Sunday, January 27, 2013

The dark of night & bath salts??

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The north wind doth blow and the pathway to the cottage was dimly lit tonight.  I  pulled my jacket around me and looked up into the sky.  Felt kind of eerie ~~ I could hear the squirrels rustling in the tree above the cottage and the sound of the hooting owl made me scurry faster than normal.  The pain from my fall has been especially nasty today and I thought I would read awhile.  Instead, I picked up my computer and decided to chat awhile with you, my Readers!

Sadie is snoring up a storm.  She makes me smile.  Her body feels hot against my feet and I am grateful for another day with her.  We watched some Scottie puppies on Inside Edition and would welcome another Scottie baby to our family in a minute.  All their stubbornness and streaks of independence makes them a challenge and a joy!  Every now and then she perks her ears up at the sound of pitter patter on the roof.  I remind her that we are safe in the stillness of the night.

The late evening hours I spend in the cottage are so sweet and filled with gratitude.  It is then that my prayers take on a deepness and my outlook is one of expectant joy as I process my day and look forward to tomorrow.  Going to bed mad or extremely sad gives way to rotisserie sleeping and fretful dreams.  On those occasions, I wake up feeling like I have struggled with the devil.  Come to think of it, maybe I had!  The good news is that for quite a few years now, most nights I have been serenaded by beautiful songs as I sleep.  My faith and my trust are in my Lord and He has not abandoned me.

Maybe some of you are reading my blog before bedtime.  I hope that I offer words of serenity and encouragement soothing out those bumps in the day that can fester into roadblocks to happiness in your tomorrows.  I promise you, God is good and He is faithful to those who love him.

"By day the LORD directs his love,
at night his song is with me ~~
a prayer to the God of my life."
~~Psalm 42:8

Always remember you are loved and prayed for.  As my blogs cover the globe, I am grateful to share my life with you as well as my love of a Savior who has redeemed me from a life of shame carrying me into a life of victory and hope.

Miss Dottie

PS  I do want to share this with you.  My friend made me some bath salts.  Before turning in. I decided to forgo my usual bubble bath and give them a try.  As the tub filled, the scented water turned a lovely aqua color and was so soft to the touch.  I missed my mounds of bubbles but my aching muscles were quieted and my soul refreshed.  (Maybe the soft music and candles helped too!)  In case you might want to make some to try yourself (or give as a gift), here's the recipe.

Bath Salts
1 Cup Epsom Salts
1/2 cup kosher salt
1 quart size, freezer-grade re-sealable plastic bag
Food Coloring
Essential oils
Baking Sheet
Wax Paper
Mason Jar for storage

  • Place both salts into plastic bag
  • Add one drop of food coloring, close the bag and shake to distribute color.  Repeat this process until the desired color is achieved throughout the salt.  (Do not put more than one drop of color into the bag at a time)
  • Add a couple drops of essential oil to the bag, seal and shake to distribute the scent.  Repeat this process until the desired scent is achieved (about 5-10 drops)
  • Spread out the salts on wax paper lined baking sheet and allow to dry for 1-2 hours to reduce clumping
  • Carefully pour the salts into the jar with a funnel, then screw the lid tightly to preserve the scent.
You can dress the jars up with ribbon and make them as fu-fu as you like.  Let your creative juices fly!!

G'night and sweet dreams!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!!! A recipe for bath salts --love it; gonna give it a try. I love soaking in the tub. Your blog makes me want to go take a relaxing bath, read, then hit the hay.

