Wednesday, May 30, 2012

From dilapidated to grand, one step at a time!

May 29, 2012

Good Morning, Readers!  And, it IS an absolutely marvelous day here in Central Texas!!  I am nearly 100% after having the flu for a couple of days.  I opened my eyes this morning and, as usual, I had two doggies on guard with tails wagging ...  "She's awake!"

Sadie and Toby had to make a trip outside and I figured it would be a good time for me to assess any damage from the storm we had at midnight ... lots of rain and high winds.  The flowers obviously loved the drink of water as I had new rose buds, lilies, and gardenias.  I know Mom S will be asking if I have new flowers for her vase at the nursing home!  I can whole-heartedly say, "Yes!"

What does it take to renovate a dilapidated old garage into livable space?  Some knowledge of architecture is useful but the most essential aspect of a successful renovation project is imagination.  I've always lived by the motto -- "When life deals you lemons, make lemonade!"  When, we moved to the little casa permanently, we just flat out didn't have enough room.  We either had to sell the little casa and find something larger or come up with another solution.  Since I had prayed diligently about the move to the little casa, I knew that moving (again) was not an option.  What then???

I've always felt that while I am waiting on God to answer my prayers, I should do something.  As it turned out, I began cleaning out the garage, storage shed, and underground storm shelter.  I think that God honors our labors and slowly, I began to come up with solutions.  The first was painting and sealing the walls of the storm shelter using it as a place to store my holiday decorations, file cabinet, and cabinets of paint, etc.  The storm shelter now serves two purposes (well, three if you ask my grandsons who call it a great fort!) -- (1) a shelter from bad storms; and, (2) an evenly temperatured place to storage precious items that I don't want to lose!  For the cost of paint and some labor, I had storage!

My next project was to clean out the storage shed.  Michael was needing a space for his tools and things that he didn't want to get rid of.  The storage shed offered another solution.  I cleaned it out, swept the floor, hosed everything down, and began refilling it with tools.  Again, some labor bought us some much needed space!  Gone were the rotted boxes, cobwebs, and junk that had accumulated over twenty plus years!

My last project was the garage which was in two sections.  There was no way, I was going into Dad S's tool shop (I don't take too well to huge spiders and snakes!) so I tackled the main part of the garage.  It took me days to go through the bags, boxes, and broken furniture just to find the dirt floor (and a huge snakeskin!).  I had asked Lupe (just out of curiosity) how much he would charge us to redo the garage when we were renovating the little casa and he had said $10,000.  That was before the house sold in McKinney so that was tabled and had been put out of my mind.  I continued on with my cleaning projects...

Dad S's tool room had to be cleaned out and we needed to have a garage sale.  We were blessed with a lot of help from our neighbors.  It was a painful paring down but we made it through keeping what needed to be kept and either giving away or selling what we didn't and don't need.  Yes, I said NEED.  We WANTED to keep all our treasures (at least what we considered treasures!) but had a peace about letting ten of the twelve shovels go!!  Funny how things get put into boxes and are never missed.  We have rented a huge storage space and haven't been over there once to get something we needed.  I will be going through the boxes once the casita is done and then the storage space will be emptied -- one way or another!! 

During the months, it took me to clean out the storm shelter, storage shed, and main portion of the garage, I continued my petitions to God for answers.  Michael would look at the houses for sale in the area and we even thought about putting an offer on a foreclosure.  Each time we looked at a house, I would come back to the little casa and know that I was supposed to be "here."  My peace was NOT in another move.    God wanted me to do my part -- put on my gloves and get a little dirty (well a whole lot of dirty!) ... His part was filling me with a plan, one step at a time...

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, the light bulb had gone off one day when I was hot, tired, frustrated, and sitting on top of the roof of the storm shelter looking down at the back yard, garage, and house.  There was this sense of excitement about a new project ... a new way to get space ... an answer to our space issues.  I talked with Michael and he sort of shook his head ... he couldn't see my vision.  He saw a garage that was nearly to the point of needing to be torn down.  I couldn't let it go and called Lupe.

It's been a fun journey to see my vision come to fruition.  Sometimes, I think that God blinded Lupe's eyes when he agreed to take on this project because it's been a real challenge for him many times over.  Wood has needed to be replaced outside, doors installed, plumbing, electrical ... all the while preserving the exposed beams and ceiling as much as possible.  I wanted it to be clean and usable but not like a new perfect casita.  Other than the claw foot tub, I've stayed on budget ... well, almost until we decided to add a closet and added four feet to the casita.  Lupe was able to salvage wood, shingles, etc. from other projects and that addition became manageable as well.  Checks came in from the consignment store that I placed furniture with.  I laugh, the money would come just as it was needed ... not before, not after ... the Lord has had perfect timing!

It's really funny how all this was orchestrated with a handshake, two promises, and prayer.  The first promise was that I would pay Lupe a set amount each month (no interest) and the second, that he would make my vision a reality.  I've kept my end of the bargain and he has kept his working tirelessly and cutting no corners.  I have the big picture and he's taking care of the details.  If I have too many choices, I can't make up my mind so he shows me two options and I pick one.  Somehow, it has just worked out.  He recognizes my deer in the headlights look and patiently helps me work through the architectural stuff.  My fun will come when the casita is ready for "decorating."  That's my forte!!

I don't think that God just listens to our prayers and hands us money or solutions.  He appreciates our efforts and working with Him.  I had to put in the hard work of cleaning, repurposing, having a garage sale, and doing all I could to use the resources I had.  In order for my vision to become a reality,  I had to pare down and sell everything that I could to raise money.  I learned a long time ago that He requires me to do my part.  The struggles have made me a stronger person able to think beyond my challenges.

My closets were overflowing ... my storehouses were overflowing... I had resources at hand, I just needed to use them.  What I didn't need was a bigger house, bigger closets, and more long term debt.  I didn't need to sit on my blessed assurance waiting for God to drop a wad of bills in my hands.  Each and every day I know that God expected me to do the next right thing then rest in knowing that He would make things manageable.  I am grateful for his promises and peace.  Without the stress of too much to take care of, my mind stays clear and I am frustrated less.

The casita got it's first coat of silvery gray paint.  At first, I didn't think it was dark enough so I got out my White Dove paint and my paintbrush.  Just a few strokes of the brush and I was satisfied.  It's amazing what a little contrast will reveal.  Now, what color to paint the doors ... black, deep burgundy, red?  Michael found a coupon for some Benjamin Moore paint so I will probably get a quart of either red or black and see how it looks.  One thing about paint, it is easily changed!  Anytime we get in the car to go somewhere, I am peering out the window to look at front doors!  One step at a time, my vision is coming together.  Miss Dottie is a happy camper!!

Miss Dottie

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe the before and after pictures. Changing a garage with a dirt floor into a beautiful retreat is no easy feat. You should frame before/after pictures in the Casita.

    Tim and I have transformed one house and it is a lot of work. Old homes always dish out challenges as you move along in the renovation. Yet, even with challenges, nothing creates a sense of ownership like working through the blood, sweat, and tears. Anyone who has renovated experiences all three.

    Love you~
