Friday, January 4, 2013

A little cake, a little coffee...

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ~~ Mark Twain

January 4, 2013

Happy New Year!  We are into the new year by a few days.  It's been cold and I find myself wanting to just curl up in my chair by the fireplace and devour book after book.  I now have a television in the cottage which has been nice at times but when I watch too much, I lose sight of doing what I have felt I needed to focus on in 2013.  I keep on remembering that my body and mind will manifest what I see and listen to.  I must confess, I watched an old movie made in the 1930's and was thoroughly entertained.  My how times have changed!!

I Just baked a wonderful streusel coffee cake.  My son is visiting for a few days and it has been nice to share some good food and deep conversation.  He is a voracious reader like me ~~ we share books and talk about what we learned.  I smile as I pen these words ... "My son, teaches me as much as I teach him.  He's always been wise beyond his years and I appreciate his openness and honesty."

Keep your foot on the devil's neck by standing on the Word of God, and you will see tremendous results!
~~ Jesse Duplantis

My family (and I am sure many other families as well) usually stopped mid afternoon for a sweet, coffee, and conversation.  My mother was skinny as a rail and always enjoyed her afternoon cookies, cake, or pie.  After I left home and visited, we always had coffee and that "treat."  It was a time of sharing the activities of the day and "what's for supper?"  I find myself inviting my neighbor over for tea (she's not a coffee drinker) and a sweet or going to her house for tea and something delicious fresh out of the oven.  It's something I look forward to.

The simple things of life that bring forth goodness are often times that we've taken for granted ... things like cake, coffee, and warm conversation.  One thing that I've found is that by getting out all the junk in my head has left room for the good things ... the good memories past, present, and future.

Speaking of simple memories ... My grandsons were here just before Christmas and, as I've mentioned before, spent a lot of time in the back yard digging and using their imaginations to create works that I find quite artistic.  One of their sculptures resembles a huge spider.  Each time I look at it, I smile.  I will remember watching them creating and laughing as they bellowed orders to each other.  I don't worry about Nicholas being able to hold his own with his brother who is two years older.  He has discovered his voice and doesn't hesitate to use it!!  As I sip on my coffee and dunk my cookie, I think of the "spider," the boys, and my joy.

I am thinking that soon I will want to pass on the tradition of coffee (well, more milk than coffee!) and an afternoon treat to my grandchildren.  I so enjoyed having my grandmother show me how to dunk my donut and/or cookie in my coffee and feel that amazing blend crumble in my mouth.  I salivate just thinking about it!  Grandmother Maggie, if you're reading my blogs from Heaven, just know that I am so grateful for those afternoon "tea (really coffee) parties!"

How's your new year going so far?  I'm still having a bit of a hard time thinking 2013 but I guess I did that in January of 2012 as well!  Life is what you make it, so I am thinking about new adventures, uncovering new interests, and getting in better physical shape.  My toughest trial will be the getting in better shape because I am NOT one of those people who enjoy sweating, huffing, and puffing!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  The Old Year has gone. Let the dead past bury its own dead. The New Year has taken possession of the clock of time. All hail the duties and possibilities of the coming twelve months! ~~ Edward Payson Powell

PSS  Inviting someone in for a coffee, tea, or soda works wonders to get the year off to a great start!!

1 comment:

  1. Great trip down memory lane..... we are what we repeatedly do.... I admire your desire to hang on to tradition. Life is about relationships, yet with schedules overbooked, financial stress, house, pets, etc., those relationships seem to fall aside. Since I left my full-time job everyday I feel the weight lifting. Hindsight is 20/20 and I should have done this a long time ago, yet got caught up feeling like they couldn't survive without me. Guess what? Express Scripts is still up and running, so they are doing just fine without me-- and I without them. :-)

    Keep handing down the traditions. If I remember correctly....cake donuts.

    Love ya,
