Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Biggest Loser?

"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." ~~ Isaiah 41:13

January 13, 2012

Well, good morning!  I am so excited ... I am going to get out today and enjoy the fresh air!!  I was in the hospital with mom for five days then yesterday, it was too rainy to do much of anything except get in some r'n'r.

Last night I watched The Biggest Loser.  I hadn't watched this program much before so thought I would give it a go.  (To be honest, it was the ONLY program that came in on my rabbit-eared TV in the cottage!)  I think they have the name wrong.  How about The Biggest Winner?  I sat on the sofa eating my sea salt chocolate covered caramels as I watched the contestants huff and puff towards their weight loss goals.  By the end of the program, I felt rather convicted of my own need to shed some extra poundage.  More than that though, I was moved by the emotions and courage of the men and women on this journey.

In my own opinion the biggest losers in life are the ones who give up ... those that aren't willing do tackle the stuff stuff to crawl up out of the bowels of life and make their days count for something besides just marking time ... the ones who lie to themselves and others living as chameleons changing their colors to hide in their surroundings.  Sounds like I am judging?  No, just expressing my opinion ... I'm allowed.

One of the contestants was working with the trainer, Jillian.  Jillian was pushing her and she broke deciding to take the door rather than dig in and do what she needed to do.  The other contestants were feeling sad to have lost a comrade ... Jillian was tough ... the challenge stood.  The trainers were willing to work but only as hard as the contests worked.  They were there to encourage, to push, to show a new way of living ~~ everyone involved had choices to make.

I thought about that a lot.  More than anything in this world, I have wanted wellness ... emotionally, spiritually, and physically.  I have read books until my eyes have crossed, I have dug into my family of origin (not to judge but to help me understand) and when the going got tough, I kept on digging.  I faced truth one day at a time about where I came from, my choices, and my journey.  When the hurt got so bad that I didn't think I could stand it, I took a deep breath and pushed onward.  When I was criticized, I kept on going.  When, it was stormy, I kept on going.  Then, there were times I rested in the desert licking my wounds and wondering what to do next.  I prayed, I fasted, I took another class and injested another round of therapy.  Something inside of me just kept on urging me to forge ahead.

No one took me to therapy, no one took me to the gym, no one took me to Bible study classes ... no one had to push me to read a book.  I had some great mentors ... women and men that were God-fearing warriors.  I wanted what they had ... like the contestants on the Biggest Loser, I wanted it bad.

In my quest, I discovered who I was created to be.  I made amends and cleared my slates; and, I finally reached a day when I could stand up straight and actually like me warts, bumps, and all. The running in the hamster wheel stopped when I realized that not everyone would forgive me or like me.

Was the hard work worth it?  Heck yes, it was!  I see the fruits of my efforts rubbing off on my children and they will pass their wholeness on to their children.  Am I done?  Hmmm...probably not.  I'm just not having to push so hard these days ... the franticness of not knowing has left allowing me to smell the sweet fragrance of the rose, feel the piercing cold of Winter rain, and drink in every moment I share with my friends and family.

If you're think my life is perfect, it's not.  If you think that the pain of all the relationships that were so precious to me were mended, they weren't.  I hold out my hand in reconciliation and love and stand tall knowing that I am the daughter of the most high, the Lord Jesus.  He washed me clean and rinsed me with his grace ... He took a towel and dried my tears.  He gave me a voice that I might love others and know that everything is Father-filtered.  I get up putting on the full armor of God and stand ready to do battle with the evil one.

The Biggest Loser sheds pounds of weight physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  There is that spark inside of them that is ignited by something that fuels the soul.  The Biggest Loser becomes The Biggest Winner only when demons are faced and  there is a transformation by the renewing of their minds!  You didn't know so many things we face in life are laid out for us in the Bible did you?

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is~~his good, pleasing and perfect will." ~~ Romans 12:2 (NIV)

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!

Miss Dottie

PS  "Feel the fear. Do it anyway!"- Jillian

1 comment:

  1. We have watched that show in the past. I have seen that people's actions are based on baggage. Gosh - some of the contestants come in around #500 pounds. Can you imagine carrying that around everyday? Yet, we all have baggage-- you are soooo spot on-it is a personal choice on what to do with the baggage. I say....leave it at the door and move onward and upward.

    Love ya,
