Thursday, January 31, 2013

Every Picture Tells A Story

Winter flowers brighten my day!
January 31, 2013

And a chilly good morning to you my Readers!  I know to those of you in the northern parts of the country 34 degrees is a heat wave in January; here in Central Texas it is bone chilling cold.  We have a north wind blowing which doesn't help either.  Bring on my extra warm sweaters today!  Sadie is outside loving every moment of the coolness.  Now Toby?  He's laying in front of the fire!  It's a good day for bloggin' and sharing my thoughts.

This is the day the Lord has made ... I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Cousin Jim
Yesterday, my cousin,  Jim, commented on a post I had put on Facebook about my fall and injuries:  "Hey cuz - I am thinking we should outfit you with a football helmet, secure and inflated inner tube around you so the next time you fall you will bounce back.  Get well sooooon."  I visualized me walking around with that football helmet and inner tube on and really got a giggle out of that.  I am glad that my family has a great sense of humor!!

I'm not sure if I've shared this with you before ... if I have that's okay, it bears repeating.  Some years ago, I felt really lost.  I didn't know who I really was.  I knew what others said I was and what I SHOULD be doing but I needed to find me.  I took a large piece of poster board, some magazines, newspapers, and photos and began to put together "me."  If something appealed to me, I cut it out and placed it on my board.  If an emotion jumped out at me on a headline, I cut that out too.  I was very pleased with my creation.  There I was in living color (well, some black and white too!).  MOI!!  I realized what was really important to me and decided to put more effort into those areas.  I also identified my "style." Every picture, every word told a story.  I really liked me...  At the top of my board was the Bible verse:

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
~~ Psalm 139:14

Sample Board
Being a creative person, my board was filled with artsyness (is that a new word I just made up?) and fun.  It also showed my serious side and my deep love for my fellowman and, oh yes, animals.  My faith was strong and my willingness to persevere in times of darkness was quite obvious.

I've used my identity board idea in classes I have taught.  It's surprising how many people don't know who they are and what they want out of life.  They are willing to go with the flow and follow the crowd.  Oh gosh, so much time is wasted being someone you are not.  I think it's good for children to try this as well as men and women.  It's amazing what you will find out about yourself.

A sultry Miss Dottie
 as Dr. Romance
God doesn't make junk and He's created each of us for a purpose.  All we need to do is listen to him.  If God is "in it" and "for it," you will be successful.  I know there have been seasons in my life when I have done different things.  I was an administrative manager for years then all of a sudden I was drawn to doing something different and fun.  I saw an ad in the Dallas Morning News for a Membership Advisor at a dating service.  I picked up the phone and made the call.  Know why I got the job?  Because I  had Stephens Ministry training.  No lie ... the president of the company knew all about this ministry and he believed that I would be a good fit.  I knew nothing about this business but it turned out to be the job that I have most enjoyed in everything I have done.  God led me to it, He equipped me, and He blessed my efforts.

What are you doing this fine Winter day.  Feelin' bored?  Wondering what you would like to do with the rest of your life?  How about giving my board idea a go,,,  Every picture tells a story!!

Since I have a torn rotator cuff, my activities are curtailed by "do nots" ... don't lift, don't push, don't pull.  Good grief!  I need to find some can do's and that just might be another board, a walk this afternoon, and, of course, publishing another blog.  I am set to publish a book of my blogs for 2012 so that should be fun to get started on.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly. ~~Richard Bach

Miss Dottie says, "Sometimes we just need to percolate in a cocoon for awhile while we get beautified!!"  

1 comment:

  1. He He! I like what your cousin said--I can visualize it as well. :-) You make a great point regarding purpose. In your life you have had so many different jobs and you excelled at all of them (at least the ones I remember). Your variety of jobs, classes, counseling, life events, etc., sure make you a wise person. I have an should write a blog!! ;0)

    Love ya~
