Monday, January 28, 2013

Pucker Up for Valentine's Day

Daughter Jane & Husband Tim
January 27, 2013

Pucker up!  It's soon Valentine's Day and you'll want your lips to be in good shape for blowing kisses and smooching!!

Since I met my friend, Beverly, she has introduced me to all kinds of home-made remedies for this and that.  Last night I shared my recipe for bath salts and today, you're in for another treat ~~ Crystal Light Lip Gloss!

Crystal Light Lip Gloss
Vaseline or Un-Petroleum Jelly
Crystal Light (I used Cherry Pomegranate)
A small container
A Mixing Tool (I used a plastic knife)

It's so easy ~~ fill the empty small container with your Vaseline or Un-Petroleum Jelly.  Add the Crystal Light.  Keep adding and stirring til you get your desired color.  If you put it on right away, it will be exfoliating.  Wait an hour and the granules will dissolve.  Pucker up (!) and find that special someone to try it on.  Hubby tells me my lips were deliciously kissable!!

Miss Dottie 65th Birthday
You know, as God's gals, it's important for us to feel good from the inside out. I've never been one to wear much make-up or fuss about my hair or clothes.  Anything that takes over 5 minutes is 3 minutes too long for me to bother with.  HOWEVER, now that the wrinkles have started to gather and my hair has turned to a lovely gray mix, I find that when I look in the mirror, I want to turn back that clock a little and fuss a bit more about what I wear, how I style my hair, and am even enjoying trying different kinds of make-up.

Gray hair is a crown of glory;
it is gained in a righteous life.
~~Proverbs 16:31

I knew a woman a few years ago who had never cut her hair and wore no make-up.  She told me that it was in the Bible and she didn't want to anger our Lord God.  Welllll, I had to check that out.  I couldn't find anywhere that specifically said we are not to cut our hair or wear make-up.  In fact, I took a class on the Song of Solomon and found that God is in favor of us looking our best for our husbands (and for ourselves).

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
~~Proverbs 31:30

What the Lord hates is a woman so obsessed with her appearance that she uses it to determine her self worth and to entice others with her charms.  Oh, golly, I've known a few of those in my life time.  The problem is, we all grow older and, at some point, we need to admit that we are ... (ahem) seniors!!

Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a
beautiful woman who shows no discretion.
~~Proverbs 11:22

My grandchildren see me as Grandma.  They don't care whether I am dressed to the nines or if my face is wrinkle free.  What they care about is that I love them and have a good heart.  My husband loves me ... period.  I must admit though that he does enjoy it when I try new types of clothes, make-up, and wear a big grin.  My children laugh because I hate all sorts of grandma looking clothes and shoes.  If I like something I buy it.  Shoot, I can wear it in the backyard where no one sees me.  LOL!

Michael & Miss Dottie
being silly on her 66th birthday!
Sixty-six ... where did the years go?  What was so very important at 20 - 30 - 40, and even 50, seems so trite now.  Michael and I spent my 66th birthday in Clifton, Texas.  We were being silly and a lady asked if she could take our photo.  Laughter is infectious!!  If I wake up and my bones don't hurt and my attitude is positive, I celebrate!!  There is something that I have noticed big time ~~ when my spirit is soaring, I look and feel like I've had a big drink from the fountain of youth!!  

Granddaughter Kat & Miss Dottie
wish you a smooching good day

Go enjoy your day ... maybe you can mix up a batch of lip gloss and have some fun trying it out!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "I am no bird; and no net ensnares me:  I am a free human being with an independent will." ~~ Charlotte Bronte


1 comment:

  1. Love the photos and....another recipe!! Woo hooo - fun fun! I can't wait to try out the Crystal Light lip gloss. I think you know I was born a girly girl. I have always loved clothes, shoes, and all the rest. I have passed this on to my girls and they also love to try new looks. I agree with you - there is nothing wrong with staying healthy, looking your best, and striving to feel good about yourself. Like everything ....all in moderation!

    Love ya~
