Thursday, May 31, 2012

One rainy day...

May 31, 2012

There are no bars on the windows of my life.  There is no barbed wire fence guarding my heart.  There are no secrets to be swept under rugs or into the far corners of my mind.  I walk tall with a smile on my face.  I am open and ready to experience all that life has to offer.  I am not dead in spirit ... I breathe in and breathe out, my voice albeit raspy at times, is heard around the world.

I am describing my life as a blogger, as a visionary, a daughter of the living God.  The story I tell is not someone else's.  It is mine ... my experiences, my journey, my struggles.  I am not ashamed of who I am and what I am about.  If I step on toes or cause you to be upset with me, let's talk about it.  I am open to constructive criticism and am teachable.  I am willing to try it your way if it doesn't compromise my basic beliefs in being real, honest, and upfront.  Call me stubborn, that's okay...  Call me whatever you want, that's your opinion...

It is stormy here today in Central Texas ... the house is dark and there is a sense of dampness.  I've been digging around hunting up a sweatshirt to put over my jammies.  Awhile ago, I stepped out on the patio and watched the wind blow my plants around.  I always hold my breath hoping that the dead limbs in the big tree will hold through one more storm.  Am I procrastinating about getting trimming done?  At $1,500 for a tree haircut, I guess you could say I am.

It's my goal today to tackle getting the house in order.  I will be so glad to be able to get my clothes that are sitting on the floor in baskets into the closet being prepared for me in the casita.  I am an organized neat freak and I look forward to knowing where everything is.  Come to think of it, I look forward to having a space that I can call my own and keep just as I like it.  I love to read, experience the softness of music, and move about in tranquility.  When the world outside is so darn chaotic, I need a haven to escape to.  That's just me ... always been me ... probably always will be me.

My son gave me a book to read, BEAUTIFUL OUTLAW.  It's written by John Eldredge and offers a look at the playful, disruptive, extravagant personality of Jesus.  Fibromyalgia often times gifts me with a foggy mind which makes reading difficult but I'm going to give it a go this afternoon.  The softness of the rain falling right now would just put me to sleep!  It is so neat to have my children, suggesting books for me to read as they journey through life.  They are thirsty to learn, always striving to be better people.  I like that.  More than anything, I am enjoying having the open loving relationships with them that I so desperately wanted with my own mother and father.  They know that there's absolutely nothing they couldn't share with me and I am comfortable in knowing that they will listen to me, not as a goofy old woman, but as someone with dignity and wisdom.

Many years ago, I knew that I needed mentors ... models to help me move into the light.  Starting in my twenties, I became very observant of how winners lived, talked, and learned.  I would take a little from this person and a little from that other person.  That worked for a while.  Then, I needed more than just milk ... I needed substance.  It was then that I began to model my life after my Lord.  What was He like?  How did He think?  How did He solve issues?  Did He ever get angry?  What gave Him the peace that passes all understanding?  If I was going to call myself a Christian, I wanted to know intimately the man I chose to follow.  It's been quite an amazing journey.

I am sitting in the dining room at a table strewn with papers and ideas for the casita.  My fingers whiz over the keyboard as words flow through my mind.  I have to type quickly or the thoughts fade and are lost as waves dashing upon a shore.  I stop and look at the picture on the wall before me ... the Norwegian grandmother with her grandchildren at her side catches my attention and I am drawn into the room.  There are so many details, from the contents in the room to the expressions on the faces.  A story is told ... a story only known to the artist himself.  There is enough there for me to have my own story come forth as I move inch by inch across the canvas.  The room reminds me of the house that my great grandfather built for his family in Glenwood, Minnesota.  Little did he know that visitors would be photographing the log home at the historical society and that I would be standing in the room where my grandmother and her siblings were born.  A miracle of Family - For Better or Worse.

I enjoy the social media of Facebook.  It gives me a snapshot of what friends and family are thinking, doing, and experiencing.  It is an avenue upon which I am able to publish my blog ... the internet highway affords me a place to research my family, my values, ideas.  Before hitting that "publish" button, I ask myself -- is what I have written true, real, honest, and my own??  It's often times amazing to me to realize how much our lives parallel others who have walked similar paths.  I'm certainly not alone in my travels -- what makes me different is my willingness to be transparent.

The storms remind me that they too have purpose.  There is something surreal about the aftermath of a storm ... now, the rain has stopped, I hear the chirping of the birds and cars splashing through the puddles on the road.  There is a deafening silence about me inside the house ... one only interrupted from time to time by Sadie's snoring.  I smile and find a renewed sense of energy that was lacking before the rain fell.

