjoy a long beautiful Spring.

Home in time for a nap!

Michael had a Steroid Injection this morning in the L5-S1.  We are hoping this will calm the nerves in his leg down.  I have used this pain management doctor for injections for several years.  Dr. Lewis and his nurse, India, were surprised to see me sitting in the chair rather than in the bed!  I am so grateful for the doctors who have provided pain relief for me for the past 7 years.   It's amazing how far pain management and surgical procedures have come during this time.  I am glad my doctors stay on the cutting edge!  In the mid 2000's, arthritis had invaded my feet and bone was rubbing on bone.  My feet were rebuilt in time for me to take part in the walking contest at work.  From May to the end of August I walked over a million steps.  I look at my feet now and praise God for guiding the surgeon's hand.  I was headed for a wheel chair and NOW I WALK wherever I want to go.  Gotta keep that positive attitude!! 

Product DetailsYesterday, we watched the mini series Pillars of the Earth ... yes, we watched the whole thing.  I had read the book and, as usual, the series was abit different.  Now, I want to go back and reread the book.  As I have said, my mother's family was English so I have a curiosity about my heritage there.  In my searches, I am discovering more about the lives of those who lived before me.  My cousin has been a big help in giving me some background.  The Hall family was definitely a family of adventurers and I would like to think I get my adventurous spirit from them!  They were not a shy bunch for sure although my Great Uncle Ernest and Great Aunt Grace where very educated, well mannered souls.  I have not been able to delve into the lives of the others much but I will get there ... it just takes time.

"Saturday, April 26, 2008

'It's never too late in fiction or in life - to revise.'~~Nancy Thayer

Starting over, what a wonderful concept.  The words sound so encouraging.  Is it really possible to start over?  Yes ... and, no.  We can't erase the past and start with a completely clean slate.  But, if I think about starting over, as beginning anew after some false starts, then I can certainly start over.  I tell myself daily, 'There are so many chances to revise.  I'm going to keep trying til I get it right!'

Zachary played in his second soccer game this morning.  Two goals!  What a little tiger he is!  It brought back memories of Tommy's soccer games.  Tommy and Zachary are alike in so many ways.  The Bumble Bees got beat royally today yet to Zachary the game was awesome and he was a winner.  He had a personal best!  Oh, that we all could be like that.  After the game, I took us all to Chili's to celebrate Zach's victories.  It felt so good to concentrate on the accomplishments of this little man!  Anyone involved in sports knows how important it is to learn and revise.

Revise ... hmmm.  So much of my life has been a revision.  I knew what I wanted in life and couldn't understand why I couldn't get there.  It was in the mid 1990's I found a real passion in working with people.  God kept showing me over and over that my purpose was to love His children as He loved them.  About this same time, I tried to rewrite the past with my eldest daughter supporting her as she weathered some storms in her life.  One more time, it didn't work and to this day, she has chosen to not recognize me as her mother.  I grieve our past and our present.  I pray that one day...  I will never give up hope and I tell other parents to never give up hope.  I am one of God's crew and I'm glad about that."

Today, I feel like a Queen!

I am drawn to people who are brave enough to tell their stories (we all have them).  Those who are fighters to get out of the cesspool of life and make something of themselves.  I love honesty and openness.  I am comfortable in my own skin and don't apologize anymore for being an imperfect human being.  At one point, I was an embarrassment to my family.  I felt so ashamed and didn't know how to fix it.  My trauma counselor looked me straight in the eye and said, "Do they realize how lucky you are to be of sound mind?  Do they realize what you have gone through in life?"  Somehow that didn't offer me comfort.  Theory is one thing, reality is another. 

One of the goals of my blog was to become transparent and allow others into the corners of my world.  I wanted to let others know that life isn't fair but we still have our own choices to make.  As a gardner I am always revising my garden plots ... I love the process of finding that spot where plants, trees, and flowers can grow and flourish.  I am like that too ... my life has been and is a constant revision; and, as I tweek my life, I am flourishing.  I like that!

Lord Jesus, watch over my readers and their families.  I pray that they will never doubt my love for them ... no matter what!"

1 comment:

  1. Pillars of the Earth is one of the first books that Tim recommended. I relished every page!! It would be fun to watch the mini-series.

    I commend you for the care that you are giving to Michael. He has been there for you during your surgeries, and I know you have appreciated the TLC. He looks like he is sleeping so soundly. Tell him, that he should be exercising, and doing physical therapy too!!

    There was a song I heard one day at our church in Battle Creek that rung true--By Casting Crows, Slow Fade. It made me realize that it is the little choices/changes that are made that add to success or personal failure.
    -here are some of the lyrics:

    Be careful little eyes what you see
    It's the second glance that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings
    Be careful little feet where you go
    For it's the little feet behind you that are sure to follow

    It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
    It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
    Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
    When you give yourself away
    People never crumble in a day
    It's a slow fade, it's a slow fade
