Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Every day is a gift

February 26, 2014

Dear God,

Well hello LORD, my friend and confidant! It's a mighty chilly day here in North Central Texas. Perfect day for indoor projects. My little furry boys Zeke and Kennedy were chasing each other and managed to knock a lamp on to the floor ... a little Gorilla Glue and oo wa la ... as good as new.

My days seem to be so crazy ~ up and down, up and down. I feel like I am really in the midst of a battle. Every bone and muscle in my body is screaming and I swear when I look down at my skin I almost expect to see bruises. I am sure my Readers are going through my blogs thinking that I live a pretty crazy yo yo life. Well, when you think about it, don't we all? Some days are great, others good, and then there's the fall through the floor kind of days.

Personally, I think the key to life is to not stay down when life deals you lemons. It would be so easy to just throw in the towel, hibernate in my cottage, and only peek out when the skies were sunny and temperatures in the balmy 70's. You're smiling, LORD. I'm not kidding. I'm the kind of person who could be a hermit if I let myself. I love people and being around positive, passionate fellow travelers. Yet, there's those times when I need that down time to REFRESH and regroup. Maybe I'm a dog lover because I understand why (when they are fearful, hurt, sick) they retreat under a bed to lick their wounds or just allow nature's healing. (Sigh)

I have a bit of Fibro Fog today, can you tell? My thoughts get a little fuzzy and I just want to close my eyes and zone out. Ugly stuff that Fibromyalgia. It seems to be the thorn in my side. I've been praying to you to remove it ~ heal my body and mind ~ but, so far, it's still a part of me. For my Readers suffering with chronic maladies, I empathize. For those of us who are independent souls, having to recognize that we need support and assistance can be pretty frustrating. As I write today, I am having trouble thinking of words ... aughhhhh! Maybe I need to just turn on the TV and watch some old movies. My TV in the cottage just has rabbit ears so I only get two channels ~ the rest are in Spanish and Chinese.

Father God, whatever life throws at me today, I will consider it a gift. I am alive, breathing, and able to clickety clack away on my keyboard touching souls for you. With my dying breath I will be encouraging people to keep on keeping on.

Yes, my days are gifts. This morning I was having a wonderful hot steamy cup of coffee when, all of a sudden, I looked down and Ruffy was rough housing with Zeke. Zeke was growling, Ruffy was doing her clogging, and I was laughing. Our most damaged adopted rescue is coming into her own. She is so animated and funny. I think she is ready to go on some short excursions outside of Seidler Dogdom. Thank you God for Ruffy and for the gift of joy she has brought to my life.

I come before you in humility offering you my day. Whatever happens, I pray that you would use me as your ambassador`. Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to thee. Be with each of my Readers showering them with your presence. Show yourself to them in some way that they know it is you for you are the great teacher, healer, encourager!


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: What gifts are you accepting today and which are you too blind to see? You were created for a purpose and your mother gave you life. All by itself, that is a gift. Life may or may not have been fair but I want you to know something~ as children we had the eyes and minds of children. We did what we needed to do to survive but that's not the end of the story. 1Corinthians 13:11-13 says it best:

"When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely. Three things will last forever ~ faith, hope, and love ~ and the greatest of these is love.

PS This is how God works in my life:

First, of all ~ Just as I wrapped up my blog this mornig, I got a message regarding a young woman of 28 who has just been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Father in Heaven, I think of my friend's coworker ~ comfort her and ease her pain. Fibromyagia is such a complex diagnosis and I pray that you would go before her giving her doctors supernatural wisdom regarding her care. I pray for healing knowing that you, Lord, are the great physician. No healing is too hard if it be your will.  I pray that you would bless her with your loving care, renewing her strength and healing what frustrates her. In your loving name I submit my request ... Amen!

What a gift to pray for my fellow Fibromyalgian (is that a word? Maybe just one I just made up); look around you, I'll be there are those in your path that need your prayers and service. Go for it!!

Secondly, just as I finished the above paragraph, the mail arrived with a note from my daughter, Jane, along with a random act of kindness gift.  It was a memorial blanket featuring my beloved pet Sadie who died last month. The note said: "A random act of kindness from your daughter Jane who is 'blessed to have a mom like you who is amazing and who is my best friend. I love you so much, Jane.'" Oh my, oh my, what a beautiful day!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah - I'm so glad you like the blanket. I have been enjoying planning my random acts of kindness for the 5 who signed up via Facebook. I have to say, planning surprises for others makes life more fun!!

    Love you~