Into our lives, rain must fall ... storms come and go only to be replaced by the warming of the sunshine.  That is life as it was and will be.  It is my hope and prayer that you are enjoying this day whether you are walking in sunshine or the rain that is falling in Central Texas.  Always know that you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

From dilapidated to grand, one step at a time!

May 29, 2012

Good Morning, Readers!  And, it IS an absolutely marvelous day here in Central Texas!!  I am nearly 100% after having the flu for a couple of days.  I opened my eyes this morning and, as usual, I had two doggies on guard with tails wagging ...  "She's awake!"

Sadie and Toby had to make a trip outside and I figured it would be a good time for me to assess any damage from the storm we had at midnight ... lots of rain and high winds.  The flowers obviously loved the drink of water as I had new rose buds, lilies, and gardenias.  I know Mom S will be asking if I have new flowers for her vase at the nursing home!  I can whole-heartedly say, "Yes!"

What does it take to renovate a dilapidated old garage into livable space?  Some knowledge of architecture is useful but the most essential aspect of a successful renovation project is imagination.  I've always lived by the motto -- "When life deals you lemons, make lemonade!"  When, we moved to the little casa permanently, we just flat out didn't have enough room.  We either had to sell the little casa and find something larger or come up with another solution.  Since I had prayed diligently about the move to the little casa, I knew that moving (again) was not an option.  What then???

I've always felt that while I am waiting on God to answer my prayers, I should do something.  As it turned out, I began cleaning out the garage, storage shed, and underground storm shelter.  I think that God honors our labors and slowly, I began to come up with solutions.  The first was painting and sealing the walls of the storm shelter using it as a place to store my holiday decorations, file cabinet, and cabinets of paint, etc.  The storm shelter now serves two purposes (well, three if you ask my grandsons who call it a great fort!) -- (1) a shelter from bad storms; and, (2) an evenly temperatured place to storage precious items that I don't want to lose!  For the cost of paint and some labor, I had storage!

My next project was to clean out the storage shed.  Michael was needing a space for his tools and things that he didn't want to get rid of.  The storage shed offered another solution.  I cleaned it out, swept the floor, hosed everything down, and began refilling it with tools.  Again, some labor bought us some much needed space!  Gone were the rotted boxes, cobwebs, and junk that had accumulated over twenty plus years!

My last project was the garage which was in two sections.  There was no way, I was going into Dad S's tool shop (I don't take too well to huge spiders and snakes!) so I tackled the main part of the garage.  It took me days to go through the bags, boxes, and broken furniture just to find the dirt floor (and a huge snakeskin!).  I had asked Lupe (just out of curiosity) how much he would charge us to redo the garage when we were renovating the little casa and he had said $10,000.  That was before the house sold in McKinney so that was tabled and had been put out of my mind.  I continued on with my cleaning projects...

Dad S's tool room had to be cleaned out and we needed to have a garage sale.  We were blessed with a lot of help from our neighbors.  It was a painful paring down but we made it through keeping what needed to be kept and either giving away or selling what we didn't and don't need.  Yes, I said NEED.  We WANTED to keep all our treasures (at least what we considered treasures!) but had a peace about letting ten of the twelve shovels go!!  Funny how things get put into boxes and are never missed.  We have rented a huge storage space and haven't been over there once to get something we needed.  I will be going through the boxes once the casita is done and then the storage space will be emptied -- one way or another!! 

During the months, it took me to clean out the storm shelter, storage shed, and main portion of the garage, I continued my petitions to God for answers.  Michael would look at the houses for sale in the area and we even thought about putting an offer on a foreclosure.  Each time we looked at a house, I would come back to the little casa and know that I was supposed to be "here."  My peace was NOT in another move.    God wanted me to do my part -- put on my gloves and get a little dirty (well a whole lot of dirty!) ... His part was filling me with a plan, one step at a time...

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, the light bulb had gone off one day when I was hot, tired, frustrated, and sitting on top of the roof of the storm shelter looking down at the back yard, garage, and house.  There was this sense of excitement about a new project ... a new way to get space ... an answer to our space issues.  I talked with Michael and he sort of shook his head ... he couldn't see my vision.  He saw a garage that was nearly to the point of needing to be torn down.  I couldn't let it go and called Lupe.

It's been a fun journey to see my vision come to fruition.  Sometimes, I think that God blinded Lupe's eyes when he agreed to take on this project because it's been a real challenge for him many times over.  Wood has needed to be replaced outside, doors installed, plumbing, electrical ... all the while preserving the exposed beams and ceiling as much as possible.  I wanted it to be clean and usable but not like a new perfect casita.  Other than the claw foot tub, I've stayed on budget ... well, almost until we decided to add a closet and added four feet to the casita.  Lupe was able to salvage wood, shingles, etc. from other projects and that addition became manageable as well.  Checks came in from the consignment store that I placed furniture with.  I laugh, the money would come just as it was needed ... not before, not after ... the Lord has had perfect timing!

