Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Every day is a gift

February 26, 2014

Dear God,

Well hello LORD, my friend and confidant! It's a mighty chilly day here in North Central Texas. Perfect day for indoor projects. My little furry boys Zeke and Kennedy were chasing each other and managed to knock a lamp on to the floor ... a little Gorilla Glue and oo wa la ... as good as new.

My days seem to be so crazy ~ up and down, up and down. I feel like I am really in the midst of a battle. Every bone and muscle in my body is screaming and I swear when I look down at my skin I almost expect to see bruises. I am sure my Readers are going through my blogs thinking that I live a pretty crazy yo yo life. Well, when you think about it, don't we all? Some days are great, others good, and then there's the fall through the floor kind of days.

Personally, I think the key to life is to not stay down when life deals you lemons. It would be so easy to just throw in the towel, hibernate in my cottage, and only peek out when the skies were sunny and temperatures in the balmy 70's. You're smiling, LORD. I'm not kidding. I'm the kind of person who could be a hermit if I let myself. I love people and being around positive, passionate fellow travelers. Yet, there's those times when I need that down time to REFRESH and regroup. Maybe I'm a dog lover because I understand why (when they are fearful, hurt, sick) they retreat under a bed to lick their wounds or just allow nature's healing. (Sigh)

I have a bit of Fibro Fog today, can you tell? My thoughts get a little fuzzy and I just want to close my eyes and zone out. Ugly stuff that Fibromyalgia. It seems to be the thorn in my side. I've been praying to you to remove it ~ heal my body and mind ~ but, so far, it's still a part of me. For my Readers suffering with chronic maladies, I empathize. For those of us who are independent souls, having to recognize that we need support and assistance can be pretty frustrating. As I write today, I am having trouble thinking of words ... aughhhhh! Maybe I need to just turn on the TV and watch some old movies. My TV in the cottage just has rabbit ears so I only get two channels ~ the rest are in Spanish and Chinese.

Father God, whatever life throws at me today, I will consider it a gift. I am alive, breathing, and able to clickety clack away on my keyboard touching souls for you. With my dying breath I will be encouraging people to keep on keeping on.

Yes, my days are gifts. This morning I was having a wonderful hot steamy cup of coffee when, all of a sudden, I looked down and Ruffy was rough housing with Zeke. Zeke was growling, Ruffy was doing her clogging, and I was laughing. Our most damaged adopted rescue is coming into her own. She is so animated and funny. I think she is ready to go on some short excursions outside of Seidler Dogdom. Thank you God for Ruffy and for the gift of joy she has brought to my life.

I come before you in humility offering you my day. Whatever happens, I pray that you would use me as your ambassador`. Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to thee. Be with each of my Readers showering them with your presence. Show yourself to them in some way that they know it is you for you are the great teacher, healer, encourager!


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: What gifts are you accepting today and which are you too blind to see? You were created for a purpose and your mother gave you life. All by itself, that is a gift. Life may or may not have been fair but I want you to know something~ as children we had the eyes and minds of children. We did what we needed to do to survive but that's not the end of the story. 1Corinthians 13:11-13 says it best:

"When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely. Three things will last forever ~ faith, hope, and love ~ and the greatest of these is love.

PS This is how God works in my life:

First, of all ~ Just as I wrapped up my blog this mornig, I got a message regarding a young woman of 28 who has just been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Father in Heaven, I think of my friend's coworker ~ comfort her and ease her pain. Fibromyagia is such a complex diagnosis and I pray that you would go before her giving her doctors supernatural wisdom regarding her care. I pray for healing knowing that you, Lord, are the great physician. No healing is too hard if it be your will.  I pray that you would bless her with your loving care, renewing her strength and healing what frustrates her. In your loving name I submit my request ... Amen!

What a gift to pray for my fellow Fibromyalgian (is that a word? Maybe just one I just made up); look around you, I'll be there are those in your path that need your prayers and service. Go for it!!

Secondly, just as I finished the above paragraph, the mail arrived with a note from my daughter, Jane, along with a random act of kindness gift.  It was a memorial blanket featuring my beloved pet Sadie who died last month. The note said: "A random act of kindness from your daughter Jane who is 'blessed to have a mom like you who is amazing and who is my best friend. I love you so much, Jane.'" Oh my, oh my, what a beautiful day!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Who carries you?

