Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Home is where it all begins...

May 2, 2012

I woke up this morning to the sound of jackhammers and saws gnawing through wood.  I’ll bet my next door neighbors with the tiny baby could just strangle me.  There wasn’t any telling the dogren that we’d get up later so we had a race to the back door.  They are getting used to the guys working on the casita and made their rounds giving each guy a tail wag and nudge on the leg.  Sadie does her business on command but Toby likes to check out his territory before lifting his leg.  Funny how they are so very different.

Beverly phoned asking me over for tea this morning.  She got out a pretty teapot and we drank out of some beautiful china cups.  Of course I had to hold my right pinkie high in the air!!  My favorite style of decor is Country English so I had a grand time.  Sometimes it’s the little things in life that bring the joy to my days!

After tea, I made my daily trip to Wally World to pick up some potting soil.  They had the prettiest Blackeyed Susans so, of course, I had to get three (I almost always buy a type of plant in threes).  While I was there, I checked out the magazines and this quote caught my eye:  The most important work you and I will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes.”~~Harold B. Lee.

I thought about that and also about the statement that Ryan O’Neal made:  I was never trained to be a parent.”  Well, Mr. O’Neal neither was I nor were many of my friends.  Not one of our children came with an instruction manual!  I thought his statement was pretty “self”centered and glib.  What do you think?  The more I listen to this man’s words regarding his marriage to Farrah Fawcett and his kids the more I want to throw up.

That having been said, I smiled and nearly clapped when I read the quote from Mr. Lee.  As parents, we can’t be with our children 24/7; however, we can introduce them to the Lord who can be omnipresent.  The foundation laid is vital.  If you do something often enough it becomes second nature.  My grandson attends Sunday School at Prestonwood Church and is taking part in a challenge of attending for 12 weeks straight.  At the end of the time, they get something special from Dr. Graham.  Zachary is ready and standing at the door each Sunday.  Think attending church will become a habit??  Knowing him, I bet it does.  His mom and dad are encouraging him and have made the commitment to take him.  Now that’s called teamwork in a family!!

A home should be a safe haven for all who reside there.  It is where discipline, empathy, ethics, morals, manners, and love are taught and modeled.  What better foundation can we offer than that??  My home has always had an open door ... family, friends, and strangers find their way to a cozy chair and just want to sit awhile.  My home is a lively place with laughter and love spewing out everywhere.  I like it that way ... it's a place where grace and forgiveness are second nature ... a place where one is respected for having an opinion and allowed to express it without being judged.  I just love lively conversation!!  As a wife, mother, grandmother, and friend, my passion has been homemaking and my family (friends ARE family too!) has been a priority.  Regrets?  Well, for the most part none ... to see my children leading in their own homes has made it all worth while!!

The work on the casita is moving right along.  A trench 5+ feet deep was dug by hand so that they could tie in to the sewer line.  Gotta have plumbing!  They also dug a trench to connect to water.  Gotta have water!  We decided to add four feet to the casita for a closet … they are framing that today.  Won’t be long and they will be ready to start inside … electrical, walls, floor, etc.  I have such an itch to get out there and help them.  The claw foot tub is on order and will be ready for pick up May 11.  Yea!!  I am hoping that the budget holds up so that we can squeak in some real wood flooring.   Lupe’s crew is very polite and at the end of the day, they clean up their messes.  I love to take photos of the progress and they are always ready to pose knowing they will appear in my blog or on Facebook.  How funny!

It's kind of cloudy here today.  Might be a great day to put down more mulch.  I sprayed Roundup on a big area yesterday.  Next year, I will add some hostas to that space but for now, it will just be cleaned up.  I will put some potted flowers in there and some odds and ends that I have just laying around!  Gotta look pretty, you know...  I like pathways that lead to interesting destinations in the garden.  I found some really really old tools (axe, post hole digger, shovels, etc.) in Dad Seidler's old tool shed ... they look so neat and make great architectural accents.  Remember, I'm the repurposing queen!!

It is my hope and prayer that you will take a few minutes and ponder on Mr. Lee's quote:  The most important work you and I will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes.”  Unless you're taking your last breath and on your way to heaven (or the other place), it's never too late to throw out a welcome mat!!  Smile and the world smiles with you!!!  Best thing you can do is build your home on a strong foundation (for me it's my love of the Lord!) and offer up some love and acceptance ... a plate of cookies and a drink is nice too!

Always remember that you are loved and prayed for ... ya you!!

Miss Dottie

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The casita at the end of May 1, 2012

1 comment:

  1. The casita is looking fantastic. Thank you for the updates. I enjoy each and every one of them!