It's really funny how all this was orchestrated with a handshake, two promises, and prayer.  The first promise was that I would pay Lupe a set amount each month (no interest) and the second, that he would make my vision a reality.  I've kept my end of the bargain and he has kept his working tirelessly and cutting no corners.  I have the big picture and he's taking care of the details.  If I have too many choices, I can't make up my mind so he shows me two options and I pick one.  Somehow, it has just worked out.  He recognizes my deer in the headlights look and patiently helps me work through the architectural stuff.  My fun will come when the casita is ready for "decorating."  That's my forte!!

I don't think that God just listens to our prayers and hands us money or solutions.  He appreciates our efforts and working with Him.  I had to put in the hard work of cleaning, repurposing, having a garage sale, and doing all I could to use the resources I had.  In order for my vision to become a reality,  I had to pare down and sell everything that I could to raise money.  I learned a long time ago that He requires me to do my part.  The struggles have made me a stronger person able to think beyond my challenges.

My closets were overflowing ... my storehouses were overflowing... I had resources at hand, I just needed to use them.  What I didn't need was a bigger house, bigger closets, and more long term debt.  I didn't need to sit on my blessed assurance waiting for God to drop a wad of bills in my hands.  Each and every day I know that God expected me to do the next right thing then rest in knowing that He would make things manageable.  I am grateful for his promises and peace.  Without the stress of too much to take care of, my mind stays clear and I am frustrated less.

The casita got it's first coat of silvery gray paint.  At first, I didn't think it was dark enough so I got out my White Dove paint and my paintbrush.  Just a few strokes of the brush and I was satisfied.  It's amazing what a little contrast will reveal.  Now, what color to paint the doors ... black, deep burgundy, red?  Michael found a coupon for some Benjamin Moore paint so I will probably get a quart of either red or black and see how it looks.  One thing about paint, it is easily changed!  Anytime we get in the car to go somewhere, I am peering out the window to look at front doors!  One step at a time, my vision is coming together.  Miss Dottie is a happy camper!!

Miss Dottie

Monday, May 28, 2012

What Makes A Champion?

May 25, 2012

What a busy couple days it's been.  We drove up from Central Texas to Providence Village to cheer our grandsons on as they faced the last two games of the baseball season.  It had been several weeks since I seen them, so I was chomping at the bit to get my arms around those two rascals and give them some high fives!!

The drive up gave us a chance to get in some errands ... Michael left his Passat at the VDub place and I had a chance to visit a few of my favorite stores.  In so many ways, I miss the conveniences that living near a big city offers.  On the flip side, I have learned to be more creative in my shopping excursions.

Thursday night was an important night.  The Redhawks and Longhorns were vying for the chance to play in the championship games Friday night.  The boys were raring to go ... energy was peaking ... they were chomping at the bit to get into the van and head for the field.  Shirts were ironed, socks arranged just right, pants white as snow, hats in tow -- wrist bands, gloves, bats, drinks were all tucked into their bags.  On the outside, they looked like poster boys for what a champion looks like.  To Zachary and Nicholas, looks are important!!

Before we left for the field, I was grateful for the opportunity to cuddle with my grandsons and give them some pep talks.  I told them that, in my eyes, they were champions the moment they were born.  They were fierce little guys with hearts of gentleness.  We talked about ... "Remember when you were scared of the ball?"  "Remember when you hit the ball off the 't'?"  "Remember when you hit that first home run?  Being a champion starts with a promise, desire, and takes lots of practice.  Are champions born?  Absolutely!  Sadly enough, not all champions continue on to become the best they can be.  Zachary and Nicholas are as different in personality as day and night -- yet, they are focused, insightful, team players, and each has their own strengths.  (As you can see, they are boys and, as such, love to make faces and cut up!)

Zachary prefers the lime light of pitcher.  He is a natural leader not afraid of making mistakes.  He has a smile that lights up a room and a heart that goes out to all he meets.  His mind moves a mile a minute and his focus naturally moves to the task at hand.  I call him the Preacher as he will take the initiative to gather a group and pray up a storm.  My tears flowed Friday at lunch when he and his friend went back and forth with their petitions.  Zachary's faith moves mountains and so does he!!

Nicholas is a shy, quiet sort.  Unlike his big brother who is a tall, string bean, Nicholas is shorter, stockier, and more deliberate in his motions.  He prefers to play second base ... at six, his strong arm delivers the goods and his turns at bat are to be reckoned with.  When he connects with that ball, the bat cracks and he's off towards the bases.  Nicholas has the ability to zero in on those balls flying through the air ... he's less animated than his brother but he gets the job done.  He started later in the season and has wowed coaches with his progress becoming one of the strongest players on the team.  How about that home run hit?!