Lead the kind of life that ignites passion, love, humility, and righteousness; then, let others light their candles from it.

February 25, 2014

Dear God,

Life is filled with sink holes too!
Rain! It's really raining here today. Whoopie! I won't need to haul hoses and my plants will get lots of old fashioned nourishment.

I had a powerful rest last night after many nights of nightmares that would leave me tired and opening my eyes one at a time to see if it was safe to get up. Thank you! It is so time to really get down in the trenches and REFRESH my spirit and sense of direction. To stand still in the midst of a sink hole is just downright craziness.

I learn so much from my sweet Fabulous 5. If my Readers are pet lovers, they know what I am talking about. My furry kids get up in the morning with so much energy and life. When I open the back door to the cottage, they bolt out at warp speed ready to greet the day. The only time they (screech) put the brakes on is if it is raining. Then, they stand at the door looking at me as if to say, "Fix it!" Sometimes a sweater or jacket will help them weather the inclement weather, sometimes not and they head for the potty pad. They're not stupid!

This morning, they really had me in stitches because they heard brother Toby outside and it was "game on." Zeke, Kennedy, and Toby chased each other like their lives depended on who could reach the back fence first. Harmony and Ruffy meandered about sniffing and digging in the beds next to the cottage. There is something (almost like catnip if they were cats) that drives them crazy. I sat on my chair, sipping coffee, and watching all the shenanigans going on about me. Every now and then I needed to remind Zeke to stay in the fence (thank you LORD that I only have one escape artist out of the five!). I wish I could find a red fire hydrant to put in the gardens ~ some of my plants really take a beating when they line up and take aim. Oh the joys of pawrenting 3 little guys! I am grateful every day for their uniqueness and the joy they bring me.

I feel a deep responsibility for my furry kids. I am the one they depend on for their safety, love, and discipline. I carry them when they are fearful, hurt, or headed for trouble. There are times when they nestle in putting their heads against my heart; and, then there are times when they want their own way and are kicking and growling at me wigging to get down. No matter, I decide what is best in keeping them safe and out of harm's way.

Who carries me? Often times, family and friends do offering prayers and encouragement. But, most of all YOU carry me. I depend on you for my safety, love, discipline, and instruction through interactive prayer, the Bible, and bringing wise people into my life. There are times when I picture myself putting my head against your heart and feeling your arms about me. Other times, I am kicking and screaming at you telling you, "It's just not fair!" At any rate, you are ultimately in control and know what's best to keep me safe and out of harm's way.

As I begin a new day, I raise holy hands to you praying for an infilling of direction and perseverance. My Readers need that too, LORD. As they begin their new days encourage them and shower them with miracles seen and unseen. I rest in knowing that you are working behind the scenes as the greatest maestro of all time. What beautiful music you make!! Where there is rebellion, remove the pain and allow hearts to turn to you. Where there is disappointment offer hope and a new way. Remove the barriers that separate family members moving them closer to understanding rather than striking out either verbally or in passive aggressive ways. Move LORD, move!!! As I raise cups of prayers, send your mightiest army to earth to save and secure your people. (As I am praying, I am envisioning the flooding of the skies with angels dressed in modern day clothing) Prepare us for battle equipping us with every weapon imaginable for we live in perilous times.

Amen, it is so.

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  Feeling energized and pumped. How about you? Do me a favor, look up into the heavens and just say, "Thank you." That's all, just a simple thank you. Now, take on your day!! Talk with you soon.

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Power of the Human Spirit

Lead the kind of life that ignites passion, love, humility, and righteousness; then, let others light their candles from it.
Feeling empowered and hopeful. 

February 24, 2014

Dear God,

Good Morning, LORD!! I decided that I would put my mission statement at the top of each of my blogs for awhile BECAUSE I needed to be reminded of my own purpose in this life. Right now, I need FOCUS!

LORD, I am looking out the french doors of the cottage, Kennedy and Zeke are closely planted at my sides. They remind me that I have a purpose and miles to go before I leave this earth. As I gaze out into the back yard I am searching for hints that Spring is awakening the Iris and Roses.

