Sunday, May 6, 2012


May 6, 2012

Hi there!  It's Miss Dottie checking in...  It's been awhile since we've chatted and I've missed connecting with you.  Fibromyalgia reared it's ugly head and was accompanied by a migraine headache.  I tried my best to keep on going but there are times when I needed to limit my times on the computer and in my gardens.

I am feeling a bit better today and had Michael set the alarm for 7 so I could go out and water my gardens before it got hot.  He came out and assisted me which I appreciated soooo much.  He's not an outdoors person like I am so when he offers to help me outside, I know he is making an extra effort to be sweet.  Kudos to Michael!!

I stood inside the casita last night looking outward thinking about my view through the french doors.  I was reading that it is important to carry colors from the inside out.  Maybe I will work backwards, bringing the outside in.  I have wandered through the nurseries and am drawn to bright colors ... reds, pinks, greens, golds, yellows.  I realized that even light colors can either be more pastel or bright...  Duh...  Anyway, I planted some Blackeyed Susans, Marigolds, Impatiens, Mexican Petunias, and roses that will be seen from the casita.  They made me smile and even a squeak out a giggle.

Hmmm ... red, yellow, white, & green...
Very airy, bright, & cottage style! I like it!!
Since you've been with me through my struggles of all kinds, the color scheme for the casita is my newest quandary.  I've spent hours on the computer looking at colors and styles.  The walls and open ceiling will be antique white so that's settled.  I've looked at a black & white color palette with splashes of red and yellow.  I've been drawn to purple, golds and reds with a splash of brown.  One thing for sure, I'm not into pastels or the blue and white thing...  Blue to me is a sleepy color and although it's pretty, I feel sorta blah when I walk into a space decorated in those colors.  Michael suggested that we take a walk through some of the stores and antique shops for inspiration and we went to Waco on Saturday to do just that.  I am really leaning towards a color palette of off whites and cream but with two dogren that might be a stretch.  Anyone out there that has slipcovers on a sofa that you throw in the wash??  I have a friend who got a loveseat at IKEA with washable slipcovers and she swears by it ... she didn't go the white route though.  I like comfy sofas and chairs so that's gotta be at the top of the list!!

Red & Cream ... Country French ... I don't think so...
(Smile)  You probably read through that last paragraph and thought ... just pick a color goofy and get on with things.  Well, if you've known many artists and decorators, you know how creating something just right is soooo important.  It has to feel right ... it has to look right ... it has to be welcoming and void of sterility.  My neighbor, Beverly, shakes her head when it comes to my pickiness in what I have in my home.  She is a blue and white person but she also buys things she likes and loves lots of nicky knacks sitting around.  I asked her one day if she liked her surroundings ... she said, "Well, I could do with a newer house but, yes, I do like my stuff."  Well then, enough said.  Our homes are our castles and, as such, should reflect individuality.  My mother could have cared less about the decor of her home ... she was neat and tidy but she bought a sofa she liked and chairs she liked -- never mind if the colors didn't go together.  She was happy ... I was like, "Mom, I think you could have picked a different color and style for the chairs."  I'd get this blank stare from her and would realize that hey this was her home -- she could have it any way she wanted and I needed to butt out.

Of course I was drawn to the Ralph Lauren
look using a leather loveseat!
My walk through DuBois left me feeling a little more settled in the look I wanted to create.  I did decide though to wait awhile before making final decisions and let the casita speak to me.

I guess if color wasn't important, we wouldn't have all these decorator magazines; HGTV would be passe; and, we'd save lots of trees by not having all those different colors of paint chips.  There would be white, blue, green, black, red, and yellow.  Now that is a scary thought!!  I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about it.  Ah yes ... I just need to relax and let each day take care of itself.  The inspiration piece will come and I will be off to the races.  I probably have just what I need in storage!!

Hmmm...I am not cowardly as "yellow" often suggests -- I do rise like the sun and flourish as daisies blowing in a field.  Blue?  Color me blue when my fellow Christians are persecuted for their faith ... color me blue when I hear the name of my Lord taken in vain ... color me blue when God's little children are harmed in any way. 

Some years ago, I attended the musical, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.  The story is based on the "coat of many colors" story of Joseph from the Bible's Book of Genesis.  The show has no spoken dialogue; it is completely sung-through.  The colors and liveliness of the production stirred me and filled me.  Somehow, without the color, it just wouldn't be the same.  Remember back when movies came out in "technicolor!"  Whoopee ... we couldn't wait to get into the theaters!

I don't know about you but I want to be known as a technicolor Christian.  I want others to look at me and see the blazing colors of Christ ... I don't want people to have to guess what faith I profess.   The fish on Lily (my red VW Bug) reminds me to be a courteous driver and (gulp!) drive the speed limit.  I don't want to have iffy grey areas in my life.  Can you be a "sort of" Christian?  Don't think so.  Often times, we pick and choose what we want to focus on in the Bible ... naugh ... gotta look at the whole picture not just pick out one verse.

I've rambled and rattled on long enough.  I'm going to go do a color board & will add to my board as I find things that give me inspiration.  Maybe I'll even do one representing my faith and what areas I need improvement in.  I hope that you are thinking about your colors and who you are.  Remember, we are all unique ... that's what makes the world go round!!

Until next time, always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!

Miss Dottie

PS: I was about ready to publish my blog and found this Christian Color Banner on the Internet ... I think it's pretty cool so I thought I would share it with you.  Since blue is the color of faith, maybe I'll change my mind about blue ... without my faith, I would be kaput!! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love the colors of Christianity! Color is definitely important, yet there are other details that add uniqueness to a space. As I sit out on my lanai reading your blogs I hear the birds singing, see billowing clouds in the sky, hear the water flowing in the pool, and feel the ceiling fans blowing on me. Ahhhh- life is good!

    I know your woman cave is going to be special and will draw many for different reasons/needs. I can't wait to experience it for myself!

    Love ya,