Zachary and the Longhorns won their game Thursday night as did Nicholas and the Redhawks.  We celebrated and whooped it up.  The boys were given instructions by their coaches to rest, drink plenty of water and focus on the championship games to be held Friday night.  As luck would have it, the boys played at the same time -- at least the fields were next to each other so I could run (literally) back and forth to keep track of who was doing what.  Camera in hand, I was a busy grandma!

Zach Attack
Mighty Man Nicholas

It was wonderful to be able to stay at the house and have time with my grandsons on Friday.  We made a trip to the Donut Shop to pick up some breakfast treats, ordered pizza for lunch, and in between times enjoyed some one on one time.  As far as resting, their energy seemed to well up with each passing hour.  They feed off each other and, believe me, they are busy ones!!  They have a basketball hoop and game table in the upstairs game room ... video games ... nerf balls that don't take out the lamps ... and, love to pester and wrestle with each other.

Friday night was "game on."  The Longhorns tromped the team they were playing to come in as first place champions.  I was amazed at how in sync the team was ... each player knew what they were supposed to do and did it.  In nine innings they allowed only one run.  Zach was selected to move on to the All Star Team as pitcher and will continue his season in June.  Louisiana, here we come!!

The Redhawks came in second Friday night.  They were hoping for that number one spot but learned that tough lesson of someone wins and someone loses.  At six, they were just tickled pink to get that trophy.  Isn't that what a champion is?  Someone who knows they did their best and celebrates that as a victory!  Nicholas was also selected to move on to the All Star Team.  Mom and Dad will be busy getting boys to and from practice.  We're hoping that their games won't be played in different parts of the Dallas metroplex on the same day and time.

What makes a champion?  Is it good looks and a charming personality?  Well, that certainly doesn't hurt!  But, all in all, a champion has good character; is obedient; takes on the task at hand and does it to the best of his ability; is a team player; leads by example; puts in the time to be better than mediocre; is humble and honest; and, most of all knows the difference between winning at all costs and losing with honor.

The All Star game practices start this week.  Baseball is truly a family affair in my son's home ... He and Angie make sure that the boys are in tip top shape to play, get them to practices, and cheer them on at games.  I have the easy job ... I'm the cheerleader!!

May you be blessed with champions in your own family ... may your heart be filled with the joy that comes from Family - For Better or Worse!!  Remember, even champions fall off their horses a few times!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it on my own.  But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
~~Philippians 3:13-14

The Battlefield of Today

May 28, 2012

It's Memorial Day.  I've had the flu for a couple of days and it's really been ... well, not fun.  I was hoping to make this a fun day celebrating those who have served our country but couldn't quite get up the energy to pull it together.

As I lay in my bed, I allowed my thoughts to drift back in time to Memorial Days as a kid.  It was a real big deal ... flags, parades, ceremonies at the lake, decorating the graves and on and on...  I remember standing by my mother holding my hands over my ears as the veterans gave the 21 gun salute.  At that time, I had no idea of the impact war had on my father and those who fight in gruesome conflicts.  Now I do and I love my father even more for the love he had for his country.  He gave up his life as he knew it as a boy and young man and became, in so many ways, a casualty, of a war he didn't cause but chose to fight in.  Why?  For your freedom and mine!

What is the price you put on your freedom?  I don't know about  you but I am an independent soul who is grateful that I am able to write a blog about my life and faith without wondering if I will be put in jail or even beheaded.  I am grateful that I am able to attend the church of my choice without someone telling me what to believe.  I am grateful that I am free to move about the country without going through check points showing my passport.  I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to work and make a living for my family.

I go to bed at night listening to the crazy Mockingbirds wail outside my window.  There are no sounds of artillery fire or bombs going off in the distance.  There is a storm shelter in the back yard with walls a foot wide that could be used as a bomb shelter.  So far, so good ... haven't had to worry about that.  I am able to go about my daily life comfortably and without worry.

One of my Facebook friends commented that she thought it was terrible that members chose Facebook to exercise their political opinions.  That made me sad.  I have the freedom to disagree or agree but I give others the right to speak their minds.  I lived with secrets and stuffed opinions for so long that once the dam broke and I was able to open my mouth, I celebrated!

The Christian community in America is really taking a beating these days.  Why has it become so horrible the past few decades to have prayer in schools or government meetings?  Can we not be adults and choose to participate or not without feeling put out?  What is so horrible about the Ten Commandments that they cannot be on display?  Are we losing our freedom as Christians giving way to "modern day beliefs"?  Following Christ's example, should we not be allowed to express our beliefs knowing that others have the option to accept what we have to say, disagree, or just walk away?  Tolerance has taken on a whole new meaning these days...