There is this deep pain inside of me that doesn't want to budge. I listen to my favorite music, read your word, and do everything I know to do to get rid of it. It's hard to describe but it almost feels like grief and mourning. I have learned to deeply feel my emotions rather than stuffing them so that I am able to identify and deal with them; so, unless you, LORD, have other ideas, that's what I will do now. Just as I wrote this last sentence, Psalm 34:18 came to mind: "The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." For some reason, this gave me instant peace. Thank you!

It is so good to be able to walk through the valley knowing that soon I will be climbing another mountain. I've heard that depression is that loss of hope. I don't think I've ever felt that complete loss of hope ~ I just know that life has many twists and turns, ups and downs, and, in the end, I will be in Heaven.  NOW THAT'S HOPE!!

"And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perserverance, perserverance character, and character hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die." ~Romans 5:2-7

I can't that that I rejoice in my sufferings ~ no one in their right mind invites suffering. However, I know that out of my deepest sufferings has been birthed some pretty awesome things.

It helps me write down my thoughts because, in the end, I am able to sift through the rubble and make something beautiful of it. When I think about Romans 5, I am reminded once again that you sent Jesus to die (not for the righteous) for the sinner. Would I give my life to save a hardened criminal? Food for thought for all of us. I have no time for a lengthy pity party.

Father God in Heaven, this is Monday morning, the start of a new day and a new week. Just talking to you helps me bring life into perspective. I cannot solve all the problems of the world nor can I solve all the problems of those I love and care about. What I can do is stay grounded in You; believe that, in the end, everything will be ok; and, pray.

Once again this morning, I listened to The Anchor Holds sung by Ray Bolz. It is who I am and I sing it with him. Yep, my sails may be battered but the anchor holds me in place ~ always has, always will. I hope my Readers will listen to the video because they will know my source of strength.

Move in me my holy God and move in the hearts of my Readers refueling us all with hope, wisdom, and Godly choices. You are our foundation, our anchor, our compass in life. Grant us all that extra measure of strength opening doors that need to be opened and shutting those that need to remain not only closed but sealed. Your Divine Majesty, you are King, Redeemer, Savior, Healer. Lift us all from the paths of the evil ones who lurk about. Put a hedge of protection around all whose lives I touch with my blog and my life. We are family ~ for better or worse.

Amen and Amen, it is so.

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: My very first blog was "Don't You Quit." I'm not going to quit and don't you quit either. Together let's raise holy hands and walk this road of life singing, dancing. You'll recognize me ~ I'm the little lady with the Fabulous 5. We may be standing at the fork in the road but rest assurred, whichever road we take we'll be spreading joy!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

I never thought

February 23, 2013

Dear God,

Hey, it's me, Miss Dottie. Do you have some time to talk? Oh, I know you do. That's one of the wonderful mysteries of having you for my best friend. You're on call 24/7 so here I am. It's one of those times when I need a shoulder to lean on and a man of wisdom to talk to.

I woke up this morning on top of the world. I wrote a short blog and began to get ready to head to Waco to pick up some natural flea and tick spray for the Fabulous 5. Now, my stomach hurts, I have a horrible stress headache, and I am faced with dealing with things over which I have no control. My clothes are still laid out on the bed, the bubbles dissipating in the tub, and I am reeling. Tears fill my eyes and I find it difficult to breathe. All I can say is, "Jesus."

I never thought that life would be this tough at my age. I guess the eternal optimist in me that sees the glass as more than half full got slugged in the gut. Ouch! God, let's you and I talk about something and I hope that you will allow me to be brutally honest because I don't want to come across as whining. I'm saturated with frustration and want to pull the covers over my head and go to sleep until I can wake up and feel refreshed and see a light at the end of the tunnel. That being said, you know I won't do that nor will I stop choosing to see the good in this world.

