Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Is Wrong the New Right?

February 19, 2014

Dear God,

After what seemed like many weeks of bitter cold, we've had that first big taste of what is to come ~~ Spring! The sunny days filled with cool breezes put me in the mood to REFRESH outside. I trimmed, swept, dug, watered, weeded, pruned, bagged and raked my way to the back patio. Once there, I blew the leaves off, cleaned the patio furniture, and hand washed all the cushions. I saved the glorious job of cleaning out the washroom (it is outside) for last. I was a tired puppy, but last night I slept more soundly knowing that (for now) everything is squeaky clean and tidy.

As I moved from garden bed to garden bed, I couldn't believe all the new sprouts coming through from the perennials I've planted over the past two years. I need to remember that Rome wasn't built in a day and my gardens will take time to mature. I hope I live long enough to see everything fill out according to my vision. Last Spring, I finally reached the back fence so now, it's just adding new plants as I find them. I could use 21 additional brick sized stones and 50 pathway stones for the final back garden. My furry kids love to follow the pathways as they wind throughout the yard. They are so funny ... the dogren, that is! (Smile!)

Living in an "antique" house has been ~~ well, interesting. I call it the mini money pit. A couple hours ago, a foundation company come out to check on what could be done to fix the cracks that have been appearing in the center part of the house. The house was leveled before inside renovations but they used wooden shims and didn't really fix the problem. We have some rotted wood that has to be replaced and quite a few piers put in (the right side of the house is 3" lower that the left thus the cracking in the middle). I think I need to take my sign and cup and stand on the street corner. Between the big tree, the patio cover, my dented car, and now the foundation, I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed.

LORD, I am so grateful for our wonderful conversations through this blog, prayer time, and to you for just being my friend as I go about my day. I just love it when I ask you questions and receive leanings towards specific scriptures. With the news of the foundation, my question was, "What now, who do I trust and how is this going to work out?" Immediately, Psalm 37 popped into my head ... "Let the Lord lead you and trust him to help. Then it will be as clear as the noonday sun..." Okay, I will do what I can do on my end and trust you with the rest one day at a time.

Yesterday on my way back from Whitney, I was listening to Dennis Prager on the radio. I've never listened to him before but he was talking about what's considered important for a good life and the topic sounded pretty interesting. Number one thing that seems to head the list in 2014 is being smart, getting A's, and, therefore insuring that success will follow. What has been forgotten is CHARACTER. I have been thinking about that program ever since wondering if I rewarded and taught my children the right things as they were growing up. Did I reward a C as much as an A if they worked diligently doing the best they could? Did I introduced them to you, LORD, instilling Christian values, morals, and ethics? Did I show up as they lived their lives being there for them but not solving every issue? Did I allow them the freedom to fail and grow ultimately encouraging them to be responsible adults? Did I teach them to seek answers to their own questions and "go for" their own desires? I would say, "How bad do you want it?" You'd have to ask them, but I think so.  All this leads me to:

A few years ago, I was chatting with an older lady quite nonchalantly about the weather, our health challenges, etc. when all of a sudden, she took a deep breath and her story came tumbling out almost faster than I could digest the words. When she was done, she looked at me and said, "I've said too much, you must hate me." I assured her that I was not her judge nor her jury, I did not hate her, and thanked her for her candidness. The next day, she arrived on my doorstep with a nervous look on her face. "I am sorry, I don't know why I said all those things." She went on to tell me that she'd left the more sordid parts out but maybe someday... I felt this deep sadness inside of me ~ here was this beautiful lady who lived a life of moral decay from the time she was a teen. She was running from you and trying to hide in her feminist, liberal lifestyle. I could hear you saying, "Come to me ... come to me." Maybe she shared her story because she knew I live in truth and light and don't judge. I'm not sure why she chose me to tell her story to but I do know she's in pain and is so vocal about the hypocritical people in churches who call themselves Christians. My response is, "What better place for hypocritical people is there than God's church." You came to save the sinner not the saint!

It is good to bare our souls and to regurgitate all the anger, puss, and evilness that has dwelt in the innermost parts of our psyche's, hearts, and minds. It is also imperative to fill those empty tapes with good ones. I've done that for years now not allowing those old tapes to return. I recognize them and upon hearing just a few thoughts, pull the plug and turn to positive energizing newness. When I open my Facebook page, I meditate on the good quotes and thoughts being posted. I know that if I don't stay in "you" and in good, I will falter and be pulled into a deep abyss.

Men and women of good character may or may not be the best orators nor the most beautiful and handsome. Yet, there is something about them that brings peace, truth, and stability. I confess that I have found myself drawn to charismatic people who speak with forked tongues ... people who say one thing but do another. I call them people of the lie ~ people that believe their lies so much that they could pass lie detector tests. I find that all too many times, I have been drawn in and my life has become a nightmare. I must be super vigilant these days forgetting about offering grace too cheaply.

Father God, I fall before you on my knees. I wonder how soon it will be before the Bible is altered to fit today's standards? Do I believe what you've written or do I pick and choose? Do I believe in the trinity of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit? Does my life reflect your goodness and mercy?

In my lifetime, I've witnessed the erosion of good character. I've witnessed the climb of sociopaths and inwardly devious people in modern day America ~ men and women that are looked up to for their beauty, handsomeness, wealth, position, and charming ability to convince that wrong is the new right. After all, we must be tolerant, not rock the boat, be politically correct as the tide dictates, and learn to keep God out of our schools, government, and daily lives. What? Well, I know the difference between right and wrong and have an enormous conscience. You, are my Redeemer, Savior, and my Rock. It is because of you that I am sane and able to live a good life. Why? Because I made a decision to do life your way instead of following my path to nowhere.

There are those all over the world who read my blogs. For that I am eternally grateful. It is my hope and prayer that they will be blessed for entering my world of struggles, fumbles, and gains. Hug them for me Father please letting them know I love them too and am praying for them.


Miss Dottie

PS  Note to Readers: "When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost." ~Billy Graham

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