We're fighting our own wars in America.  Our elders are known as fuddy duddies who don't know beans ... our young generation is struggling, their minds tossed to and fro by whomever gives them the information they want to hear.  We are dealing with rebellious adults who don't want to follow the rules.  Just wait ... just wait...  I wonder how they will react when the hard hand of tyranny falls upon them.  You say tyranny?  Yes tyranny -- oppressive power exerted by the government.  Just remember, the borrower is a slave to the lender.  Slave?  Does that scare you?  It should.  If you're a student of history, you know that history tends to repeat itself...  Who is America a slave to?  As elections are coming up, please take some time and investigate what's going on in our country.  Stop thinking of yourself as a Democrat or Republican and open your heart to truth.

I want to say thank you to my Dad and others who gave up so much that we could have years of prosperity and freedom.  I want to say thank you to my God who has enlightened me and drawn me into the light of reality.  I don't take my freedom for granted and until I day I die, I want to do my part to carry my share of the load.

Men and women alike have sought freedom from religious persecution, debtor's prisons, starvation, and the hope of a better life ... to be a patriot was heart-felt.  Something we really can't understand unless we've experienced it first hand.  I found this old photo of a patriot's parade in the town I grew up in.  I studied it for a long time.  At the turn of the century, freedom was fresh in the minds of pioneers as was the Civil War.  They got it ... yes, they did...


I wish you well this special day ... I wish you freedom ... I wish you love as you remember your own Memorial Days and Decoration Days!  Mostly, I hope that you remember those who gave their lives emotionally and physically that we could rest at night listening to the Mockingbirds jabber!

Miss Dottie

"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."~~John 15:13

American Idol

May 23, 2012

The new American Idol isssss Phillip Phillips!!  A young man who worked for his father in a pawn shop has realized his dreams for a recording career.  I watched as Ryan Seacrest read his name from the sheet of paper ... shock, surprise, emotions running rampant ... a lad too overcome to sing ... a family gathered together to embrace the moment.  Yes, it began with family and the Idol journey ended with family.

I looked up idol in the dictionary and found the following:  an image used as an object of worship;  a false god; one that is adored, often blindly or excessively; and, something visible but without substance.  Pretty accurate, I would say, wouldn't you?

Who or what is your American Idol?  I've been thinking about that and asking myself the same question.  Who and what do I worship?  Who and what do I adore?  Does my idol have substance?

When I was tiny my idol was Teddy ... my black and white panda bear.  I thought he was just awesome and he was my constant companion.  In my baby book, my mother wrote:  "Dorothy's first sentence was, 'Vere is Teddy?'"  I don't know what happened to Teddy.  Like all favorite teddy bears, he is probably dancing in teddy heaven.  Growing up, I don't think I had many idols ... crushes, yes ... idols, no.   I was a young lady who marched to her own drum -- still do!

As an artist, it's easy for me to get caught up in my creative projects and have them fill up my time and resources.  I have to be very careful or I find myself way off balance and forgetting things that really count for something.  Without time for Bible reading, prayer, and time with my friends and family, life gradually becomes out of sorts.  Unless I am diligent with new habits, old habits creep in quite quickly!!

In each room of my home, I have something visual that reminds me that Jesus is Lord of my life.  There are millions of nice folks out there who are not believers and I accept that is their choice.  When I was baptized, I asked for a picture that said, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15  It was appropriate then, and it is appropriate now.  He is my idol; He is the one I want to be like.  Some years ago, I took the class The Mind of Christ and it transformed my thinking.  I had to do some real soul searching and make some changes ... some quite painful, I might add.

As the casita gets closer to being finished, I am digging through boxes in search of things that make me "me."  It is my hope that those who enter the french doors will know me, where I come from, and what I am about.  I need to remember how very far I've come!!

Whether or not Phillip Phillips was your choice for your American Idol is up for grabs.  Having lived in McKinney, TX for a good number of years, Hollie Cavanaugh was mine - She became McKinney's sweetheart and they honored her with a parade, the key to the city, and named a street after her.  In turn, she gave a free concert on the square.  Good stuff!  Wish I could have attended...

I wonder ... when I enter the pearly gates, will my family be waiting for me?  Will they throw a big party welcoming me home?  Who will I meet and what will we say?  I think they're going to greet me with open arms and, even better than that, my hope is that my Lord will say, "Well done, faithful servant."

