Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Thoughts While Mourning

John 14:1-4 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”

January 15, 2013

Golly gee ... the rain mixed with ice woke me during the night.  It's still raining and cold ~~ good excuse for keeping the fireplace going.  I hear North Texas got snow but I think we are too far south to ever see those fluffy flakes float to the ground and stay awhile.  Bummers!  Anyway, wipe your paws off and come on it for a rainy day chat!!

The passing of Mom Seidler, has brought forth so many emotions.  I have revisited the deaths of my father and mother and have realized how much I have matured emotionally and spiritually since then.  It truly has reminded me that life is a process and that we all grieve in different ways.  Michael and I have complimented each other grieving separately but together as well.  I know we will go through different steps in the grief process at different times and, hopefully, give each other grace.

As I mentioned before, Mom didn't want to talk about her death or her funeral which left us feeling rather lost when she passed away.  When we went to visit with the funeral director yesterday, we often had the "deer in the headlights" feelings and looks.  There must be a buzillion ways and means to have a funeral.  Readers ... please make your wishes known and, if at all possible, make the arrangements for your death.  If you want a huge funeral and all the pomp and circumstance then go for it!!  Me?  Well, let me share my thoughts.

From the time I was very small, I lived my life fully and without abandon.  When I've said "I love you" it's because I meant it without hidden agendas or ulterior motives.  Although I am a complicated person, my thinking is simple and those around me don't have to guess at what I am about.  I have a conscience and heart as big as Texas which makes it easy to keep my slates clean.

I believe that life on earth is for the living and if someone is important then we need to show them that while they are alive.  I believe all of us want to think that someone thinks we are important enough to care about and worthy of their investment of time, energy, and resources.  I am a giver ~~ I give my time, my talents, and what money I have to those I care about.  I am not rich financially but I am rich in the love that I share with others.  And, believe me, I soak in every bit of love others have to give me.  God never meant for us to be Lone Rangers!

When I am gone, it is my desire to be cremated and my ashes placed in the box that is provided by the crematorium.  I do not wish to have a ceremony to commemorate my life on earth.  Why?  Because while I am here I celebrate every day with those who care to share my life.  My legacy will be carried on in the hearts of those I touched on earth while I have moved on to Heaven.  I have asked that my family take my little box of ashes back to Minnesota to the place where I was born.  (I must have a little Indian in me - I want to go back to the land of my ancestors!!)  Shoot, take that $5-10-15,000 that a funeral costs and put it towards helping the living.

The time to let people know you love them and care about them is NOW!  The time to mend fences and allow the peace that comes from forgiveness is NOW! Oh, you say to me, "Well, what if I am hurt again ~~ what if they reject me?"  My answer to that is:  "All God expects from you is your willingness to give it your best.  Your crown may not come on earth; however, your actions will be rewarded in Heaven."  All too many times I've heard ... "I wish I would have _____________."  Well, stop it!  Don't be sorry later for what you can do today.  Fill your life with people who are honest, walk in the light, and are willing to share your journey.  For way too many years, I had this gaping hole from a lost relationship that kept me from the best that God had for me.  Are there times when I still grieve?  Absolutely!  My grief just doesn't send me into wailing, "I must be a bad person!"  As long as I keep my focus on the Lord and his Word, I am okay.  Take my eyes off of my Redeemer and I flounder around like a fish out of water.  No kidding!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... today is no different!  To my reader in Jordan and another in Australia ... hang in there!

Miss Dottie

PS  To be separated by the death of our loved ones is so painful; to be reunited with our loved ones in the hereafter for eternity such bliss!!

1 comment:

  1. Mom - sometimes it takes a life event to spark a change. You have always lived for the day and placed value on relationships. Yet, you never know who is reading your blog that needed to 'hear' that. Not everyone is blessed with a long life, so we miss the last chance to make amends/do something special/hug and kiss/ etc. Thank you for the reminder. By the way, I love you! I am glad you wrote down your wishes and I promise to follow them.

    Love ya,
