Friday, February 7, 2014

Love is in the air

February 7, 2014

Dear God,

It is absolutely freezing here. I must say, it's been a strange winter all around the country with sub zero temperatures, snow, and sleet. In California there is a town that is running out of water. Please don't send the 40 days and nights of rain BUT it sure would be nice to fill our lakes and streams. While you're at it, protect my little plants in the gardens ~ things are looking pretty sad out there. I had to dig out sweaters for the furry kids today. They do look pretty darn cute!

It's been one of those ho-hum days when I can't get my get-up in gear. I spent 2 days deep cleaning the little casa and when I do something like that, it takes me a couple days of rest to get going on my next project. Need you to infuse me with some kind of energy! At least on my down days I am able to write and catch up on reading. Blessings in disguise!

It's the month of love and I am loving my mother's memory today so if you see her tell her that I miss her and look forward to the day when I can see her once again. When I was 4 and my brother 3, we walked (all by ourselves) in the doll buggy parade. I was looking at the photo and thought, "My goodness, we look scared to death." I kept my focus on the photo trying to remember the day but all I could remember was my mother sewing my dress, decorating my buggy, and making our hats. My brother's hat was made from an oatmeal box. I think my mom had quite a creative streak because she sewed most of our clothes and pajamas and liked it when my brother and I looked "spit shined!"

I'm not sure why but my mother liked to dress us in white or pastel colors and she ironed everything. I'm laughing remembering the rigmarole of laundry day, the sprinkling of dry clothes, and the ironing process. I thought it was so cool when I was old enough to iron my dad's handkerchiefs. I still like to make sure all our clothes (and sheets) are crisp and fresh!

You know, LORD, love is in the air and I am so grateful to you for healing my heart filling it with the kind of love that transcends all understanding. I have been working on my genealogy but the one thing that is hard to know is who people really were, how they related to one another, and why they acted and reacted to certain situations. I guess life happens and unless there is a highway to truth and light, lives can get pretty messed up. I don't know why that when I began to clear out the crap, my heart had so much room for the love that is pure and unadulterated. I am jumping for joy.  Thank you!!

Adults aren't the only ones who get excited on Valentine's Day. I'll bet you get a kick out of the Valentine boxes children make. Hopefully, they still celebrate Valentine's Day in school. Just for the heck of it, I'd like to make an adult Valentine's Day box ... I hate it that we tend to lose our sense of child-like fun when it comes to love!!

Father God in Heaven, I am feeling overwhelmed by all things beautiful. My spirit soars as I listen to my El Divo CD's. Yes, love is in the air!! For my Readers, I pray that love will fill their hearts and beings. One way to feel the love is to do loving things for others. Come to think of it, maybe you could just sprinkle a little love over the whole world!!


Miss Dottie

PS Note to Readers: "One day someone is going to hug you so tight that all your broken pieces fit back together." ~Anonymous

1 comment:

  1. Well, sweet Mama... I sure do love you and I look forward to seeing you in March. Perhaps your wisdom can help build a bridge between Madison and me. I sure could use the help right now.

    Love you!!