Miss Dottie



Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Intercessor

May 22, 2012

A top of the morning to you!  It's one of those days that just makes me want to jump up and down and sing to my heart's content.  I got up early this morning, wheeled out my hose and started splashing some water on the plants in my gardens.  I think I need to stop by Walmart this morning and get some insect spray.  For some reason the bugs are loving the Purple Coneflowers!  Can't have that, now, can we...

Tommy recommended some weed killer that is supposed to kill weeds but not the grass.  Michael sprayed it on the front yard early this morning, the weeds are already wilting.  Looks kind of odd because we don't have much grass.  We'll be spreading some seed, doing some watering, and hoping that it will take root.  Will wait and do the back yard once Lupe and the guys are done with the casita.  I can't wait for that fluffy grass to pop up ... I am laying hands on that grass seed!!

Sadie is a little better today, I think??  She is scratching less which is good.  She's still pretty lethargic although she spotted a couple squirrels in the back yard today and took off at the speed of light.  All I could see what this mass of black fur whizzing past me.  Of course, Toby wasn't far behind.  I stood there, hose in hand, laughing.  We are taking it one day at a time and enjoying every moment with her whether it be a couple more weeks or years.  I wish there was a way to check her numbers at home but I'd probably be freaking out if they weren't getting better.

I am thinking that I need to get a blackboard to keep track of all Sadie's meds so that I can keep her on a consistent schedule.  Come to think of it, a blackboard would be nice to keep moi on schedule!!  With taking care of the dogren, the garden, Michael, and me ... plus, other things I need to keep in mind, I need something in front of my face.  I used to keep a day timer which worked when I was working and had a desk.  Since I have retired my old system hasn't worked...  Time for a change...  I am wondering how that blackboard paint works??  Michael just asked me, "And, what wall do you think you are going to paint black?"  Well, maybe I need to rethink that!!

My son is reading a book by on spiritual warfare - Purging Your House, Pruning Your Family Tree: How to Rid Your Home and Family of Demonic Influences and Generational Oppression by Perry Stone.  He has been like a sponge the past couple years, learning and growing in spiritual knowledge.  I find it so interesting to talk with him about his journey.  Like his sister, Jane, he seems to be following in my footsteps ... makes for some wild conversations.


In the late 1990's and early 2000's, I participated in an intercessory group at church.  I didn't know much about intercessory prayer but it seemed to come quite naturally.  Normally I am a shy person who doesn't speak up in groups -- but, for some reason that I still don't understand, when I feel the urgency to pray for someone or a cause, my mouth opens and I speak...  I prayed that God would put me on the front lines and send me into battle for my family and fellowman.  Sure enough, He has.  I have joined teams of intercessors praying for groups and/or individuals that were moving into dangerous spiritual territory.  If you don't think that Satan is real, guess again!  As an intercessor, I am fully aware of the forces of good and evil and know that I will be a prime target for the evil one.

There are many examples of intercessors in the Bible, and they walked with favor to impact and change God's heart.  Abraham was willing to suffer God's possible displeasure by negotiating Him down to ten godly men in Sodom and Gomorrah.  (Genesis 18:22)  Stephen was willing to face the murderous rage of a crowd and asked God to forgive them.  (Acts 7:591)  How about Jesus?  He was the sacrificial lamb ... because of Him, our sins are forgiven and we have eternal life.  Can't get much better than that. 


My intercessor's heart comes to the surface when I perceive a threat.  Suddenly my soft heart turns into the roar of a lion!!  God makes all the final decisions in life and death, but He listens and what we say can have a part in the outcome.  It is my belief that the Lord is restoring the callings of intercessors to the body of Christ.  He is raising up an army of volunteers who are willing to count their cost because they see what is at cost.  All I have to do is turn on the television, pick up a newspaper, or turn on my computer and I know how far our country has fallen from grace.  We are experiencing our own Sodom and Gomorrah.  I fall to my knees and say, "Wake up men and women of God ... realize that in our tolerance, we have become as milk toast."  The day is coming when our people will experience the captivity brought about by stupidity.  Now is the time to move forward, planting our feet in the ground, and get our heads out of the sand.  I dislike the labels of liberal and conservative ... how about digging for truth and what's right??  God tells us to let our yes be yes and no, no.  We get so worried about pleasing and not offending that we waffle depending on the opinions of those around us.


My senses have been on high alert for a couple months.  There have been times when I felt as if someone was standing on my chest.  I do not need to know the specifics, all I know is that I am on call and someone is in danger.  It's easy when I see the person's face ... tougher when I am in the dark and must allow the Lord to speak through me.  I guess you would compare it to our country being put on high alert when there are threats of terrorism. 


