Friday, January 28, 2011

Family is About Laughter!

Good Morning, Readers!  I had a lot on my mind last night and couldn't manage to relax enough to go to sleep until about 2 am.  I am told that those with Fibromyalgia have sleep issues so I am trying NOT to get my days and nights mixed up.  It's a good thing that I am not working and can be more flexible.  I try to keep a good sense of humor about this whole Fibro thing and most times it works!

It's another gorgeous day here in North Texas.  We haven't had rain in awhile so it looks like I need to reattach the hose and do some watering in the back gardens today.  I once was surrounded by tropical plants on the back porch and I'm afraid that the freezing temperatures took care of my tender plants.  I am tempted to replace them but until April we're always thinking that ice and freezing temperatures could visit once again.  There's an old saying here, "If you don't like the weather, just wait a day or two and it will change!"  How true...snow one day ... high 60's the next!

Today, family is about laughing together and I share my journal from 2008:

"April 25, 2008

'We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh.'~~Agnes Reppler

It has been my observation that many abusive people have no sense of humor - particularly about themselves.  They take themselves far too seriously to laugh at their own mistakes or inadequacies.  Instead defensiveness rears it's ugly head followed by anger or passive behaviors.

How wonderful it is to be able to laugh together with someone - to share the pleasure and healing power of laughter - to almost fall down from laughing so hard - to cry tears of laughter together.

My grandson, Zachary, was in the hospital last week.  I had the privilege of sitting with him last Friday to give mom and dad a break.  He was frustrated with the tubes stuck in his nose, green gunk spilling from his eyes, and a cough that wracked his little body with painful spasms.  I decided to use some of my new learning about children on him.  Children have a hard time expressing feelings so they whine, get angry, etc.  I told Zachary that it was okay to be frustrated and angry.  I told him to say, 'Crap get out of my body - absolutely!'  First we said it together then he began to yell the words.  He fell back on his pillow laughing and together we laughed til our sides hurt.  From that point, oxygen tank in tow, we made a couple trips to the isolated playroom and built some pretty neat structures with Legos.  Funny how wonderful our afternoon became once we laughed together.  Oh how I love that boy!

Many times I wonder why it is that at 60 I am wiser at parenting than I was at 20 or 30.  Augh ... the mistakes I made.  They haunt me so often.  Abuse takes it's toll on the whole family.

There are questions that went unanswered for years and caused me great sorrow.  Why was I drawn to my first husband and why did I ever marry him?  His family loved me and for their many years of love I am grateful - Leila, Joe, Liz, Sue ... thank you!  As for him, I don't believe he loved me at any time of our relationship.  His alcoholism created a monster that spewed words of hatred.  He murdered my spirit and crushed my soul.  I have chosen to forgive him and I have also chosen not to forget.  Now I am at peace with my memories.  Jane told me not long ago that she was glad I married her father or she wouldn't be here.  How true!  And, oh how I love my children - Jill, Jane, Tommy.  I remember their first breaths (well, not Tommy's because I was out!), their first words, and their first steps and yes, the first time they laughed.  Each is special in who they were created to be.  My children and I laughed ALOT!

Last Labor Day weekend, I was in Michigan with my daughter and her family.  It felt so good to laugh and spend time with them.  I would go to sleep with a smile on my face and wake to Madison's and Katrina's smiles.  I took lots of photos and every time I look at them I giggle.  Katrina would put her hand in mine and say, ' Now, Grandmama, your hand isn't lonely.'  Walks with Madison and Cricket, shopping excursions, dinners on the deck, marshmallow roasts ... good times fraught with joy and laughter!  Right now I can shut my eyes and be filled with the memories of precious moments filled with giggles.

Carpe' Diem ... Seize the Day!"

Laughter is good for the soul ... when I was in bed from a major back surgery in 2004, I used to watch comedies on TV.  It made the time pass and helped me think positively.  There are so many depressed people in our country ... why not ... times are tough and the average family is struggling to make ends meet.  We've put more emphasis on the material and less on the family core.  What did my mother's family and my father's family do during the depression?  They formed family bands!  They played cards.  They went to barn dances...  They were FAMILY!!  Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Friends ... FAMILY!!  No matter what, they had each other and they had the Lord!  I look at old photos and think, "Oh my goodness ... what poses!"

News ... for those of you who have followed the restoration of the little casa, the kitchen cabinets are going in next Tuesday and Wednesday.  God truly has had a sense of humor with this project and we have learned to have patience and trust that His timing is perfect!  With all the water damage repairs going on we have not been there since Christmas.  That's too long!

Have a wonderful day ... always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Having a special granddaughter like Madison makes me smile!

1 comment:

  1. heee heeee-- love the photos and the blog. I REALLY like it when you are honest. I know you may be worried about hurting feelings, yet it is so nice to hear your side of the story.

    I remember all of your visits. We always have so much fun. Grandma's have the ability to unconditionally love their grandchildren. They also have the ability to simplify life and spend time with their grandchildren. Time is precious in the eyes of a child because, often times, their parents don't have time to give--sad, but true. Feel free to visit anytime and as long as you can.