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against fresh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." ~Ephesians 6:10-12

Life is truly about choices and our choices determine the quality of our lives as they unfold. As a small child, my choices were limited to the thinking of a child. My way of coping was to escape into fantasy worlds of reading, paper dolls, and adventure. I was a happy kid but looking back there was something dark inside of me that I chose to "forget." I have had new visions of when I was quite small and they disturb me. I know I managed to escape compartmentalizing my darkness into the far corners of my mind living a pretty happy life from 7-13. At a time when I was learning to be a woman, I was faced with emotional detachment from my mother and my father's anger. I knew who I wanted to be and what I wanted in life, I just didn't know how to get there. All I know is that I developed this yearning to be loved, held, and adored. On the flip side, I didn't feel worthy. I often did not understand my choices and made them as if I was still a child with no control. It sure has been quite a journey of transformation these many years!

Romans 12:2 (which is one of my favorite Bible verses) says:

"Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

The life altering choices I made started when I was seventeen. I chose bad boys who didn't love me in a way a lady should be loved and didn't feel good enough for the great guys who wanted to court me. I lived in a world of confusion ... "If only I was good enough..."  My life was a strange yoyo ~ I had this great life in so many ways but with joy and happiness came the sabotage to bring me down to the tapes running in the back of my mind. I fought good and evil not understanding why I was unlovable. Fortunately, I knew that you, LORD, were my foundation and I chose to live my life close to you. For that I will be eternally grateful. I knew right from wrong and my value system was firmly in place. In fact, my conscience worked overtime keeping me from dabbling into the world of evil pleasures.

"For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." 
~2Peter 1:5-8

You know something, Father, I have always found it so strange to have experienced that compelling drive to punish myself over and over. I couldn't be perfect and then would come the inner voices of "what a screw-up."  If I knew my choices weren't good, then, why? Why did I see myself as ugly when others told me I was pretty? Why did I believe the bad people in my life who told me I was a screw-up, selfish, stupid, a bad person? I fought for that beautiful lady inside me yet I also allowed her to be used and abused. Again, my choice. I allowed that beautiful lady to be torn apart. I should have believed you, my creator, when you said:

"For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb,
I praise you, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth."
~Psalm 139:13-15

I know I have not been alone in my struggles. Many of my Readers are struggling too with health, finances, job loss, difficult choices, spiritual warfare, addictions, and disappointments. My prayer is that my Readers think about the choices they will make today and will consult you as the ultimate counselor. Whether you are 7 or 70, we decide, don't we... All I know for sure, is that I am grateful that we do life together, You and I.

"There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death."
~Proverbs 14:12

Life must change for awhile be that as it must. My challenge will be my own choices today, tomorrow, and the next day having faith that in making those right decisions, life can get better. The good news is that I know I need not rely on old tapes. I am worthy of a good life ~ a full life.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."
~Jeremiah 29:11

Every time I visit, I hear God's voice in the chapel
LORD GOD IN HEAVEN, you are my comforter and redeemer. You touched me on the shoulder many years ago as a little girl in the town of Glenwood claiming me as yours. I grabbed hold of your hand and hung on for dear life then and in times such as this. I have been delivered to meadows of green saturated by rays of sunshine. I can manage a smile knowing that while ife is not the way I hoped it would be it is what it is and this day shall pass. Tomorrow will be a new day.

My place of meditation today
Terrace, MN 8/2011


Miss Dottie

Note to Readers: Life is not and never has been fair. If you think there is not evil cloaked in goodness and slyness, you are wrong. Satan knows our every weakness. He uses our frailties to disarm and charm us. Don't allow what seems to be too perfect to be true to trip you up. Take time to allow relationships to become transparent. Take time for making those big decisions that will affect your entire life. Most of all, have faith in the man who came to earth to save the sinner. His way brings joy, wisdom, and peace!! You can take that to the bank and live on the interest!!


February 23, 2014

Dear God,

I am adding readers (all over the world) at a rapid rate so every now and then I like to clarify what my blog purpose is:

My blogs are a reflection of my memories, values, thoughts, prayers, and reflections. I do not publish stories about other people using their names unless I have their permission ~ I always request that they send me their stories in writing so that I do not embellish or take away from their importance.  If I blog about someone I've met, I change the name to secure their anonymity. My blog purpose is to put my arms around others across the globe sharing my love for them through Jesus Christ. I write as I am led speaking sometimes in imperfectness as far as proper English goes. For so many years I lived in a world where I had to be perfect and I don't worry about that anymore. I'm not the best writer in the world; however, it is my aim to speak in simple terms and a way that everyone can understand.