As I was working on this blog, my friend, Susie, posted the following:  "Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples in a seed."~~Unknown.  Really fit in with what I am talking about ... plant a seed in someone's life, invest yourself in prayer for that person ... the seed you plant may affect not only that person but generations to come.  I have started praying for Godly men and women to come into the lives of my family and friends ... for the future husbands and wives of my grandchildren.  I want the best for them and so does the Lord!!


Who are you being called to pray for?  More than that, are you called to stand in the gap for someone else?  Put on the full armor of the Lord and join his army!  He's always looking for a few good men and women!!


Miss Dottie



Monday, May 21, 2012

The days pass...

May 18, 2012

Good Afternoon, Readers!  It's another beautiful day here at the little casa.  The temperature gauge says 88 but it sure doesn't feel that warm.  The overhang from the trees helps to keep things cool.  I walked out to see how they were doing on the casita and even without air conditioning, it felt comfortable in there.  I am going over to Ace Hardware in a little bit to see if I can pick out the color of paint for the outside of the casita.  I haven't had to pick out an exterior paint color since I lived in Lakeville, MN in the 1970's ... most houses here in Texas are stone or brick with just a bit of wood on the trim.

Sadie had a follow-up with Dr, Arnold this morning.  Sadie had lost a pound and a half and has gotten worse over the past three weeks.  Her heart rate was really slow so Dr. Young came in to consult.  They did another round of blood tests and we anxiously waited in the waiting room.  Her liver count was over the top and her thyroid was low.  She's now on an antibiotic, liver support, a steroid, thyroid meds, and I asked for the "flea pill."  (The flea pill - Comfortis - is given once a month and keeps the fleas off - it really works!)  We go back in thirty days unless she gets much worse.  It really hit me while I was standing there holding her ... Sadie is really sick.  I had to fight back the tears welling up in my eyes.

Every where I go, Sadie goes.  She's my constant companion these days whether I am sleeping, watching television, or outside working in the garden.  I talk to her and tell her what's on my mind and she listens intently cocking her head this way and that as if to say, "I hear you."  Last night I woke up and she had her head on my shoulder ... I patted her gently and tried to soothe her back to sleep.  Michael got up with her twice when she was scratching herself raw.  He gave her a pill which helped...  I can't imagine my life without her and it scares me to know that's down the road.  If I have pet-loving readers out there (and I know I do!) you know what I'm talking about.

Toby senses that Sadie isn't well and tries his best to tend to his friend.  He cleans her ears and eyes and lays beside her.  They truly are buddies.   He had a bug earlier in the week and wasn't keeping his food down.  Really unusual for him ... he's been our healthy puppy ... the one with the iron stomach.  I was glad when he got back to normal and I could quit following him around with a rag after he ate.  Good old chicken and rice seemed to do the trick with him...

Michael had an endoscopy done this week.  I talked with Dr. Gazi after the procedure and was glad to hear that previous tests had been in the normal range.  The endoscopy showed a stricture and ulceration so he took lots of biopsies.  We go back to see Dr. Gazi next Tuesday and get the results of the biopsies and the options of dealing with the stricture.  With a less than well husband and two sick dogren, my role as Nurse Dottie has gotten a work out!


The casita is coming right along and each time I go through the french doors, my heart sings.  The claw foot tub is in and still sitting in the box waiting for the plumber to come and get it hooked up.  The electrician was here and gone a few days ago promising that we were on his schedule.  As soon as they are done, Lupe and the guys will be working non-stop to finish up.  There is such a purity about the casita and I find myself wanting to be in there amongst the boards, insulation, and nails!  It is definitely a work in progress.  I asked Lupe if I could help paint and he said, "Sure!"  Yea!!

I dug under the beds and found my paintings and hauled them out to the casita.  I had painted Dove White on some boards and then painted a Faint Beige on some others.  The Dove White is so pretty but the Faint Beige goes better with the paintings.  I wrestle with whether to sell the paintings and do something brighter.  I usually let the house speak to me which makes struggles less.  Maybe I am getting ahead of myself.

Ahead of myself?  Hmmm...  Isn't life like that?  We plot and plan only to have our plans fall through and our plottings fade as if the wind swept them away.  Jesus tells us to keep the big picture in mind but to allow life to unfold as it may.  The repurposing of the garage to a casita is reminding me to enjoy the journey and not sweat the small stuff.  I am not sure I consider the paint colors small stuff but then, maybe they are...

I had an email from my dear friend, Pam, regarding the rendezvous my childhood friends and I are having in Minnesota in July.  I am forging ahead with my plans to attend and allowing myself to get excited about the get together.  Hopefully, Sadie and Michael will be stable enough for me to get in Lily and head northward!  I had such a wonderful time last year ... my friends are the best!!!!!!!!!!

