Tuesday, May 8, 2012


May 7, 2012

Pink?  Think pink ... that's what women do when they are hoping for a girl baby.  I'm okay with that because I wanted a girl baby and God blessed me with two!  However, in my world, pink rhymed with stink ... that's what I've always thought.  Never liked pink, never wore much pink and certainly didn't have a lick of pink in my homes.  Didn't even buy much pink to dress my girls.  Sixty five years of stinkin' pink thinkin'!!  If you'd have told me that I would come to love pink, I'd have told you that you were plumb crazy!!

That being said, this morning, I bopped myself in the head and realized that since my move to the little casa, pink had weaseled it's way into my life.  Whatttt??  It came as softly as the Queen Elizabeth Roses that I started my gardens with ... then, it came as the whisper of the wind in the Impatiens and Knock Out Roses.  Oh, I planted Gardenias, Irises, Society Garlic, Blackeyed Susans, and a myriad of other colors but the main color was pink.  Holy Cow ... pink snuck up on me and weaseled it's way into my heart.  Do I dare say that I like pink?  Sixty five years of dislike and here I am embracing the change.  Maybe, I just let my guard down enough to relax my dislikes and welcome the addition of new ideas?!

Do people change?  I doubt if anyone can change their basic character.  Some are outgoing while others are introverts.  I happen to be an introverted extrovert.  Some are feeling oriented while others are bent towards logic.  I am a creative logic thinking person.  I am most happy when I am allowed to be free to think outside the box.  My spirit rises when I am outdoors drinking in the beauty of nature.  Know that old song, "Don't Fence Me In?"  Well, that's me...  I hate being labeled.  On the flip side, I am consistent in many areas ... my character is that of truth, honesty, and forward thinking.  My faith is my foundation; my faith is strong not to be messed with.  I am a trail blazer ... a woman who feels love deeply and can't hold a grudge.  Oh, I can be stubborn and driven when I want to accomplish something.  I can speak my mind then wish I might not have been so outspoken.  You can be sure of a couple of things:  (1)  I won't quit living, growing, and learning til I take my last breath; and, (2)  my love of my Lord, my family, and my fellow travelers is constant.

So, why do you think that I softened towards pink?  Was it the beauty of the rose?  Was it the brightness of the Impatiens?  I think that the key word is "softened."  My heart was open and accepting ... my mind was teachable ... and, I allowed myself to experiment.  Now, I'm NOT saying that the cassita will be decorated in pastel shades of pink.  What I am saying is that the key that unlocked my mind and opinions was one of openness.  To stay in the ruts of life is not my cup of tea.

If you watch much HGTV, the designers on the multitude of shows help clients to stretch their visions and get out of their comfort zones.  If you don't have an adventuresome spirit, that can be a tall order.  Jesus is like that too.  He stretches us to the max often taking us to places we'd never go on our own.  The sometimes brutal pruning of trials in our lives either makes us better or makes us bitter.  We have a choice!!  Embrace the journey!  Don't be afraid of trying something new.  You just might disover a new passion!

Ah yes ... I can relax knowing that my garden has a mind of it's own.  I tend my plants as a shepherd tends sheep.  I enjoy their growth and wild beauty while protecting them with a little spray or two to keep pesky insects at bay.  I sit on the patio, smiling ... appreciating the evolving garden before me.  O my gosh!!!!  I just realized something ... I also have orange in my gardens ... behind my dislike of pink has been orange!!!!!  I sure must be mellowing in my old age....   Either that or I've gotten to the point where color just doesn't matter as long as it pulls at my heart strings!!  Maybe I need one of those open heart necklaces?

It doesn't matter what you like or don't like ... what matters is that your heart is open and that you are able to welcome change at any age.  I am giving you a challenge today ... go out and try on something in a color you've always disliked ... or, like me, fix a pot of flowers using colors that you are drawn to but have never liked.  You might be surprised!!

Lupe's crew is gone -- I just had to go out and take a peek at progress made today.  I was shocked.  The casita is actually starting to take on the shape of something lovely!!  Time to write more scriptures on the floor boards!!  I want to make sure that every inch of that little cottage is bathed in pureness of purpose!!

Are you beginning to see my vision?  I wake up wondering how it all will come together.  Each day is a surprise ... I jump up and down and say "Thank you, Lord!"

Don't be like Sadie & Toby standing at the door of life just hoping someone will open the door.  What are you looking at that you wish you could give a try?  At the end of our days, we won't regret the "tries"; however, we will regret the "I wonder if I would have just ___________."  (You fill in the blank!)

Blessings and love shot your way!!

Miss Dottie


1 comment:

  1. Ahhh - Love your blogs! Art is like magic....exposure to a new vision, perspective, or design can open our eyes. I tend to veer to structured landscaping. Begonias, boxwoods, and other species that have well defined shapes are true to my heart. Yet, I am often awestruck by gardens that are unstructured and flowing--with almost a wild and informal appearance. Tim and I visited The Butchart Gardens (located in Victoria, Canada) talk about gorgeous!!! The gardens have a little bit of everything. It was a honor to view such beauty.

    Glad you are touching your toe in 'pink water'. LOL Pretty soon you will be wearing pink.

    Love ya,