My mission statement:  Lead the kind of life that ignites passion, love, humility, and righteousness; then, let others light their candles from it. Feeling empowered and hopeful!

Throughout the years my passions have changed with the seasons of life. I think that is a healthy way to live. In retirement, my pleasures revolve around family, friends, gardening, traveling the back roads to interesting places, blogging, writing children's stories, and, of course, bringing the nourishment of love, care, and security to the lives of the Fabulous 5!!  I have wanted to leave my legacy in written form so that years from now my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren will know who I was and what I stood for. I will be publishing my 4th blog book for 2013.

My theme in 2014 is REFRESH ~ I felt the need to be refilled with what has made me the woman I am today. What you see (and read) is totally selfishly me. I live by the principles in the Bible, confess my sins, atone, and keep my slates clean. I listened to a sermon this morning given by Keith Craft, Pastor of Elevate Life Church in Frisco, TX and realized that I need to get plugged in to a family of believers finding three other people to walk beside me. I've been way too cut off since moving to small town Texas and I am recognizing how stifled I have felt. There is a reason why I should attend church and that has become more blatantly obvious each and every day. Although I watch sermons on TV, it's just not the same as being a part of the worship that goes before and after a sermon.

So, my dear Lord, I ask your guidance as I venture out this day. Go before me bringing those whose lives I can touch in areas only you know. It's a beautiful day, the sun is out, and temperatures are climbing into the comfortable 70's. Thank you for the opportunity to reach so many ~ may they be encouraged knowing that if I could rise up from the traumas of life they can too.


Miss Dottie

Note to Readers: If you've never thought of writing down your story, I would encourage you to do so. I have written in journals for years which has helped me maintain more accurate knowledge of the events that occurred in my life. Don't be afraid of what people might think remembering that the stinkiest fertilizer makes the most beautiful roses!

Thursday, February 20, 2014


February 20, 2014

Dear God,

I CAN'T SLEEP! Maybe too much Zero Coke too late in the day? Or, was it that 2 hour nap I took yesterday from 2 to 4pm? At any rate, I figured I might as well, do some clickety clacking on my computer and chat with you.

The wind is really blowing. Between the wind and the owls in the trees, it sounds rather ominous out there. Glad I am safely tucked in the cottage for the night. I just love the sounds of nature ~ it's almost soothing just to close my eyes and concentrate on how many different sounds I can identify and picture in my mind. Once when I was in San Diego, I opened the window and could hear the sound of the waves crashing on the shore ... what a distinct sound (and smell!). Funny how I still remember that.

Later...  Zzzzz I finally fell asleep about 3:30am. I figured my furry kids would be up early and they didn't disappoint me. I looked at Kennedy and said, "Really?" Kennedy is a very easy going pooch EXCEPT when he's gotta go and when he's hungry. He has the loudest bark and he doesn't quit barking until my feet hit the floor and we are out the door to the back yard. Anyway, I got a cup of strong hot coffee, fed the crew, and headed out to the back patio to wake up while they all played, watered the bushes, and did their business. I love to watch them ... they are like busy little bees buzzing here and there. I had filled up the bird feeder and they were fascinated by all the birds.

Nature calls
1st Rescue Adoption ~Kennedy

Nap time! ~Miss Dottie & Toby
I must say, I do have a pack of lazy critters. They all like to play and chase but then, bam(!) they are out like lights for their naps. I have 5 cuddle bunnies that love to sit on my lap and right next to me. On days like today when I am feeling pretty tired and have lots of neck and back pain, they are such a comfort. There is something so soothing about stroking them and feeling their presence. I certainly never have to worry about being cold with 5 little furry kids around me!