The days pass, one by one, never to be experienced again.  Is there something you meant to do today but never got around to it?  Since Sadie has been sick, I've been reminded that I must not put off to tomorrow what is important to do today.  I like this new fangled thing called texting ... I can reach my granddaughter, Maddy, wherever she is to let her know I am thinking of her.  I can also reach my children and their spouses to say, "Hey..."  My grandsons (yes, both of them) are in the baseball tournaments this week and (heck yes!) I will be there cheering them on!!  My faith and my family ... important!!!   To say "I love you" each day ... important!!!

For you, my Readers, I wish you love and joy ... may the sun shine upon you and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ give you peace...

Miss Dottie


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Affliction & Lament

May 16, 2012

Good Afternoon, Readers! It's an absolutely gorgeous day in Central Texas and at the little casa. I sat outside on the patio doing some reading in my Daily Walk Bible. Come to think of it, it's been awhile since I shared much from my reading. Today, I began to read the book of Job. I always enjoy reading this book and learn something new each year.

The book of Job examines one of life's most perplexing questions about why do bad things happen to good people. There is the central figure, Job, who lived about 4,000 years ago, God, Satan, and Job's three self-appointed counselors who make the book come to life. Job was a Godly man who stayed away from evil but a series of sudden catastrophes make his life unbearable ... he loses his family, fame, fortune, and fitness. One minute he's on top of the world and the next minute, the messengers start arriving to bring him the "news" (not a good thing).

Job had been the focus of a heavenly debate between God and Satan. Although Job lost everything, he steadfastly acknowledged God's sovereign right to give blessings ... and to take them away ... as he sees fit. (Job 1:21) When I finished Chapter 2, I set my Bible aside and thought long and hard about what I had read.

Satan was right, it's easy to be a Christian when the going is smooth, the wallet is fat, and our psyche is stoked. Wouldn't you say so? Well, if that is true then the rubber must meet the road in times of trial(s). I have bad days, weeks, and months during my lifetime and have gone through periods of trial when I wondered if the hurt was ever going to stop. I've never been angry at God but I have asked, "What did I do to deserve this?" What if all three of my children died, all of my grandchildren died, my house burned down, my money disappeared, and I was covered in boils ... all in one day!! At the end of the day, would I be able to say, "The Lord gave me everything I had, and they were his to take away. (Now get this) Blessed be the name of the Lord."   (Parentheses mine)  Blessed? Blessed?? Blessed??? To tell you the absolute truth, I would probably be laying prostrate on the floor bawling my head off. I would be devastated. I'm be totally honest.

It is quite possible that God uses suffering to do good. He produces patience through tribulation (Romans 5:3). Or He may desire to save someone through it. Take for example, the account of Joseph who was sold into slavery by His brothers. What they did was wrong and Joseph suffered greatly for it. But, later, God raised up Joseph in Egypt to make provisions for the people of that land during the coming drought of seven years. Not only was Egypt saved, but also his family and brothers who originally sold him into slavery. Joseph finally says to them, "You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good"  (Genesis 50:15-21). Of course, the greatest example of God using evil for good is the death of Christ. Evil people brought him to the cross, but God used that cross as the means to save the world.

But then, what about those who seem to suffer innocently with no benefit resulting? What about the woman who is raped, or the innocent bystander who is killed by a stray bullet. In both cases, the victims and families suffer nothing but pain and loss. What good can this do? Why do little babies suffer for things they have not done? I must say that I do not know. Ultimately, like Job, we must trust God who knows the beginning from the end and sees the grand picture. He will have the final word and He will be vindicated.

I keep a journal of gratitude and do not take blessings for granted.  I tell my children that I love them every single day and pray for them to have strength, wisdom, and courage.  For so many years, I took so much for granted.  When times were good, I just expected those times to continue forever.  As a young mother, I wished that my children were grown so I could have some time to myself.  Now, I miss them terribly.  Why didn't I relish that time when I had it?!  In our microwave society we need to get back to savoring life and all it's seasons.  I certainly do that now...  Maybe I need to trade in my microwave for a crock pot??

Some seasons ago, I spent thirty days at Hope's Door.  I walked through the door of a shelter I helped build never knowing...  I was in shock -- my mind spiraling as if taken by a whirlwind.  I walked through the first few days in a fog.  I had been stripped of my life of affluence.  All I had left was God ... and, somehow I knew that God was enough.  As I hit the bottom, God started speaking to me through the Psalms.  It was through the transformation of my mind that I began building my life anew.  "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."~~Philippians 4:13.  I've never been the same since.  I didn't quit, Readers, and in my weakness and trial, I was made strong.  I had a choice and I chose life!!! 

Until we chat again, always remember that I love you and am praying for you ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie