Saturday, January 12, 2013

911 ... SOS

January 12, 2013

Psalm 34:7-8  "If you honor the Lord, his angel will protect you.  Discover for yourself that the Lord is kind.  Come to him for protection and you will be glad."

Good Afternoon, Readers!  This week has been absolutely crazy.  911 ... SOS!!  We got a call from the nursing home early Monday morning telling us that they were taking Mom to the ER and to get there as soon as possible ~~ her condition was grave and she was admitted to the hospital.  They thought she had pneumonia (complications of the flu) but it turned out that she didn't have the flu.  It's been touch and go all week ~~ in fact, the nurse suggested we stay at the hospital Tuesday night because her condition had deteriorated so much during the day.

In so many ways, this week time stopped for us and our focus was on Mom.  We took the opportunity to share our thoughts and feelings with her.  We serenaded her with her favorite songs and Michael read Psalm 23.  While Michael was at work, I stayed at the hospital ministering to her.  She was afraid to be alone even for a moment and I encouraged her to lean on the Lord for peace when I needed to leave.

I have been so grateful for family and friends at this time who have been so diligent to pray for us all ~~ daily texts, emails, and phone calls have kept the lines of communication open and have been such a blessing.  My son and daughter have been with us almost minute by minute as the crisis with mom has unfolded.

It was pouring down rain Wednesday morning ... I pulled on my boots, grabbed my umbrella and headed for the hospital.  Michael had called moments before I left ... SOS ... come asap!  Just as I rounded the corner to the nurses station, my wet boots hit the tile and oops(!) down I went face first.  I must have blacked out for a moment and when I woke up, the nurses were hovering over me ... one calling for a stretcher, another calling for a wheel chair ... Me?  I remember hitting the floor and wondering if I broke my nose and knocked out my front teeth!  I was bleeding from my nose and mouth but able to pull myself up.  They took me to the ER where they gave me a shot for pain, cleaned out my nose and mouth and took me for a CAT scan.  I was more worried about getting back to seeing Mom.  They warned me that I would have bruising ~~ especially on my face, arms, and legs...  No broken bones ... thank you, Jesus!!

Wellll, folks ... the Lord must have had a say-so in my recovery as I have had no bruising except for my split lip.  The nurses shake their heads when they see me and are amazed that I am not looking like I was the loser in a fight!!  God has such a sense of humor, doesn't he??  He knew I needed to be at the top of my game to take care of Mom!!  I must say, when I woke up this morning, my left arm was aching as well as my ribs, neck, and jaw ~~ for one with arthritis and fibro, that's just part of life so I keep on tickin'!

Yesterday morning, Mom's nephew, Bill, came to visit her.  She was alert, chipper, and able to talk with him.  Bill led us in prayer as a family ~~ it was a wonderful time of coming together in love.  Mom's friend and former housekeeper, Debbie, also stopped by.  Debbie, Mom, and I have loved to get together for a Wendy's meal of bacon-cheeseburgers and frosties ~~ I know Mom would have welcomed that today over the pudding and Ensure put before her.

Before I left for the hospital yesterday, I was prompted to read Psalm 34, 35, & 36 and Isaiah 29.  There are times when I just don't understand the wiles of this world but I do understand the majesty of the living God.  I have been praying that 2013 would be a year of blessing for my family and, believe me, with all that has been going on, I have wondered if God was on vacation.  "Hey there ... you ... God ... the one sitting on the throne in Heaven ... has there been a delay in the prayers I have been sending up?  Things are getting a little out of control down here"  Then, I remembered that God answers prayers in his time in his own way.  I just need to know they got there and trust that He was and is in control.  Nice to rest in that...

If you've ever had a critically ill friend or family member in the hospital, you know what it's like to spend all day and early evening there and come home and be so tired that just getting into a bath and jammies is an effort.    FORTUNATELY, the nurse from the hospital called this morning and told us that Mom was well enough to be moved back to the nursing home.  As of noon, she was tucked into her bed and greeting her roommate, Paula.  Praise God!!  Want to know something amazingly wonderful?  Not only was Mom well enough to go back to the nursing home, her oxygen levels are the best they've been in a few years and all her vital signs are normal!!  The lady with nine lives has moved forward to being called the lady with ten lives!!!

I find it easy to neglect my own responsibilities when I minister to the needs of another.  There are times when I know that the Lord has given me a swift kick in the pants when I am taking over too much control and am not leaning on Him.  Mom  fusses when we leave her but I know that she is no longer in critical condition and that the nurses are taking good care of her.  I have a tendency to "over" take care of people.  Anybody out there that does that?  I sense a smile or two from my Readers!  If I do God's job then who's going to do mine?  In the end, it should be my job to extend a hand yet give God the glory helping others to know that God is ultimately the one who saves, protects, and provides.

The birds are tweeting like crazy.  Their bird feeder is full of water from the rains.  Okay ... okay, I'm coming bird seed in hand!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "Hope is not pretending that troubles don't exist. It is the hope that they won't last forever. That hurts will be healed and difficulties overcome. That we will be led out of the darkness and into the sunshine.”~~Anon.

PSS  A few days ago, I asked Mom if she was ready to go to heaven.  She looked at me and said, "Yes, but not now."  Maybe she knew something that the rest of us didn't.  Sure seems that way today!!

1 comment:

  1. I remember this time well. Virginia bounced back so many times. Yet now she is bouncing around heaven--with her party hat, festive shirt, and pom-poms. I bet you miss her. You two really became close over the years.

    Here's to Virginia!
    XXOO - Jane