RIP Marty
See you in Heaven!
God? You still there? I know you are, I was just checking! I know I tell you every day how glad I am that you are with me 24/7. A few days ago, I got the news that another classmate had passed away. I've gotten so many of those notices lately and with each one I feel this sense of realization that time is winding down for me as well. My father's mother and sisters all lived very long productive lives so I am hoping that I inherited those strong Norwegian womanly genes! I feel this sense of urgency to make that trip to Minnesota in September to join my friends for our high school reunion. It is a straight shot for me to get on 35W and head north to Minneapolis then northwest to central Minnesota. I may take 3 days to drive up to give my neck and back plenty of rest time. See, I'm already plotting and planning! I have such wonderful amazing friends and I can't wait to share some laughs, a little wine (or maybe a cool Tangueray and Tonic!), and a whole lotta song. My last visit was Summer 2011 and I had so much fun I could hardly contain myself!!!

Miss Dottie - Age 5
Night before last, my mind was birthing new memories that were quite disturbing. They were of when I was quite young. I woke up in a sweat gasping for air. I prayed for clarity but that only brought frustration. What are the parts of my memory that are so locked up in the corners of my mind? The childhood trauma therapist I saw said that you, God, would uncover only what I could handle. Maybe so. Oh, so many times I wish my mother was here to help me answer my questions. I yearn for truth and light. The little girl inside me that was so damaged needs to peel another skin off the onion of life and do another round of healing. I sense it coming.

"Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation;
for you I wait all the day long." ~Psalm 25:5

2nd Adoption ~ Zeke
You know, Lord, how much I love my dogren. A year ago, I began my quest to adopt a rescue and ended up with four of them. I seem to understand them and all I want is to make their years comfortable knowing they are loved. They were castaways to someone else but they mean the world to me. We have this deal ... I love them warts, bumps, and all and they are my devoted companions never leaving my side when I am with them. You also know, Lord, how much I love my children and grandchildren. There is nothing I wouldn't do for them. I don't see them often and get very lonely so I thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing Kennedy, Zeke, Harmony, and Ruffles to my home (literally) for adoption.

3rd & 4th Adoptions
Harmony (L) & Ruffles (R)
A Bonded Pair

Today, needs to be a day of rest. My body is so tired ~ my muscles and bones are screaming. I ask for your divine healing for my body, mind, and soul. I also ask you to heal those that are reading my blog. As I go through Facebook posts, I pray for those in need and bring them before you. There are many more who are hurting so wrap your arms around them and enlightening them as to who you are ... God almighty! For those who are joyful, help them to spread that joy like jam on warm toast. For those who are in power, grant them wisdom and Godly character. I get the goosies every time I think about all those Readers I don't know who I will meet in Heaven. Thank you, Father God, for all you do for me ~ while you're at it, can you lift the right side of the casa up 3"? He he... If you can move mountains, you can do that little thing!! Faith! Faith! Faith can move a mountain ... I can do all things through you who strengthens me to be more and do more than I ever thought possible. Feeling pumped!!


Miss Dottie

PS  Note to Readers: I came across this quote by JC Ryle and have been meditating on it this afternoon. Much food for thought.

"Never let us be guilty of sacrificing any
portion of truth on the altar of peace."

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Is Wrong the New Right?

February 19, 2014

Dear God,

After what seemed like many weeks of bitter cold, we've had that first big taste of what is to come ~~ Spring! The sunny days filled with cool breezes put me in the mood to REFRESH outside. I trimmed, swept, dug, watered, weeded, pruned, bagged and raked my way to the back patio. Once there, I blew the leaves off, cleaned the patio furniture, and hand washed all the cushions. I saved the glorious job of cleaning out the washroom (it is outside) for last. I was a tired puppy, but last night I slept more soundly knowing that (for now) everything is squeaky clean and tidy.

As I moved from garden bed to garden bed, I couldn't believe all the new sprouts coming through from the perennials I've planted over the past two years. I need to remember that Rome wasn't built in a day and my gardens will take time to mature. I hope I live long enough to see everything fill out according to my vision. Last Spring, I finally reached the back fence so now, it's just adding new plants as I find them. I could use 21 additional brick sized stones and 50 pathway stones for the final back garden. My furry kids love to follow the pathways as they wind throughout the yard. They are so funny ... the dogren, that is! (Smile!)

Living in an "antique" house has been ~~ well, interesting. I call it the mini money pit. A couple hours ago, a foundation company come out to check on what could be done to fix the cracks that have been appearing in the center part of the house. The house was leveled before inside renovations but they used wooden shims and didn't really fix the problem. We have some rotted wood that has to be replaced and quite a few piers put in (the right side of the house is 3" lower that the left thus the cracking in the middle). I think I need to take my sign and cup and stand on the street corner. Between the big tree, the patio cover, my dented car, and now the foundation, I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed.

