Monday, May 28, 2012

American Idol

May 23, 2012

The new American Idol isssss Phillip Phillips!!  A young man who worked for his father in a pawn shop has realized his dreams for a recording career.  I watched as Ryan Seacrest read his name from the sheet of paper ... shock, surprise, emotions running rampant ... a lad too overcome to sing ... a family gathered together to embrace the moment.  Yes, it began with family and the Idol journey ended with family.

I looked up idol in the dictionary and found the following:  an image used as an object of worship;  a false god; one that is adored, often blindly or excessively; and, something visible but without substance.  Pretty accurate, I would say, wouldn't you?

Who or what is your American Idol?  I've been thinking about that and asking myself the same question.  Who and what do I worship?  Who and what do I adore?  Does my idol have substance?

When I was tiny my idol was Teddy ... my black and white panda bear.  I thought he was just awesome and he was my constant companion.  In my baby book, my mother wrote:  "Dorothy's first sentence was, 'Vere is Teddy?'"  I don't know what happened to Teddy.  Like all favorite teddy bears, he is probably dancing in teddy heaven.  Growing up, I don't think I had many idols ... crushes, yes ... idols, no.   I was a young lady who marched to her own drum -- still do!

As an artist, it's easy for me to get caught up in my creative projects and have them fill up my time and resources.  I have to be very careful or I find myself way off balance and forgetting things that really count for something.  Without time for Bible reading, prayer, and time with my friends and family, life gradually becomes out of sorts.  Unless I am diligent with new habits, old habits creep in quite quickly!!

In each room of my home, I have something visual that reminds me that Jesus is Lord of my life.  There are millions of nice folks out there who are not believers and I accept that is their choice.  When I was baptized, I asked for a picture that said, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15  It was appropriate then, and it is appropriate now.  He is my idol; He is the one I want to be like.  Some years ago, I took the class The Mind of Christ and it transformed my thinking.  I had to do some real soul searching and make some changes ... some quite painful, I might add.

As the casita gets closer to being finished, I am digging through boxes in search of things that make me "me."  It is my hope that those who enter the french doors will know me, where I come from, and what I am about.  I need to remember how very far I've come!!

Whether or not Phillip Phillips was your choice for your American Idol is up for grabs.  Having lived in McKinney, TX for a good number of years, Hollie Cavanaugh was mine - She became McKinney's sweetheart and they honored her with a parade, the key to the city, and named a street after her.  In turn, she gave a free concert on the square.  Good stuff!  Wish I could have attended...

I wonder ... when I enter the pearly gates, will my family be waiting for me?  Will they throw a big party welcoming me home?  Who will I meet and what will we say?  I think they're going to greet me with open arms and, even better than that, my hope is that my Lord will say, "Well done, faithful servant."

Miss Dottie



1 comment:

  1. Christ is my idol as I will never be able to live as perfectly as he did on Earth. I have read the Bible cover to cover once in my life. It was when we first moved to Florida and I felt lost without friends and family. I learned so much by listening (did the audible version) every day to part of the Old Testament, New Testament, and one Proverb. At the end of the year I had a different perspective of Christ. He was able to reach people in a unique way that is undeniably miraculous.

    Thank you for your blogs!
