Monday, May 21, 2012

The days pass...

May 18, 2012

Good Afternoon, Readers!  It's another beautiful day here at the little casa.  The temperature gauge says 88 but it sure doesn't feel that warm.  The overhang from the trees helps to keep things cool.  I walked out to see how they were doing on the casita and even without air conditioning, it felt comfortable in there.  I am going over to Ace Hardware in a little bit to see if I can pick out the color of paint for the outside of the casita.  I haven't had to pick out an exterior paint color since I lived in Lakeville, MN in the 1970's ... most houses here in Texas are stone or brick with just a bit of wood on the trim.

Sadie had a follow-up with Dr, Arnold this morning.  Sadie had lost a pound and a half and has gotten worse over the past three weeks.  Her heart rate was really slow so Dr. Young came in to consult.  They did another round of blood tests and we anxiously waited in the waiting room.  Her liver count was over the top and her thyroid was low.  She's now on an antibiotic, liver support, a steroid, thyroid meds, and I asked for the "flea pill."  (The flea pill - Comfortis - is given once a month and keeps the fleas off - it really works!)  We go back in thirty days unless she gets much worse.  It really hit me while I was standing there holding her ... Sadie is really sick.  I had to fight back the tears welling up in my eyes.

Every where I go, Sadie goes.  She's my constant companion these days whether I am sleeping, watching television, or outside working in the garden.  I talk to her and tell her what's on my mind and she listens intently cocking her head this way and that as if to say, "I hear you."  Last night I woke up and she had her head on my shoulder ... I patted her gently and tried to soothe her back to sleep.  Michael got up with her twice when she was scratching herself raw.  He gave her a pill which helped...  I can't imagine my life without her and it scares me to know that's down the road.  If I have pet-loving readers out there (and I know I do!) you know what I'm talking about.

Toby senses that Sadie isn't well and tries his best to tend to his friend.  He cleans her ears and eyes and lays beside her.  They truly are buddies.   He had a bug earlier in the week and wasn't keeping his food down.  Really unusual for him ... he's been our healthy puppy ... the one with the iron stomach.  I was glad when he got back to normal and I could quit following him around with a rag after he ate.  Good old chicken and rice seemed to do the trick with him...

Michael had an endoscopy done this week.  I talked with Dr. Gazi after the procedure and was glad to hear that previous tests had been in the normal range.  The endoscopy showed a stricture and ulceration so he took lots of biopsies.  We go back to see Dr. Gazi next Tuesday and get the results of the biopsies and the options of dealing with the stricture.  With a less than well husband and two sick dogren, my role as Nurse Dottie has gotten a work out!


The casita is coming right along and each time I go through the french doors, my heart sings.  The claw foot tub is in and still sitting in the box waiting for the plumber to come and get it hooked up.  The electrician was here and gone a few days ago promising that we were on his schedule.  As soon as they are done, Lupe and the guys will be working non-stop to finish up.  There is such a purity about the casita and I find myself wanting to be in there amongst the boards, insulation, and nails!  It is definitely a work in progress.  I asked Lupe if I could help paint and he said, "Sure!"  Yea!!

I dug under the beds and found my paintings and hauled them out to the casita.  I had painted Dove White on some boards and then painted a Faint Beige on some others.  The Dove White is so pretty but the Faint Beige goes better with the paintings.  I wrestle with whether to sell the paintings and do something brighter.  I usually let the house speak to me which makes struggles less.  Maybe I am getting ahead of myself.

Ahead of myself?  Hmmm...  Isn't life like that?  We plot and plan only to have our plans fall through and our plottings fade as if the wind swept them away.  Jesus tells us to keep the big picture in mind but to allow life to unfold as it may.  The repurposing of the garage to a casita is reminding me to enjoy the journey and not sweat the small stuff.  I am not sure I consider the paint colors small stuff but then, maybe they are...

I had an email from my dear friend, Pam, regarding the rendezvous my childhood friends and I are having in Minnesota in July.  I am forging ahead with my plans to attend and allowing myself to get excited about the get together.  Hopefully, Sadie and Michael will be stable enough for me to get in Lily and head northward!  I had such a wonderful time last year ... my friends are the best!!!!!!!!!!

The days pass, one by one, never to be experienced again.  Is there something you meant to do today but never got around to it?  Since Sadie has been sick, I've been reminded that I must not put off to tomorrow what is important to do today.  I like this new fangled thing called texting ... I can reach my granddaughter, Maddy, wherever she is to let her know I am thinking of her.  I can also reach my children and their spouses to say, "Hey..."  My grandsons (yes, both of them) are in the baseball tournaments this week and (heck yes!) I will be there cheering them on!!  My faith and my family ... important!!!   To say "I love you" each day ... important!!!

For you, my Readers, I wish you love and joy ... may the sun shine upon you and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ give you peace...

Miss Dottie


1 comment:

  1. Mom~

    I like texting, like you, for the short little love messages that let someone know that you are thinking of them. It seems to be the way of the world for Madison's age group. Oh, how things change... I remember sitting on the phone for hours with my friends and now kids text. Yet, it seems to work for them, so who am I to judge. :0)

    Boy, you have a lot going on for someone who is retired! lol Yet, I'm glad you are keeping busy, as it seems you are happiest with lots going on around you. I don't think I have ever seen you take more than just a few days for rest and relaxation.

    Sadie is in my prayers. I know how it feels to have an animal who isn't feeling well. Brings tears to my eyes. Let me know how I can help.

    Have a wonderful evening. I can't wait to hear what paint color you choose!