LORD, I am so grateful for our wonderful conversations through this blog, prayer time, and to you for just being my friend as I go about my day. I just love it when I ask you questions and receive leanings towards specific scriptures. With the news of the foundation, my question was, "What now, who do I trust and how is this going to work out?" Immediately, Psalm 37 popped into my head ... "Let the Lord lead you and trust him to help. Then it will be as clear as the noonday sun..." Okay, I will do what I can do on my end and trust you with the rest one day at a time.

Yesterday on my way back from Whitney, I was listening to Dennis Prager on the radio. I've never listened to him before but he was talking about what's considered important for a good life and the topic sounded pretty interesting. Number one thing that seems to head the list in 2014 is being smart, getting A's, and, therefore insuring that success will follow. What has been forgotten is CHARACTER. I have been thinking about that program ever since wondering if I rewarded and taught my children the right things as they were growing up. Did I reward a C as much as an A if they worked diligently doing the best they could? Did I introduced them to you, LORD, instilling Christian values, morals, and ethics? Did I show up as they lived their lives being there for them but not solving every issue? Did I allow them the freedom to fail and grow ultimately encouraging them to be responsible adults? Did I teach them to seek answers to their own questions and "go for" their own desires? I would say, "How bad do you want it?" You'd have to ask them, but I think so.  All this leads me to:

A few years ago, I was chatting with an older lady quite nonchalantly about the weather, our health challenges, etc. when all of a sudden, she took a deep breath and her story came tumbling out almost faster than I could digest the words. When she was done, she looked at me and said, "I've said too much, you must hate me." I assured her that I was not her judge nor her jury, I did not hate her, and thanked her for her candidness. The next day, she arrived on my doorstep with a nervous look on her face. "I am sorry, I don't know why I said all those things." She went on to tell me that she'd left the more sordid parts out but maybe someday... I felt this deep sadness inside of me ~ here was this beautiful lady who lived a life of moral decay from the time she was a teen. She was running from you and trying to hide in her feminist, liberal lifestyle. I could hear you saying, "Come to me ... come to me." Maybe she shared her story because she knew I live in truth and light and don't judge. I'm not sure why she chose me to tell her story to but I do know she's in pain and is so vocal about the hypocritical people in churches who call themselves Christians. My response is, "What better place for hypocritical people is there than God's church." You came to save the sinner not the saint!

It is good to bare our souls and to regurgitate all the anger, puss, and evilness that has dwelt in the innermost parts of our psyche's, hearts, and minds. It is also imperative to fill those empty tapes with good ones. I've done that for years now not allowing those old tapes to return. I recognize them and upon hearing just a few thoughts, pull the plug and turn to positive energizing newness. When I open my Facebook page, I meditate on the good quotes and thoughts being posted. I know that if I don't stay in "you" and in good, I will falter and be pulled into a deep abyss.

Men and women of good character may or may not be the best orators nor the most beautiful and handsome. Yet, there is something about them that brings peace, truth, and stability. I confess that I have found myself drawn to charismatic people who speak with forked tongues ... people who say one thing but do another. I call them people of the lie ~ people that believe their lies so much that they could pass lie detector tests. I find that all too many times, I have been drawn in and my life has become a nightmare. I must be super vigilant these days forgetting about offering grace too cheaply.

Father God, I fall before you on my knees. I wonder how soon it will be before the Bible is altered to fit today's standards? Do I believe what you've written or do I pick and choose? Do I believe in the trinity of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit? Does my life reflect your goodness and mercy?

In my lifetime, I've witnessed the erosion of good character. I've witnessed the climb of sociopaths and inwardly devious people in modern day America ~ men and women that are looked up to for their beauty, handsomeness, wealth, position, and charming ability to convince that wrong is the new right. After all, we must be tolerant, not rock the boat, be politically correct as the tide dictates, and learn to keep God out of our schools, government, and daily lives. What? Well, I know the difference between right and wrong and have an enormous conscience. You, are my Redeemer, Savior, and my Rock. It is because of you that I am sane and able to live a good life. Why? Because I made a decision to do life your way instead of following my path to nowhere.

