The Intercessor
May 22, 2012
A top of the morning to you! It's one of those days that just makes me want to jump up and down and sing to my heart's content. I got up early this morning, wheeled out my hose and started splashing some water on the plants in my gardens. I think I need to stop by Walmart this morning and get some insect spray. For some reason the bugs are loving the Purple Coneflowers! Can't have that, now, can we...
Tommy recommended some weed killer that is supposed to kill weeds but not the grass. Michael sprayed it on the front yard early this morning, the weeds are already wilting. Looks kind of odd because we don't have much grass. We'll be spreading some seed, doing some watering, and hoping that it will take root. Will wait and do the back yard once Lupe and the guys are done with the casita. I can't wait for that fluffy grass to pop up ... I am laying hands on that grass seed!!

Sadie is a little better today, I think?? She is scratching less which is good. She's still pretty lethargic although she spotted a couple squirrels in the back yard today and took off at the speed of light. All I could see what this mass of black fur whizzing past me. Of course, Toby wasn't far behind. I stood there, hose in hand, laughing. We are taking it one day at a time and enjoying every moment with her whether it be a couple more weeks or years. I wish there was a way to check her numbers at home but I'd probably be freaking out if they weren't getting better.

I am thinking that I need to get a blackboard to keep track of all Sadie's meds so that I can keep her on a consistent schedule. Come to think of it, a blackboard would be nice to keep moi on schedule!! With taking care of the dogren, the garden, Michael, and me ... plus, other things I need to keep in mind, I need something in front of my face. I used to keep a day timer which worked when I was working and had a desk. Since I have retired my old system hasn't worked... Time for a change... I am wondering how that blackboard paint works?? Michael just asked me, "And, what wall do you think you are going to paint black?" Well, maybe I need to rethink that!!

My son is reading a book by on spiritual warfare - Purging Your House, Pruning Your Family Tree: How to Rid Your Home and Family of Demonic Influences and Generational Oppression by Perry Stone. He has been like a sponge the past couple years, learning and growing in spiritual knowledge. I find it so interesting to talk with him about his journey. Like his sister, Jane, he seems to be following in my footsteps ... makes for some wild conversations.
In the late 1990's and early 2000's, I participated in an intercessory group at church. I didn't know much about intercessory prayer but it seemed to come quite naturally. Normally I am a shy person who doesn't speak up in groups -- but, for some reason that I still don't understand, when I feel the urgency to pray for someone or a cause, my mouth opens and I speak... I prayed that God would put me on the front lines and send me into battle for my family and fellowman. Sure enough, He has. I have joined teams of intercessors praying for groups and/or individuals that were moving into dangerous spiritual territory. If you don't think that Satan is real, guess again! As an intercessor, I am fully aware of the forces of good and evil and know that I will be a prime target for the evil one.

There are many examples of intercessors in the Bible, and they walked with favor to impact and change God's heart. Abraham was willing to suffer God's possible displeasure by negotiating Him down to ten godly men in Sodom and Gomorrah. (Genesis 18:22) Stephen was willing to face the murderous rage of a crowd and asked God to forgive them. (Acts 7:591) How about Jesus? He was the sacrificial lamb ... because of Him, our sins are forgiven and we have eternal life. Can't get much better than that.
My intercessor's heart comes to the surface when I perceive a threat. Suddenly my soft heart turns into the roar of a lion!! God makes all the final decisions in life and death, but He listens and what we say can have a part in the outcome. It is my belief that the Lord is restoring the callings of intercessors to the body of Christ. He is raising up an army of volunteers who are willing to count their cost because they see what is at cost. All I have to do is turn on the television, pick up a newspaper, or turn on my computer and I know how far our country has fallen from grace. We are experiencing our own Sodom and Gomorrah. I fall to my knees and say, "Wake up men and women of God ... realize that in our tolerance, we have become as milk toast." The day is coming when our people will experience the captivity brought about by stupidity. Now is the time to move forward, planting our feet in the ground, and get our heads out of the sand. I dislike the labels of liberal and conservative ... how about digging for truth and what's right?? God tells us to let our yes be yes and no, no. We get so worried about pleasing and not offending that we waffle depending on the opinions of those around us.
My senses have been on high alert for a couple months. There have been times when I felt as if someone was standing on my chest. I do not need to know the specifics, all I know is that I am on call and someone is in danger. It's easy when I see the person's face ... tougher when I am in the dark and must allow the Lord to speak through me. I guess you would compare it to our country being put on high alert when there are threats of terrorism.
As I was working on this blog, my friend, Susie, posted the following: "Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples in a seed."~~Unknown. Really fit in with what I am talking about ... plant a seed in someone's life, invest yourself in prayer for that person ... the seed you plant may affect not only that person but generations to come. I have started praying for Godly men and women to come into the lives of my family and friends ... for the future husbands and wives of my grandchildren. I want the best for them and so does the Lord!!
Who are you being called to pray for? More than that, are you called to stand in the gap for someone else? Put on the full armor of the Lord and join his army! He's always looking for a few good men and women!!
Miss Dottie
I know what you mean....sometimes it is just a feeling. You just KNOW that someone needs assistance, prayer, financial help, a friend, a hug, etc. It seems women have a heightened ability to pick up on emotional needs. You make God proud every day! Keep praying as the country needs it, your friends and family need it, and I need it!
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