There are those all over the world who read my blogs. For that I am eternally grateful. It is my hope and prayer that they will be blessed for entering my world of struggles, fumbles, and gains. Hug them for me Father please letting them know I love them too and am praying for them.


Miss Dottie

PS  Note to Readers: "When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost." ~Billy Graham

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

In Paris and in love...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dear God,

Dr. Romance reporting in on this cold, wintry day! The sleet has started to fall making the sidewalk from the cottage to the little casa quite treacherous. As for me, I am snug as a bug with a fire going in the fireplace and El Divo music dancing through my head.

There are times when I just know that you place things and people in my life as special gifts.  A few weeks ago, I took out the love letters that my dad wrote to my mom during WWII. Since February is the month of love, I thought I would share this letter written Febuary 21, 1945 from the Grand Hotel in Paris...

Saturday Morning
February 21, 1945

My Darling,

Don't fall over now but, Love, I am in Paris. Honey, I sure was a lucky guy. Only two of us got passes to out of the company. It was Mullens and me. Mullens is the Ass. Motor Sgt. and he sure is a swell guy. Honey, guess your Sweetheart must rate in the company ~ there I go bragging again.

Well, I always said when I was over here I would like to see Paris. We sure have seen a lot of scenery and boy some of it is beautiful. We take the subway so it doesn't take long to get someplace. We got lost the first time we rode on the subway but now we've caught on how to go so we really get around the city.

I was going to buy some things but Honey you have got to be a millionaire. I did get you a bottle of perfume so I'll send it as soon as I get back. I hope you like it.

We are staying in a big hotel. It is just fun just being away on a pass but it sure is nice to sleep in a bed and white sheets. My gosh I haven't slept in them for ages. Boy it will feel good to get home and sleep in a good bed again. Okay, Honey? We can sure cuddle up then can't we. Honey, if that day would only come soon.

Boy, am I ever happy I got this pass 'cause I sure was sweating out that Rhine Crossing. The big push in on now. I hope none of my dear old buddies weren't hurt or killed. Boy, I hope they knock out the Germans on this drive. Maybe the end will come soon.

Honey, I hope, I hope, and I hope 'cause I want to come home to you. No matter where I go I always have my Babe in my mind. Honey I could never forget you. No I couldn't, not a sweet gal like you.

Today we are going out to the Eiffel Tower. Some of the boys were out there and said it was so nice. Gee Honey, I sure have enjoyed this trip here. It is so good to get away from all that shelling so you can see how happy I am going to be when I come home to you.

No Hon, I guess the boys want to go. Honey girl, I love you and I am being true blue to you. I just couldn't be anything else. So bye for now.

I love you so much. Your own

LORD, I am sitting her bawling like a baby. To know how much my parents loved each other means so much to me. The battles fought were fierce for my father and left him with a pain that is unfathomable to most of us. For today, I am taking this gift and thinking only of this particular Saturday morning in the Grand Hotel in Paris, February, 1945. I am imagining him sitting at a table in his room with thoughts of love for the woman at home he loved so dearly.

Father God in Heaven, I want to lift up all the families of and men and women serving in the armed forces. The horror of battle cannot be comprehended unless we are there to experience the shelling and blood shed across the land and sea. This Valentine's Day there will be men, just like my dad, writing to their sweethearts and wives. I hope that those who receive letters like my mom did, will preserve them for generations to read. At a time when there is so much abuse, corruption and selfishness, it means a lot to know that there are warriors with gentle spirits who really do love deeply.


Miss Dottie

PS Note to Readers: Valentine's Day is soon approaching. If you want to know exactly what love is, open your Bible to 1 Corinthians 13:4-8:

Letter writing has become so passe and, I think that's too bad. Emails, texts, tweets ... all can be lost with the "oops" of a finger. I used to love running to the mailbox to see if I had a letter from a sweet admirer or from family/friends. I would hang on each word pulling the paper to my heart. Somehow, my letters have become lost in the many moves. Maybe it's just as well. Always the romantic, I have them in my heart.